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Movies you've seen more than 8 times - FESS UP!


Glass half Panda'd
You reminded me of a few more :D

The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Lives of Others
Donnie Darko
Pan's Labyrinth
Hundreds of cartoons from childhood... namely Disney and Bluth pictures.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Forest Gump

Edward Scissor Hands

Bevely Hills Cop

Plains Trains and Automobiles


Terms of Edearmant


Lady and the Tramp(HUNDREDS OF TIMES)

And all the rest of them.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Alien III
Alien IV
(ok... ok... I like these movies... a lot)

I have seen a good many movies 4-6 times... but the list of 8's or over is fairly small.
By this time next year there will probably be a couple of Helen Mirren movies in this group.


Somewhere Around Nothing
Here are the ones off the top of my head.

The Fifth Element
The Saint

I am sure there are some others but can't think of them right now.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Alien III
Alien IV
(ok... ok... I like these movies... a lot)

I have seen a good many movies 4-6 times... but the list of 8's or over is fairly small.
By this time next year there will probably be a couple of Helen Mirren movies in this group.

Me tooo!!!

And that reminds me Ghost Busters! I've seen that one part one and two about 20 times each!



P.s GET away from her YOU *****! LOL)


Veteran Member
Now - a few of these I've seen more than eight times INVOLUNTARILY - but I won't say which ones...

Gone With The Wind
Pulp Fiction
Napoleon Dynamite
Full Metal Jacket
The Sound of Music
Henry V
Conan the Barbarian
All the Disney movies (but I have five kids, so that doesn't really count)
Fiddler On the Roof
Apocalypse Now
The Bounty
Shallow Grave

I'm sure there are more, but this is a start!

i am afraid i've seen kid's movie "Cars" more than 8 times thanks to my nephew :D



Veteran Member

YOu need to get out more! LOL!!



:D you're right. i do not go out a lot.
i guess it was 2-3 years ago when we had this "Cars" situation at home. we watched it every night, again and again....oh dear...i am so glad my nephew does not a favorite movie this summer.



Depends Upon My Mood..
:D you're right. i do not go out a lot.
i guess it was 2-3 years ago when we had this "Cars" situation at home. we watched it every night, again and again....oh dear...i am so glad my nephew does not a favorite movie this summer.


Your a sweet person..Your nephew is lucky to have you!Thats better than the movie!




Treasure Hunter
I haven't counted how many times I've seen movies... more than 8 times... I'm sure I've watched these more than 8 times:

Beauty and the Beast
The Little Mermaid
The Lion King

I know I've seen them quite a few times because they were my favourites when I was little. And then:

Sleepy Hollow (with Johnny Depp, because I was "in love" with him in 6th grade... I had that entire movie memorized...)
Scream 3 (this movie was on HBO all the time one summer, so my sister and I watched it about 20 times.)

I cannot think of any more... There's lots of movies that I've seen a lot, but I'm not sure if it was more than 8 times...


RF Addict
Why movies you have watched more than eight times? Why not seven, or ten?

I could pick a few movies I have watched four or five times, but not eight.


Done here.
Off the top of my head:

The Wizard of Oz
It's a Wonderful Life
The Planet of the Apes (1968)
King Kong (1933)
Gone With the Wind
The Women (1939)
The Princess Bride
The Chronicles of Riddick series
Legally Blonde
The Legend of Drunken Master
Fifth Element
Coal Miner's Daughter
Cheaper By the Dozen (1950)
Saving Silverman
Scorched (not the one with Gary Busey; the one where everybody robs the bank)

Probably more. I don't have very sophisticated taste, I guess. Most of my friends think Saving Silverman is my favorite movie, but I really, really, like Scorched. :D


Done here.
Rocky Horror Picture Show
I forgot about that one; when I was a freshman, everybody went to see it every weekend at the midnight movies.

I bought that on DVD just because I had never seen it, and I was going to watch it with friends, but about ten minutes in, everybody agreed they'd seen enough.

Steel Magnolias
How did I forget that?

Fiddler on the Roof
The Lion In Winter
The 13th Warrior
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Blues Brothers 2000
I haven't seen any of these more than eight times, but I will before I'm done.

Also I should've listed Torch Song Trilogy. I'm the freaking apostle of Harvey Fierstein. If you come to my house and say you've never seen Torch Song Trilogy, you're sure to be offered the opportunity. Also Coal Miner's Daughter. My friend Tracy has successfully avoided watching Coal Miner's Daughter so far, though; it's his only flaw.


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
The only movie I know for sure I've seen 8 or more times was the first release of Star Wars... but then many ppl did.

I don't know about these others, if not 8 times then close. I'm not counting all the Disney/Pixar movies I had to watch with the kids. Also not counting the seasonal recurring movies like 'The Ten Commandments'.


Star Trek (the first movie, much more like 2001 than it was like Star Wars)

Heavy Metal

Blade Runner

The Dark Crystal

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Corpse Bride (maybe not 8 times but I luv Tim Burton)


The Dirty Dozen
(plus a lot of other war movies my dad always watched EVERY time they were on TV)

The The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Legend of Drunken Master

Big Trouble in Little China

Fiddler On the Roof

ZARDOZ!!! (not 8 times but a lot)

... that's all for now, odd mix aint it? :D
Last edited:


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
OOPs, I forgot these:

O Brother Where Art Thou
American Beauty
Wizard of Oz
Princess Bride
Postcards from the Edge
The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood
Last of the Mohicans
Hope Floats


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Oh and

office space
planes trains and automobiles
the legend of ricky bobby


Tu Stultus Es
My list would look a lot like this minus a few and plus The Road Warrior.
The Road Warrior! How could I forget that! I think my friends and I watched it our sophmore year of high school during spring break about 10 times. That and Evil Dead, Martin, Fright Night and Ladyhawke.