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Muhammad The Greatest: A comparative study


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's possible to discuss the character of Muhammad with Muslims without causing a lot of bad feeling.

I thought this thread was going to be about Muhammad Ali ....

Response: Lol. No this is not a thread about Muhammad Ali but I can see why one would think so. As for muslims getting their feelings hurt, I appreciate your compassion for muslims first and foremost because many non-muslims don't share the same view. However, I insist that all muslims should be humble enough to put their emotions aside and be able to have these type of discussions because muslims are responsible for correcting the message of prophet Muhammad. Much can be gained from these types of discussions because you get to be able to understand both the muslim and non-muslim viewpoints of prophet Muhammad which would help bridge the gap between muslims and non-muslims.


Well-Known Member
You ain't kidding.
In fact, many Muslims get irate and start dictating to you what you believe and what you are all about for merely asking a question about it.

Happened right here on RF.

You ain't kidding.
I know from personal experience right here on RF that even asking a question that (some) Muslims dislike will cause them to go all postal.

Response: Well we must have two very different experiences because I've never seen any muslim go postal in a debate like this. I've witnessed muslims take shot after shot and not once use any profanity or slander in response.

I believe though that these allegations take muslims off guard and by surprise because they never heard these things before about their prophet. It's because of this that muslims may go postal. When I first heard these allegations it stopped me in my tracks.

In my experience, it was always the other way around though. It's the non-muslims who go postal. When I've had these discussions on other forums, the non-muslims would become so irritated because when it came to providing evidence for their claims they couldn't do so. They tried their best to get me wild up but was irritated when they couldn't do so. On one particular forum, the thread averaged 100 post a day. Clearly the most popular thread. But by day 4 or 5 the thread was closed because the non-muslims went postal and would complain to the moderators that I was being a problem somehow. So the moderator closed the thread and said that it was because the thread was "unproductive." Unproductive? It averaged 100 posts a day! In another forum, the moderator would join the discussion and delete my posts because he/she couldn't back up their allegations. Another member on the forum practically begged the moderator not to delete the thread because it was the most popular one. And in another forum a thread was closed for basically the same reasons why the other thread was closed but this time they didn't even have the courtesy to say so. They just closed it with no warning or notice or reason why.

So we have two completely different experiences and as a newbie to RF, I wonder what this experience would bring.


Well-Known Member
It is not clear whether or not Muhammed engaged in sexual relations with the girl, so we can't revile him for that with any certainty (although he does specifically mention fondling young virgins in another text). However, there is no question that she was too young to consent to a relationship with a man so much older, and this alone makes him a poor role model.

Response: Fondling young virgins? Please provide the evidence for your claim. Also, she was to young to consent to a relationship with a man? According to who? And why is this reason to view him as a poor role model?

Quote: Imagist
During his life, Muhammed attacked Meccan and Bedouin caravans and eventually invaded the city of Mecca, where he forcibly removed the statues which the people worshiped. In addition, his teachings set the stage for the conquest of Arabia, Persia, and Northern Africa.

For the stuff about his life this has some information. As for the conquests based on his teachings, those are common knowledge.

Response: I've noticed a pattern. When I ask someone a question, they respond with a link. Why not answer the question yourself? Why use a link to argue your case? The most important question is whether or not the link's information is true. So how do you know that the information is true? Because the link said so?


The Lost One
RemnanteK said:
I personally will not slander another belief without proof that is irrefutable, and sense that proof is hard to come by I leave in the hands of the only true Judge, 'God'.

Well, there has never been a single irrefutable proof about any religious belief (not just referring to Islam). All the miracles that prophets "claimed" or people have said to "witnessed", are examples of not proofs, but bogus belief and exaggeration and faith on such belief.

The pigs and cows can fly first before we have any irrefutable proof about religion.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't bother you that the founder of your religion also thought that camel's urine had medicinal value?

If someone told me that I should drink camel's urine to cure any illness, I would find anything else they said to be suspect.

Response: Well, let me ask you a couner question. Do you eat the candy skittles? How about starburst?


Well-Known Member
Precisely. Due to Muslim's unusual fixation on their demigod it is difficult to have any meaningful discussion on the matter.

