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Muslims attack Taslima Nasrin


Veteran Member
I'll have to be honest with you, i don't know those people you mentioned and i'm not interested to know and my statement will stand because i'm talking about the community as a whole.

You do know of these people. They read the same Koran as you, pray facing the same Mecca as you, follow the same 5 pillars of Islam that you do and represent the same moral code that you do. The bottom line is do you feel they are a positive or negative reflection of your faith? Do you condone or reject their actions and direction. Can a woman in Bangladesh speak out against the Koran or should she be hunted down like an infidel dog and killed for it like some of your Muslim brothers propose?


Deviled Hen
I feel frustration though, at the idea that Sharai law, which I strongly disagree with in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and a few others can't even be questioned or challenged verbally without death threats and violence. I think the practice of Sharai laws that make men and women unequal is one of the greatest travesties to your faith.

It is worth looking at sharia law in its historical context, Rob. At the time it was instituted, it gave women rights undreamt of by anyone in the West. Women there could not inherit property until the 1800s -- more than a millenium after Muslim women enjoyed such rights. To say "oh, she only gets 1/3 of what a man gets" is to miss the context completely.

We can question whether it's as good a deal as what women elsewhere might get now, but let's not pretend like the laws Muhammad brought were anything like oppressive. They were a great stride forward for women, compared to anywhere else at the time.

If I were a woman living in 1000 C.E or even 1300 C.E., I would not make Europe my first choice for a place to live. I would've preferred Damascus any day.


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any of the Islamic theocracies in the middle east and Africa. By this entry should I assume the actions Taslima Nasrin are justified in your eyes? And the rest of the muslims on here ? Do you feel the actions and the bounty on her head are justified? Is this how you feel non-believers who don't want to live under Islamic law, and whom choose to write about it should be treated? What kind of message do you think that sends to the non-Islamic world?

Dear rob, i don't think that was what "not4me" meant. Do you really think i'll clap for them when they show the world how uncivil some muslims are?

As i mentioned before, but i don't know if it was in this thread or in another one, i'm currently going through alot of books from time of Al-Andalus "Spain currently" and there are alot of great books where several scholars whether muslims or non-muslims were sitting together and were discussing/debating about God and even some laws whether it was islamic or part of other religions or even in philosophy.

I have no problem rob to discuss with anyone about this issue, and i still don't know the details of what Taslima did but it would be really stupid if she went to the public and insult Islam in front of everyone, because any muslim will feel that this woman is spitting on his face with doing that.

If she was smart, she would just invite a muslim scholar or famous writer to discuss these issues, or she could write some articles discussing it with people who can answer her, instead of gathering people, insulting their religion. They will definitely react in emotional way because they are not versed enough in the religion to answer her or maybe she didn't give them the chance to discuss it with her.

People at that part of the world are too emotional rob, more than you can imagine. Before two days, i was participating in a public speaking competition in my university and one Bangladeshi guy was talking about a topic releated to papers i guess. He mentioned how his mom used to tell him about the Quran. The Quran is so sacred to them even though most of them don't understand arabic and they are not educated enough to go through the translated one. This guy even mentioned for us that his mom used to teach him that any arabic text is sacred and once his mom was seeing an arabic text in their home, she was kissing it and putting it in a high position in the house and treating it as its something which was releated to how Quran was written. It's just an arabic text, do you believe that?

Also, i remember that before one year, i was reading the Quran in the mosque and a malaysian guy came closer to me, then he suddnly told me how beautiful my recitation is when i read the Quran and how he would love if he could learn how to understand arabic as he read it. He thought i was so lucky. For me, I wasn't that religious at that time and i was reading the Quran only few times a year but i was really shocked when i noticed how people see arabic and how emotional they can be.

rob, I swear, if prophet Mohammed was still alive, anyone in here would say that s/he will give all what he have of money, family and his own soul for the sake of him and his teachings. Muslims, unlike other people from other faiths, i believe that they are the most people who love their religion and still practice it amongst all, and even if they weren't eductaed enough to answer so difficult philosophical or conceptual questions, its enough for them that they feel comfortable with their faith, and they believe in it to be the truth.

You can't go to a simple muslim man and hijack his faith and you expect that he will thank you for insulting his faith. He can't answer you because he is just an ordinary muslim, so he will definitely get angry, but if you are wise enough, you will chose an educated person to talk with who will understand and answer you, and even if he couldn't answer you, he will direct you to where you can get your answer, the same as what me and the other muslims in RF are just doing in here.

Do you think me, Cordoba or any other muslim will throw a chair in your face if you asked us some questions about Islam rob?

Put yourself in their shoes and think of what i told you and you might be able to understand the situation.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
In other words, you don't know the facts, but you're sure you're right.

I told you i'm talking about the public in that country and the majority.

Other countries have oppressed women, too. But today, after nearly 1400 years of Islam, the most repressive countries are Muslim countries.

Good that you finally confessed that this is happening only after 1400 years after Mohammed "peace be upon him" passed away, but not before that.

Now, you think just because of what happening in one century so you its fair to wipe out 1300 years of justice in Islam. You are surely showing how narrow minded one can be.

Yeah, Christianity has a very bad record with women's rights, too. But the Christians have at least made some progress over the last few centuries.

