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Muslims attack Taslima Nasrin


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Then why do you criticize me for showing pictures of their actions in a discussion about Muslim violence?

Because i already stated clearly that i'm not responsible for their actions whatever its and i'm responsible for what i say and do, and i'm responsible in here to talk about Islam, not the actions of the muslims around the world. Wehther to engage in the discussion about the actions of some muslims or not is up to me, but you will always find me if you want to talk about Islam itself and what it teach.

We'll never know until you can bring yourself to say it.

Dream about it. I have said already what i want to say, you can't order me or teach me what i should say and what i shouldn't.


Done here.
Because i already stated clearly that i'm not responsible for their actions whatever its and i'm responsible for what i say and do, and i'm responsible in here to talk about Islam, not the actions of the muslims around the world. Wehther to engage in the discussion about the actions of some muslims or not is up to me, but you will always find me if you want to talk about Islam itself and what it teach.
You don't mind talking about the actions of some Christians or some secularists, though, do you? This thread is about the specific actions of specific Muslims against a specific woman. You seem to think that the proper response to Muslim threats and violence against this woman is to bring up a lot of stuff about chastity belts and how people shouldn't provoke Muslims.

Dream about it. I have said already what i want to say, you can't order me or teach me what i should say and what i shouldn't.
Of course I can't, and I don't want to. But I can observe what you say and what you don't. And it's very revealing.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You don't mind talking about the actions of some Christians or some secularists, though, do you? This thread is about the specific actions of specific Muslims against a specific woman. You seem to think that the proper response to Muslim threats and violence against this woman is to bring up a lot of stuff about chastity belts and how people shouldn't provoke Muslims.

I won't teach you how to grasp what i said earlier, so its up to you how to look at it.

Of course I can't, and I don't want to. But I can observe what you say and what you don't. And it's very revealing.

Good for you.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
So you were waiting all this time to tell you this was wrong in the first place?

Isn't it obvious?

Only in the part involving religion and what they did was plain wrong.

IIslam doesn't support the killing of innocent people simply for stating their opinions.

This quote is from truth post #54 midnight. Didn't you see it? I'm sure you noticed the post because you went on to quote from it. Conveniently, you did not quote the part that I did. Instead you went on to act as though truth never decried the goings on about taslima, when in fact he did. Why did you do that?

So many times muslims are asked the same questions, to which we give the same answers. Is islam violent? Is islam oppressive to women? Is islam intolerant? Do muslims advocate violence? Are women oppressed in islam? It's nauseating to have to answer the same damn questions over and over and over and over as though we've been dodging them the whole time. Have you all learned nothing from the muslims on this forum? We come from varied backgrounds, yet we all have a non-extreme view of Islam. We are not all here westernized muslims. There are muslims here from the same places you all claim are backwards ditches of a place who know nothing and have no concept of justice and fairness. Yet the muslims on this site speak intelligently and they come form saudi, egypt, pakistan and other middle eastern places as well as america. These questions of violence are always asked, and islam always seen as intolerant of other views, but we here on this forum have never threatened any of you with violence. We have not gotten so emotional that a conversation cannot be held, nor have we gotten so irrational that a debate cannot be held. All you have to do is look back through threads and see the questions and the answers between muslims and non-muslims.

Are hijabs oppressive to muslim women? We answered it no. This answer from women who actually wear the danggone thing, but was that answer worth anything? Nope. Question still persist. Instead of taking the answer to the question, it was like man they must not know they're being oppressed, because they are no matter what they say. Lame.

Does islam promote terrorism? We answered nope. Did that answer mean anything? Nope. Still persists as though we never answered.

Why do muslims in other countries commit violence? We gave the best answers we could, without really knowing from experience the mindset of these different people. The answers varied. We even went so far as to fault ourselves for the majority of problems caused and faced by us. Did that mean anything? Nope. Persists like ti never saw an answer.

What more do you want from us? We answer the questions as honestly and as indepth as we can. You may not agree with what we say, and you don't have to, but I hate it when it's like we might as well be invisible. What we say has no bearing, so now what? If we answer and say it is wrong it won't mean anything. If we say well we are part of groups that try to spread good education to hopefully rid ourselves of harmful actions, that ain't good enough.

Truth is nothing will be good enough I think until we abandon Islam altogether, as has been the sugestion so many times on this forum. If maybe we could simply do away with the shariah, or some of the sunnah, or some of Quran, we would be better people. This in spite of numerous posts made by me and other muslims attempting to explain in detail the origin of our problems and the solutions.

