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Muhammad The Greatest: A comparative study


“…and Bingo was his name!”

Yes, and they both contain a lot of questionable material which gives anyone a right to question Muhammad’s status as the so–called ideal man. Sahih Muslim, for example, contains a hadith in which ‘Aishah herself states Muhammad struck her in the chest and caused her pain. He did it because she followed him at night while he tried to sneak to another wife’s house, but regardless — he hit her. Yet many muslims claim Muhammad never struck a woman.

According to Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad claims that:
  1. Satan pisses in your ears (and possibly your nose) while you sleep
  2. Satan farts every time someone gives the call to prayer
  3. That the gigantic mole on Muhammad’s back proved his status as a prophet of god (the actual ‘seal’ of prophets)
  4. That summer and winter come from Hell taking a breath twice a year because its different parts eat each other
  5. That Muhammad kissed the Black Stone in reverence leading to Abu Bakr saying to the Black Stone that he only kissed it because he saw Muhammad doing it
  6. Muhammad prayed salah after falling asleep following sex without wudu (ablution)
  7. Muhammad claimed people kept bewitching him
  8. That anyone who takes up archery and stops practising it has, in effect, apostated from Islâm
  9. Contrary to popular legend, Muhammad COULD read and write and did so on numerous occasions.

ok ,let's discuss them one by one..let's start with the last one (no. 9)...provide the alleged ahadith from al bukhari and muslim that says prophet muhammad could read and write and did that in numerous occasions !! I AM ALL EARS

edit : if you couldn't provide the hadith you claimed (no.9) ,you owe muslims an apology either for intentionally cheating or for blindly coping and pasting from whatever crap you find..
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Is love a crime
Volume 2, Book 23, Number 413:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar :
The Jew brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from amongst them who have committed (adultery) illegal sexual intercourse. He ordered both of them to be stoned (to death), near the place of offering the funeral prayers beside the mosque."
no certainly love isn't a crime ,but adultery is(provided there are four witnesses to prove it )..they were pinished for adultery ,not for love
and btw ,the picture was for...?
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
no certainly love isn't a crime ,but adultery is(provided there are four witnesses to prove it )..they were pinished for adultery ,not for love
and btw ,the picture was for...?

But does'nt adultery happen because of love sometimes,besides adultery doesnt warrant being stoned to death and thats all the poor girl in the picture did.


I don't see any Muslims encouraging pedophilia as a valid form of emulation, though.
Then look harder. Plenty of muslim countries (such as Afghanistan) feature child brides to old men, one recent example even made it to local papers here in Britain.

Take this as a small example. It takes place because people cannot condemn it due to Muhammad’s actions.

National Public Radio collection of some child brides. The 2nd picture you see made it into a free weekday newspaper in Britain called Metro.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
ok ,let's discuss them one by one..let's start with the last one (no. 9)...provide the alleged ahadith from al bukhari and muslim that says prophet muhammad could read and write and did that in numerous occasions !! I AM ALL EARS

edit : if you couldn't provide the hadith you claimed (no.9) ,you owe muslims an apology either for intentionally cheating or for blindly coping and pasting from whatever crap you find..

Ok hereis one
Bukhari vol. 7, #88:
"Narrated Urwa: ‘The prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The following two examples are typical of many such stories which could be told, but serve to demonstrate how Muhammad's example blights the lives of children now.
"A Saudi man in his 50s has announced that he refuses to annul his year-and-a half-long marriage to an eight-year-old girl, because he claims never to have done anything forbidden by Islamic law.
He said that Islamic law does not set a specific age for marriage, and that the Prophet Muhammad married 'Aisha when she was nine."
Source: Al-Hayat, London, August 13, 2008

Not good is it


Intentionally Blank
Response: True. This is an example of good character.

Fatihah: If you believe that killing someone for their religious belief demonstrates good character, then our values are so different that there is no point is discussing the matter. I think it demonstrates the worst possible kind of character. To me, murder is a bad thing. If you think it's a good thing then yes, you will find Muhammed to be of good character. I happen to have a problem with it.

I also have a feeling that you will agree, as soon the specifics are changed. What I mean is, if a Christian converts to Islam, is it good character for other Christians to kill him?


I want Khilafah back
Christianity,Judaism and Islam were all devised by Men IMO,Christianity now has little resemblance to when it began and apart from some extreme branches has moved on,Islam and Judaism have'nt moved on,that apart Judaism is no threat to me or my country but Islam is.
Last month in Turkey a bunch of scolars and clerics of Islam called for Jihad,now to you it means personal struggle but to them it means kill the Infidel and people of the book because some of them want to bring the end time forward ASAP and what scholar thought up the Taleban.
I can only give my opinion as an outsider and can only comprehend what i read and hear and what i read and hear about Muhammed does'nt endere him to me.

the term JIHAD has many meanings, you must understand that when you hear someone say the word jihad, it is not always to fight the non beleivers, here are some examples for you about jihad;

jihad can be used in a personal way/battle ie. agaisnt the satan, the satan is our worst enemie so people go to jihad against the satan,

another is to fight those people who wright false info about islam, not fight as in kill them but instead out smart them, dissprove their lies as soon as they become public,

this is jihad, there are many ways, but just because you hear the word Jihad, it does not mean that someone is going to get hurt.

as for the scholars of turkey, they have their reasons, if it is about war, then they would be talking about the middle eastern wars, (iraq, lebanon, palestine, afghanistan....), we are obligated to fight, some will some won't. this is a war against islam, so it is natural that they would be speaking of jihad as in to kill the invaders.