Nope. You are wrong. The other freedom movement FORCED the church to stay out of their real lives and corned them in churches, but the difference is that Islam didn't wait for some secualr movement to wipe out faith, and Islam still alive till today, and what happened now is because some muslims are not practicing Islam, but their own tribal laws.

Yes, it's wonderful how Islam brings enlightenment and lifts women out of their misery. If only European and American women today could live the happy, carefree lives of women in the Muslim world:


Its so annoying when i talk with such a mentality. Muslims brought enlightemtn to Europe but they didn't force them to wear like this. My sister wear like this and she used to tell me how ignorant people are, those who think she is opressed, she even laugh loud about it. Even though in Malaysia, they are forcing girls to show their faces step by step, but women are fighting to chose to wear what they want. If you don't understand what is hijab to a muslim women, so i don't think you will ever understad.

Regarding the other pictures, it really show how civil you are by bringing some pictures from the Taliban and their like. Thank you for showing your ignorance.​


Done here.
Its so annoying when i talk with such a mentality. Muslims brought enlightemtn to Europe but they didn't force them to wear like this. My sister wear like this and she used to tell me how ignorant people are, those who think she is opressed, she even laugh loud about it. Even though in Malaysia, they are forcing girls to show their faces step by step, but women are fighting to chose to wear what they want. If you don't understand what is hijab to a muslim women, so i don't think you will ever understad.
I understand how people can come to love their oppressors and their oppression.

Regarding the other pictures, it really show how civil you are by bringing some pictures from the Taliban and their like. Thank you for showing your ignorance.
Who are the Taliban and their like? Are they Christians? Are they secularists? Or are they Muslims?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
actually each sharia law would have to be isolated and debated one at a time. doing it this way isn't gonna get anyone anywhere.

but in the flavor of this thread was the acts against T Nasrin justified, is the price on her head justified and if not why not, if so why?

No problem with debating shariah law and I personally attended so many programs regarding this issue, because many muslim countries are not practicing it in the right way, but going to simple people and insult their faith which they love more than anything in their lives is just stupid. This will not change anything but will inflame the public.


Done here.
No problem with debating shariah law and I personally attended so many programs regarding this issue, because many muslim countries are not practicing it in the right way, but going to simple people and insult their faith which they love more than anything in their lives is just stupid. This will not change anything but will inflame the public.
I'm still waiting for you to say it was wrong for Muslims to offer 500,000 rupees to anyone who beheads Taslima Nasrin. So far, all you have to say is that Taslima Nasrin was wrong to provoke them.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You do know of these people. They read the same Koran as you, pray facing the same Mecca as you, follow the same 5 pillars of Islam that you do and represent the same moral code that you do. The bottom line is do you feel they are a positive or negative reflection of your faith? Do you condone or reject their actions and direction. Can a woman in Bangladesh speak out against the Koran or should she be hunted down like an infidel dog and killed for it like some of your Muslim brothers propose?

Calm down please. Read my post # 43.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm still waiting for you to say it was wrong for Muslims to offer 500,000 rupees to anyone who beheads Taslima Nasrin. So far, all you have to say is that Taslima Nasrin was wrong to provoke them.

So you were waiting all this time to tell you this was wrong in the first place?

Isn't it obvious?

Or i should come and apologize for what they did or go outside to protest?

If you are waiting for me to apologize for what those ignorant did so i'm not willing to do so because they are responsible for what they did and i'll only answer anything releated to Islam with you of their action, but not with the action itself which involves many things more than religion. Only in the part involving religion and what they did was plain wrong.

IIslam doesn't support the killing of innocent people simply for stating their opinions. Also, i feel sorry that she went to simple people instead of discussing her veiws with respected muslim scholars. Period.


Done here.
If you are waiting for me to apologize for what those ignorant did so i'm not willing to do so because they are responsible for what they did and i'll only answer anything releated to Islam with you of their action, but not with the action itself which involves many things more than religion. Only in the part involving religion and what they did was plain wrong.

IIslam doesn't support the killing of innocent people simply for stating their opinions. Also, i feel sorry that she went to simple people instead of discussing her veiws with respected muslim scholars. Period.
I didn't ask you to apologize. Why should you apologize for the actions of others? I asked you whether it was wrong to offer 500,000 rupees to anyone who beheads Taslima Nasrin. You have yet to say that it was. You refuse to say whether the Taliban and their like are Muslims or not. But you have no problem at all criticizing Taslima Nasrin. Despite your evasive answers, the truth about Islamic ethics is coming through loud and clear.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I didn't ask you to apologize. Why should you apologize for the actions of others? I asked you whether it was wrong to offer 500,000 rupees to anyone who beheads Taslima Nasrin. You have yet to say that it was. You refuse to say whether the Taliban and their like are Muslims or not. But you have no problem at all criticizing Taslima Nasrin. Despite your evasive answers, the truth about Islamic ethics is coming through loud and clear.

Your question was stupid when you asked whether Taliban were muslims or not, because we both know they are. I don't know why you have a grudge against Islam and muslims and no matter how i say it was wrong doing what they did, you won't be satisfied. Also, you wil notice by now that you only pick what you want, because i criticized both parties. Yet, you prove again that you are narrow minded.