For example after his famous 'night journey' Muhammad's companions really thought he had finally gone right off his rocker. One story goes that a person came up to Abu Bakr and asked him what he thought about it. His comment was something like, "If the Prophet says it happened, then it happened." Evidently because this came from Abu Bakr that settled the matter. Islamic "thought" consists of appeals to authority all the way back to god. Such is the extent of Muslim 'reasoning'.

Response: What's wrong with a man acknowledging what his prophet has done?


It is not clear whether or not Muhammed engaged in sexual relations with the girl, so we can't revile him for that with any certainty
Actually we can. He married her when she turned 6, but consummated his marriage when she hit puberty. In her case, at the age of 9. You can find the appropriate hadith in Sahih Bukhari:

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Well-Known Member
I personal don't find it my place to judge another character I do believe that is 'God's' place not mine.

As for Muhammad, I don't know him, but if you can take something good from him that brings you closer to God then that glory is 'Gods'.

So Fatihah, if Muhammad has given you a good example of character take them and use them if they help you know 'God' better.

I personally will not slander another belief without proof that is irrefutable, and sense that proof is hard to come by I leave in the hands of the only true Judge, 'God'.

Response: It humbles my heart dearly to hear you say this. Coming from a muslim would be humbling but coming from a christian means a lot more. I've never in my life heard a christian speak such kind words concerning Muhammad. This is a complete shock to me.
But most importantly, it shows the great character and humility that you yourself have and I must commend you and say that it is quite admirable of you.

God Bless.


Well-Known Member
There are many things i could quote,like the killing of the Poet etc,if you think he was of good character thats your choice,if you can discern which Hadith is true(even some of the true ones are'nt good) or false which you will find difficult because not all Muslims agree on which are true or false and still see him as a good character we are surely not reading from the same page.

Response: There is no difficulty in deciding which hadiths are true. It has already been decided. The collection of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are the reliable sources. Just because a muslim disagrees does not make it unreliable. 2+2 equals 4. If I were to disagree with this, does it make it untrue? Of course not.

Quote: England my lionheart
He ordered the killing of an old woman by ripping her apart.
Umm Qirfa, Fatima, was a very old women. She was known in Arabia as a woman with great honor and pride. Muhammad claimed that she was planning on killing him, so he sent his gang members to attack her village lead by Zayd Bin haritha. The lady was captured and ordered to be killed by ripping her body apart.
They tied a rope to each of her legs then tied the other end to two strong camels, they whipped the camels, driving them to pull with their greatest force. The body of the poor woman was ripped apart. Praised to be Allah and peace be upon his merciful prophet.

The executioner appointed by Zayd 'tied each of her legs with a rope and tied the ropes to camels, and they split her in two.' (Tabari)

Response: This is from Tabari which is unauthentic. Are you saying that this hadith is true? If so, provide your evidence.


The muslim response to Tabari usually takes the form of denouncing it all as untrue because it does contain a lot of explicit stories about Muhammad that people today would view in a negative light.


Worshipper of Athe.
"Premarin is the commercial name for compound drug consisting primarily of conjugated estrogens. Isolated from mare's urine (PREgnant MARes' urINe), it is manufactured by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and has been marketed since 1942. It is available in oral (0.3/ 0.45/ 0.625/ 0.9/ 1.25mg), IV, and topical form."
Premarin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A mare is a horse, not a camel. Furthermore, just because mare's urine contains it doesn't mean that drinking mare's urine is an effective way of administering the drug.

"Camel urine treatment was found to cause a significant cytotoxic effect in the bone marrow cells of mice. This cytotoxicity at higher doses was comparable with that of standard drug cyclophosphamide (CP)."

Effect of camel urine on the cytological and bioch...[J Ethnopharmacol. 1996] - PubMed Result

Cytotoxicity, or cell death, is not medicinally valuable. In fact, cytotoxicity is a negative side effect of cyclophosphamide. So saying that camel urine is as toxic as the side effect of a medicine proves even further that Muhammed should not have been giving out medical advice.


Worshipper of Athe.
There is no proof whatsoever that Aisha was 9 when Muhammed (PBUH) married her.

There is the ancient text which I quoted and linked.

Even Muslims themselves don't agree on that, so there is no truth here.

Whether or not Muslims agree on the subject has nothing to do with whether it is true or not.