I want Khilafah back
He was kicked out of Mecca. That doesn't give him justification for going back and killing people.

so who gave the meccans justification to kick him out?

and which people did he kill exactly, when mecca was invaded all the people became muslims, do you wish to know why, the people said "o muhammed what will you do with us" he said "you are free to do what you wish" (the wording may not be exact cos i don't have the actual text with me), once they saw how murciful he was they all embraced islam, no meccans were harmed when the city was taken over by the muslims, the only people that were harmed were those who fought in the 3 wars.


I want Khilafah back
The English did destroy Native American cultures, and that was wrong too.

so then the english people are to be punished for crimes against humanity. well the queen, not every peorson. and still people look up to her, respect her, etc... so why is it that Muhammed (saws) is a criminal, and people shouldn't look up to him. i mean if you compare the two,what the queen did comapred to Muhammed (saws) is like comparing the ocean to a drop of water, isn't it. and yet Muhammed (saws) is still the criminal right.

Just because the English did something bad doesn't mean it's okay for Muslims to do bad things too

we never did anything bad.
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I want Khilafah back
Nobody is claiming that the western world is perfect. But that doesn't mean that it's okay to do bad things just because others are doing it.

so then why do you beleive the false accusations that "Muhammed (saws) is a criminal, a bad man, etc..." just because they don't beleive in him it doesn't mean you should do what they do. does it?


I want Khilafah back
One verse specifically says to kill non-muslims wherever you find them. That doesn't sound like it's defensive or only for times of war, it sounds like it's encouraging muslims to start wars.

well another verse in the quran says to not start war, because Allah hates those who start wars or who provoke. so again the verse is about times of war. that specific verse says to kill the non beleivers everywhere you see them, but the specific people that it is speaking of are those people who are armed with weapons. where ever you see them kill them.


The Lost One
Sorry, but this whole Muhammad being the greatest come out of arrogance.

Was he a great leader? Yes.

Was he a great prophet? Yes. He founded a whole new religion that has something in common with both Judaism and Christianity.

Was he the greatest man? No. Only a Muslim would say he is.

Was he the greatest prophet? Certainly not. He was not innovative, nor revolutionary. As I said early he had mixed some of the teachings from both Judaism and Christianity. He was a copy-cat and adapt his religion to Arabic culture.

That he has been compared with Abraham, Moses and Jesus, showed that he is not the greatest...but he is the greatest according to Muslim yardstick.

Some Muslims here have said that Muhammad is just one prophet among equals. If that's true, then he can't be the greatest.


I want Khilafah back
Was he a great prophet? Yes. He founded a whole new religion that has something in common with both Judaism and Christianity.

ofcourse they are from one god.

Was he the greatest man? No. Only a Muslim would say he is.

NEWS FLASH, here are some non muslim vies on Muhammed (saws), i hope sister peace doesn't mind i'm copying this from her thread.

Originaly Posted by Peace

Larmatine, the French scholar says:
"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislations, empires, peoples and dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and souls. . . his forbearance in victory, his ambition, which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire; his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death; all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was twofold, the unity of God and the immateriality of God; the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with words.”

"Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire; that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"
(Lamartine, Histoire De La Turquie, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp. 276-277)

That he has been compared with Abraham, Moses and Jesus, showed that he is not the greatest...but he is the greatest according to Muslim yardstick.

Allah has elevated Muhammed (saws) above all other humans and even of all other creatures, that the almighty has created. so that makes him the GREATES PROPHET.

Some Muslims here have said that Muhammad is just one prophet among equals. If that's true, then he can't be the greatest

nothing is equal to Muhammed (saws) only god himself is more supperior to him in everything.


The Lost One
eselam said:
ofcourse they are from one god.

I don't deny it being one god, but it is still a different religion to Judaism and Christianity.

eselam said:
Allah has elevated Muhammed (saws) above all other humans and even of all other creatures, that the almighty has created. so that makes him the GREATES PROPHET.

Yes, so I understand, but this all from Muslim perspectives only. So of course, the Muslims would see him as the greatest prophet.

Some have deny that he is even a prophet, because he is an Arab.

Me, on the other hand, see prophet as having one of the following requirement: leader of the religious group, founder of a religious group, and the ones that actually deal with prophecies.

I will not argue with you on his prophethood. Since you all (Muslims) say that he is prophet, then he is one, regardless if I like him or not.

But this also applied to others before Muhammad and after him. LDS says that Joseph Smith then he is a prophet, and that there other prophets in succession after JS. The Baha'i say that Bahá'u'lláh was their prophet, so whom am I to argue with that.

What I will argue is what each may have taught in their lifetime or what they have done. I may argue that I agree with it or not. And I may or may not believe on those merits alone, not the simple label of being prophet, or the use of artificial or superlative adjectives (that are actually superfluous) being use to describe him: like "best", "greatest", "most humble", the "smartest", etc. They are absolutely meaningless and useless measure, and more common in use for propaganda.

I have the tendency to tune out when people brag about "Oh, Melbourne is the greatest place to live", or "Australian cricket team is the best in the world", or "Christianity" or "Islam is the only true religion", yada, yada, yada. It is completely meaningless, and I've attach no importance to such thing. It's hollow; it shallow, and its petty.

If you want to say your prophet is the greatest ever, then good for you. But in my mind, I'm thinking "big deal" or "BORING!!!". Such statement certainly doesn't contribute anything meaningful to my life. It's just an insecure (and childish) ego trip that I want no part in. I remember when I was kid, boys would say "My car is bigger and better than yours". This topic amounts to the same thing.

That adults still compare something that are bigger and better than another's person's car, penis, boobs, religion, just showed that some people really never grow up. Do you really think I care about such thing?
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