Nothing is good enough and I'm tired of trying to prove that I am a good person and a good muslim, and that muslims are humans with faults and frailties and hopes and dreams too. That we do wrong and we do right, and that we are trying to rectify however small the effort may be. I'm tired of having to defend or deny the actions of some people halfway across the world that I don't even know just because we share a religion...suppossedly.

I am black, yet I am not questioned in regard to the crimes black commit. I am a woman, yet I am not questioned as to the crimes women have committed. I am muslim and I am always questioned as to the crime or injustices that muslims commit. Nobody sees a problem with this. It's a silly implication that because I share a belief system with someone, that I automatically must know and understand why they do all the things they might do. Apparently it's not as silly as I think it is because it keeps on going.


Well-Known Member
any of the Islamic theocracies in the middle east and Africa.
I don't want to live under a theocracy. :no: Man, i asked for countries that implement Islamic Shari'a. According to my knowledge there is no government on this planet that is an Islamic one. If there was, i would be the first to go there. If we were really following Islamic Shari'a, then freedom and justice will be guaranteed.

robtex said:
Can a woman in Bangladesh speak out against the Koran or should she be hunted down like an infidel dog and killed for it like some of your Muslim brothers propose?
Yes, a woman has a full right to speak out against the Quran and as i understand my Islam there is no problem in this and she could be freely allowed to express her ideas under Islamic Shari'a. If a Muslim wants to criticize her ideas, then why not using the same tools as she did, if she wrote a book, he writes, if she gave a lecture, he gives...as any civil society does. The problem that the reaction of some Muslims makes such persons as this Taslima something. If Muslims ignored what they said, maybe no-one would hear about them. Some Muslims' behavior is really nasty and i don't have any problem to say this or to disapprove it.


How dare you? Huh?! Who gave you the right to judge me or my sisters? If this is what i want, what's your problem?! Yes and i can be fully happy too!

The other pictures do hurt me as any other human being.
If Muhammad made them free, why aren't they free now?
Doesn't any nation have its ups and downs. We were a great civilization in the past then we fell down. In our downs, how it would be like? Deteriorated political, economic, educational and social systems? Won't ignorance and illiteracy prevail? What?! I know that we live in bad conditions and i wish to do my best to help my country to get out of these conditions. But i don't need you to tell me how civil you are and how uncivil we are. My brother and sisters are killed everywhere, i don't expect we would be anything better after we left Islam. If you think Islam has anything to do with this, then this because we left its teachings. Many Muslims don't pray the five prayers, The A B Shari'a, how can i expect them to follow Islam in the other aspects. How come blaming Islam and "Muslims" know nothing about their Islam. Islam is completely innocent from our acts.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
How dare you? Huh?! Who gave you the right to judge me or my sisters? If this is what i want, what's your problem?! Yes and i can be fully happy too!

Right. He posted that like that was supposed to be a slap in the face, but it's like dude I wear stuff like that all the time. I ain't oppressed and I'm tired of saying that. Oh wait, I AM being oppressed I just don't know it yet cuz Im just a stupid woman who couldn't possibly know the difference....yeah.

I know that we live in bad conditions and i wish to do my best to help my country to get out of these conditions. But i don't need you to tell me how civil you are and how uncivil we are.

Right again. It just shows how people don't read. Did I or did I not write a thread dealing with the reasons for the problems of the muslims in the islam DIR? It's like I never did that man! I would sure love it when people actually read and respond to what is actually on the page, and consider their POV in light of the new information, rather than stubbornly hanging on to their old POV no matter what.

Just like Truth stated in one of his older posts on this thread Taslima's assesment of Islam. It displayed a dismaying and open ignorance of that which she claims she is against. Thing is, it would strengthen her position if she actually did herself the justice of researching Islam, finding it's real interpretations, and if she still disagreed, she could do it from a position of knowledge. That's all I want. If you're gonna be against me, go right ahead, but at least know what you talkin about.


1) do you value the opinions of non-mulims in regards to Sharai law?

you mean, do i value the "insultive remarks" towards my religion and my hijab ? No ,i don't
the shari'ah laws are for muslims only,
so ,if you are not a muslim, you better keep your *precious opinion* to yourself

2) You are woman. Don't you want women to have the same rights as men In Bangladesh and other Islamic countries?

women rights in Islam are "God given" ,
if there are some islamic countries where women are still oppressed , all they need to do is to come back to their great religion and apply it properly ,

And for all the kind hearts who care for the muslim women so much :rolleyes:

Why don't you mind your own business ?

