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Movies You've Seen Recently

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


Some Kind of Strange
Maize said:

I want to see this too!

I very highly recommend it for adults who enjoy foreign films. It's playing in a very scarce amount of theatres, so if you can find one that's playing it near you, GO!


Citizen Mod
Mad Magazine’s Up The Academy
DVD/ Color/ 87 Mins./ R/ 1980
Before he waxed on (and off) as the Karate Kid, a young Ralph Macchio appeared in this uproarious adolescent comedy about a group of mischievous military school misfits forced to suffer under a sadistic headmaster (Ron Liebman). Directed by the independent-minded Robert Downey Sr., the film features Barbara Bach as a gun-toting armaments specialist and Tom Poston as an instructor who loves bed checks.

This was a bit of a blast from the past. When I was younger I had seen this movie about 12 times but hadn’t seen it over 20 years. I watched it to see if it would hold up in the laugh department but it failed miserably. At the time this movie was all we had and though it has some inspired parts, the movie just didn’t recapture my fancy as it did back then. Not a shame to admit that I still have the soundtrack.


Through the Looking Glass
MysticSang'ha said:
Egads! Worse than Plan 9 from Outer Space? :eek: :p

"Plan 9" isn't even close to bad. In fact, it works pretty well as a comedy. For bad, check out "The Beast of Yucca Flats," "Manos: The Hands of Fate," "Sextette" or "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."


I watched the first 15 minutes of Snakes on a Plane.





Deviled Hen
MysticSang'ha said:
Egads! Worse than Plan 9 from Outer Space? :eek: :p

There's a level of "bad" that actually becomes "camp."

Like Surf Nazis Must Die or I Was A Zombie For The FBI. :)

I went to a doubleheader this morning: Happy Feet and Night At The Museum.

Happy Feet was ok -- typical kinda kids movie and about what I expected. :shrug:

Night at the Museum was pretty funny, though I found it a bit draggy in the middle.

I'm waiting to see The Good German this next week.


Deviled Hen
NoahideHiker said:
I went and saw Children of Men with Clive Owen. Very good!

Wasn't that one rated R? Sometimes I wait to see those on Netflix. I don't do much gross stuff. I could handle Munich, but it did take some work.

I figure I've seen enough grossity in real life, and really don't see the point in paying money to see any more. :cover:

I can't wait to see Pan's Labyrinth.

The trailers look intriguing. Come back and tell us when you do!

It's not anything I'm every going to get my moviegoing friend to go see. She'd be more likely to get me to see a chick flick. :biglaugh:


Deviled Hen
NoahideHiker said:
It wasn't too gross. It was some language, violence and brief nudity.

Ah, the language and nudity doesn't bother me. Violence may or may not. I'm not into blood and guts. My moviegoing friends jokes with me about this. I guess 20 years as a trauma nurse sort of inures you to that sort of thing.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
I just saw War of the Worlds on TV. I have no clue how that thing didn't get an R rating with all that violence and gore.

That aside, curious movie it was.


Glass half Panda'd
Gladiator.... dont worry, i've seen it before, but I just saw it again recently. It's SUCH a good movie, I really love it. :)


Well-Known Member
The Lost Highway...

Wow. Lynch you are a genious, rock on, Eraserhead I must see.


Religious Headbanger
Mercy Not Sacrifice said:
I just saw War of the Worlds on TV. I have no clue how that thing didn't get an R rating with all that violence and gore.

That aside, curious movie it was.

It didn't get an R because it was Spielburge who made it. About half way through that movie I was rooting for the aliens just so Dakota Fanning would stop that screaming. My goodness! There were dogs two blocks away barking when I watched it. :eek:


Citizen Mod
TOP GUN (Rifftrax commentary performed by Mike Nelson and Bill Corbett)
DVD/ Color/ 109 Mins./ PG/ 1986
Had a lot of fun with this. I hadn’t seen the movie for quite some time and ex-Mystery Science Theater 3000 alumni served it up quite nicely. Shocking were the Scientology stabs that were taken at Tom Cruise’s expense and hilarious were the mimicked musical sounds of Berlin’s “Take Your Breath Away”. One of the better commentaries from these gentleman.

Halloween (Rifftrax commentary performed by Mike Nelson and Kevin Murphy)
DVD/ Color/ 93 Mins./ R/ 1978
Tame by today standards, the MST3K guys commented on all the film John Carpenter wasted shooting people walking the streets, the ineffective soundtrack that kept reoccurring during non-action sequences and the fact that there were not enough killings in the movie to satisfy today’s movie goers. Donald Pleasence’s wooden performance was discussed as well as his baldness.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I have been to see a film!!!!! lol ..we are too mean to pay to go, and are subscribed to attend previews and give our opinions of them.

We saw "The last King of Scotland" http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox_searchlight/thelastkingofscotland/

The acting was superb, the subject a bit frightening (basically it was about when Idi Amin came to power)..it soon became quite gruesome - but, on the whole, well worth watching!


Death Tunnel.freakiness. watching some special commentary afterwards, they actually captured an apparition on screen while filming and there were 102 degree days while filming and people all of a sudden would feel that a freezer door just opened up beside them. :eek:


Citizen Mod
DVD/ Color / 86 Mins./ PG/ 1987
Rappers The Fat Boys portray the kind of incompetent medical orderlies who would give The Three Stooges a run for their money! Hired to care for a grumpy, ailing Palm Beach millionaire, the boys inadvertently play right into the hands of the man's evil nephew, who hopes that their combined ineptitude will kill the old codger. Not so fast! Costars Ralph Bellamy, Anthony Geary and Tony Plana. Directed by Michael Schultz.
function playExternal(previewURL, movieId){ var newImage = new Image(1,1); newImage.src = PAGE_ROOT + "NoContent?lnkctr=TWMV_" + movieId; window.location.href = previewURL; }


Religious Headbanger
I watched The Illusionist and Crank last weekend. The Illusionist was great for it's direction and the feel of it. The plot was very predictable though.

Crank was great because of the camera angles and the was it was filmed. There was one sex scene which ruined the whole movie because it was just so un needed.