Deutero-Isaiah cannot refer to Jesus because the time period, the events covered, and the general theme do not fit. This is a long shot, but if you have "Jerome's Bible Commentary" which is Catholic, says what I just posed, but they conclude that it "prefigures Jesus". IOW, it sets up a comparative paradigm.
Isaiah covers the Babylonian exile that took place five centuries before Jesus, plus the general theme runs like this:
1.Israel did not follow the Law (613 of them) close enough...
2.Israel is punished by being taken over by the Babylonians, with a great many being exiled there...
3.a "remnant" returns to eretz Israel...
4.God insists that Israel must follow the Law much more carefully from then on.
Now, that clearly cannot be a reference to the church simply on one basis alone, namely that the church gradually walked away from the Law, and that process clearly shows up in Acts.
If you want to deal with Isaiah 53+, let me link you to this site:
BTW, let me just add that I really don't much get into the "messiah" issue because it simply doesn't apply to where I'm coming from.