As for religious wars? Please mention the wars that Muhammed (PBUH) waged for apparently no reason on defenseless people. Give me one example please.

Nobody said anything about defenseless people. I have already given an example of Muhammed waging a religious war: his attack on Mecca and removal of the statues which people worshiped.

You do realise that Qur'an was delivered to Muhammed, so following the Qur'an means also following the Prophet (PBUH). Both are inseparable.

I do realize that the Quran was written by Muhammed. Just because someone wrote a book that people believe in doesn't mean those people have to imitate everything that person does.


Worshipper of Athe.
On a related note, i think some non-Muslims confuse the word "discussion" with "aggression". If you are interested to discuss Islam, it is fine. If you want to have constructive and healthy criticism, it is fine. But when you start your comments aggressively with "pedophile" and other offensive terms and then whine about Muslims not being interested to "discuss" any further or in some cases whine about the long replies explaining Islam and refuting those despicable accusations then!!! What the hell do you expect us to do in your standards of "discussion". Just listen to some rubbish and nod?

According to the text I quoted, Muhammed married a nine-year-old girl. The topic of discussion is whether we should emulate the actions of Muhammed. It is morally wrong for one to marry a nine-year-old girl, so it is therefore morally wrong to emulate that particular action of Muhammed.

I don't know of a non-offensive way to refer to someone who marries nine-year-old girls. The reason for this is that the action is offensive. If you prefer that I use a different term, let me know what that term is and I will happily use it, provided that it actually refers to people who marry nine-year-old girls.


Worshipper of Athe.
You might have heard of a medication called Premain or Prempro, it's for women going through menopause. My mum had to take it.

The funny thing is, guess what it's made from? Horse urine.

This does not prove that untreated horse urine has medicinal value, let alone camel urine.

It's sort of icky to think about, but urine has and is used in various cultures for medical uses. A part of urine, urea, is used in lots of ways and yes, in medicine. No, it really doesn't bother me that the Prophet may have suggested it back then. I'm not suggesting anyone go out and down a pint of some pee, medicine and science have progressed since back then. :p

This guy is supposed to have been the mouthpiece of the one and only omniscient god. If Muhammed is giving out medicinal advice that by modern standards is ridiculous, isn't it possible that the same could be said for his religious and ethical advice?


Worshipper of Athe.
Great, the next thing i am expecting to hear is that he ate a baby!

That is pure rubbish, and i can say that with such confidence.

Do you have any basis for this confidence?

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) who taught us how to be careful and respect the life of an animal and a plant during war, will kill a woman like that?
I can't presume to know what the prophet would do. Neither can you.

It is amazing how most attacks on Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) character are based one some fabricated "Hadiths". Read and understand Qur'an, a message that was delivered to us by Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him), was protected from alteration and tell me how it contradicts most of those fabrications attributed to him.
Just because someone writes a code of behavior doesn't mean that person follows that code perfectly. I will write right now that it is generally wrong to lie, but I have lied during my lifetime. Likewise, Muhammed may have written about respecting life, but that doesn't mean he always respected life.

Furthermore, if we are to emulate the example set by the prophet, we must have some information about what the prophet did during his life, since without that we have no example to follow. What source of information about the prophet do we have other than the ancient texts written about him?

It is very disappointed how such a great message is misunderstood and in many cases got distorted.
We need not interpret the Quran through the lens of what Muhammed did. A person can do terrible things and yet still write a good book.


Worshipper of Athe.
Response: I've noticed a pattern. When I ask someone a question, they respond with a link. Why not answer the question yourself? Why use a link to argue your case? The most important question is whether or not the link's information is true. So how do you know that the information is true? Because the link said so?

If you read my posts, I have provided my own arguments. The links merely provide background information.

If you have any basis for your claim that the links contain faulty information, please provide it. Ancient texts are the best and only source we have about what Muhammed did during his life, so there's no choice but to take them seriously. As for the Wikipedia article, if you can provide a credible source which contradicts what is on the Wikipedia article, I'll be happy to change the information there myself.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Response: This is from Tabari which is unauthentic. Are you saying that this hadith is true? If so, provide your evidence.

Are you,how many Hadiths are there that are believed to be true by some but not by others,i have read many and as a non Muslim it does'nt make good reading.