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Muslim founds TV Station to portray muslims in a positive light, then beheads wife?


Well-Known Member
Classic! Honestly, it is extremely difficult to explain such a transparently stupid statement without positing a source befogged and befuddled by bigotry.

I guess you can call me a transparently stupid bigot J. I'm not sure how to explain the connection any further. Many people have seemed to grasp the gist and notion.

If OJ was a priest who owned a TV station that promoted Islam beliefs he still 'allegedly' stabbed his wife and ran to hide.

Would that have hurt the promotion of a positive view of islam... to some degree sure, especially considering his celebrity status and the extenseive media coverage.

But when you use a giant sword to chop off the head of your wife I think that makes more of an impression in the minds of our sheltered and spoiled western culture and that this harmed the viewpoint many take of islamic faith.

This is whether or not islam condones such a thing. Some Americans will point to the video of our soldier beheaded in relation of this story because they connect them and they will say these 'Insert racially charged explective' are 'negative adjective'. These people strive for jihad. Look at Osama. etc etc. blah blah

So maybe this tv station dude was just an absusive husband who accidentally the whole head off and it has nothing to do with islam. But it still affects the view many are going to have of islam and not in a good way.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
I guess you can call me a transparently stupid bigot J. I'm not sure how to explain the connection any further. Many people have seemed to grasp the gist and notion.
I think people have fully grasped your "gist and notion." What you seem resistant to comprehending is that ...
  • Hassan claims to be a follower of Islam.
  • Hassan beheaded his wife.
  • Therefore, Islam is ...
is a pathetic non sequitur that says more about its proponents than about Islam.

But when you use a giant sword to chop off the head of your wife I think that makes more of an impression in the minds of our sheltered and spoiled western culture ...
And it certainly fed the minds of those predisposed to the most bigoted abuse of syllogism. On can imagine someone with a commitment to non sequitur similar to yours, but living in the deep South of the early 20th century and confronted by a case of some Black man raping a White women, authoring a very similar thread. After all ...
  • John Doe is 'Negro.'
  • John Doe raped Peggy Sue.
  • Therefore, 'Negros' are ...
Same tune, different folk.

This is whether or not islam condones such a thing.
Your intent in this thread is transparent: it is to stigmatize Islam with the act of a psychopath. You're clearly succeeding with some, but only because they appear to share a similar disposition. So, as for:
I guess you can call me a transparently stupid bigot ...
No need: when you get around to looking up non sequitur you might also wish to look up another phrase: res ipsa loqitur.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
and what does that have to do with this case? If you are saying that this murder was Islamic based because they Behead people in Saudi Arabia?

I'm saying the violent act of beheadings is embedded within the Islamic culrure.

Can you tell me why his two previous divorces did not end in headless ex wives?

Who knows. Maybe they were more obedient.

Alla Prima

Well-Known Member
I think people have fully grasped your "gist and notion." What you seem resistant to comprehending is that ...
  • Hassan claims to be a follower of Islam.
  • Hassan beheaded his wife.
  • Therefore, Islam is ...
is a pathetic non sequitur that says more about its proponents than about Islam.

The 'gist' of it is that beheadings are part of Islam and Islamic history whether you like it or not.





I'm saying the violent act of beheadings is embedded within the Islamic culrure.

I dont know enough about ALL Islamic cultures to argue that point.

Who knows. Maybe they were more obedient.

or maybe he just flipped and divorce is acceptible in Islam you know, This was his third divorce and he had a history of Domestic obuse towards women.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
or maybe he just flipped and divorce is acceptible in Islam you know, This was his third divorce and he had a history of Domestic obuse towards women.
I am inclined to agree, Kai. He is probably just some control freak who can't take no for an answer. The ONLY "Islamic connection" I see is that he wanted to show a more meaningful side of the lives of Muslims, specifically to address the negative media image broadcast about Muslims -- and created a TV station to do just that. CAIR gave him an award for outstanding service to his community. So far, so good. End of Islamic connection, imo. The odd part of the whole sad story is that he then kills his wife in a rather brutal fashion. In my view, it tends to set his "good work for the community" back by more than a few notches. That is really the only "Islamic connection" I see here.


Well-Known Member
I think people have fully grasped your "gist and notion." What you seem resistant to comprehending is that ...
  • Hassan claims to be a follower of Islam.
  • Hassan beheaded his wife.
  • Therefore, Islam is ...
is a pathetic non sequitur that says more about its proponents than about Islam.

And it certainly fed the minds of those predisposed to the most bigoted abuse of syllogism. On can imagine someone with a commitment to non sequitur similar to yours, but living in the deep South of the early 20th century and confronted by a case of some Black man raping a White women, authoring a very similar thread. After all ...
  • John Doe is 'Negro.'
  • John Doe raped Peggy Sue.
  • Therefore, 'Negros' are ...
Same tune, different folk.

Your intent in this thread is transparent: it is to stigmatize Islam with the act of a psychopath. You're clearly succeeding with some, but only because they appear to share a similar disposition. So, as for:No need: when you get around to looking up non sequitur you might also wish to look up another phrase: res ipsa loqitur.

Hassan wanted to improve the image of Islam and many argue he was succeeding in the eyes of the public. How does beheading his wife further that goal in the eyes on the public?

Will it have a positive effect on the image of Islam? Negative? None whatsover?

You seem hell bent on asking should it instead of will it? Moreoever your answering both questions for me. Personally it sounds like you have issues with the MSM and the way it was reported.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
Hassan wanted to improve the image of Islam and many argue he was succeeding in the eyes of the public. How does beheading his wife further that goal in the eyes on the public?
It clearly does not. On the contrary, it opens the floodgates to insinuation and pathetic attempts at guilt by association, i.e., by efforts such as yours. But the question remains. If your only point was that Hassan did Islam no favors, I doubt you'll find much disagreement. But neither of us believe that was your only point.

You seem hell bent on asking should it instead of will it?
And you seem hell bent on insinuating that it should ...


Well-Known Member
It clearly does not. On the contrary, it opens the floodgates to insinuation and pathetic attempts at guilt by association, i.e., by efforts such as yours. But the question remains. If your only point was that Hassan did Islam no favors, I doubt you'll find much disagreement. But neither of us believe that was your only point.

And you seem hell bent on insinuating that it should ...

No Jay. You are wrong. If you feel that was my intent then you are wrong. As I said, take it up with the media or Geert Wilders. I myself understand Islamic radicals do not represent all islamic people. However the subjgation of women and other barbaric practices comitted in heavily islamic influenced countries does not escape me either.

Blaming their barbaric practices on all of Islam though may be akin to blaming all christians for similar practices done to accused witches and warlocks. In short: Islam Needs to Prove It's a Religion of Peace - WSJ.com