FVM said:
Right. He posted that like that was supposed to be a slap in the face, but it's like dude I wear stuff like that all the time. I ain't oppressed and I'm tired of saying that. Oh wait, I AM being oppressed I just don't know it yet cuz Im just a stupid woman who couldn't possibly know the difference....yeah

Me too , i am wearing Hijab , and i am thinking seriously of wearing Niqab and cover my face ,
And i am not oppressed ,by the way​


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Three *Muslim women* clearly expressed in RF that they are not opressed and the hijab is natural to them because they *love it* and its not as what people here claim that they are opressed, and yet, no body will believe you sisters because they will think that men in your countries brain washed you, and those people in here will help you out to be free again. :D

Just, how more ironic that can be!

I don't understand why it's VERY natural when a woman walk naked when she choose to be so, and it will become a problem when a woman choose to wear a hijab. Those who talk about freedom, let the muslim women be FREE to decide what they want. Isn't it freedom what you talk about!!!

I'm wondering, how long it will take people here to understand that? 10 years? Maybe more?!

Oh no, please don't believe what those muslim women in RF are saying. Go to watch some annoying people on TV telling you how women are opressed because of this thing called hijab. Turn off your (brain), and turn on your (TV). This is clearly what many people in this forum can do before they start their annoying remarks in here. Go and memorize what they tell you there and come back in here gushing around what you have been taught and brainwashed with.


Quran & Sunnah
Truth is nothing will be good enough I think until we abandon Islam altogether, as has been the sugestion so many times on this forum. If maybe we could simply do away with the shariah, or some of the sunnah, or some of Quran, we would be better people. This in spite of numerous posts made by me and other muslims attempting to explain in detail the origin of our problems and the solutions.

But that would never happen. We will never abandon our great religion Islam even if the whole world turn their backs to us and fight us and hate us. We are proud of our religion and we will live as Muslims and die as Muslims till we meet our Lord and Creator as obediant Muslims. We are sure of Islam and the authenticity of Islam and the truth of Islam. No force in the world could decrease the faith and the love we have for our religion, our Creator and our Prophet peace be upon him.
They think that their animosity will lead us to abandon our religion or at least have doubts in our religion, but they are dreaming, what happens is the contrary, their animosity increases our faith and love for Islam and our attachment to our great religion.
We thank Allah every second for being Muslims!



Quran & Sunnah
Three *Muslim women* clearly expressed in RF that they are not opressed and the hijab is natural to them because they *love it* and its not as what people here claim that they are opressed

I am the forth brother TT :D
I wear the Hijab and I am happy with it and proud of it. No body forced me to wear it, I wear it out of my own decision and out of my own conviction. I am a Muslim and to be a muslim means to submit myself to my Creator and to obey Him. My God tells me to wear the Hijab and to be modest and I obey Him happily.

and yet, no body will believe you sisters because they will think that men in your countries brain washed you, and those people in here will help you out to be free again. :D

It's their own business either to believe us or not. We don't care about their opinion, what matters is what God thinks of us.


Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
From Muslims for a Secular Democracy:

MSD strongly condemns attack on Taslima Nasreen

Muslims for Secular Democracy (MSD) applauds the statements of several respected maulanas from Mumbai and Delhi strongly condemning the attack on Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen.

While no one must be allowed to take the law in their own hands, yesterday’s incident in Hyderabad is doubly reprehensible because law-makers behaved as law-breakers. The attack was led by three members of the Andhra Pradesh state assembly, belonging to the Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM). Through their brazen misconduct the MLAs of the MIM have shown themselves to be the “Bajrang Dal of Indian Islam”. Their conduct is no different from that of the Bajrang Dal’s hounding of M.F. Husain, who, too, is today effectively in exile.

Some of the maulanas who have condemned the attack have gone on to reiterate their demand for the expulsion of Ms. Nasreen from India on the ground that she has repeatedly made provocative statements against Islam. While fully respecting their right to express their opinion in peaceful democratic ways, MSD also fully supports the Indian government’s decision to extend her visa.

Respecting human rights, which includes the right to freedom of expression, must mean defending the rights of even those whose views we might find offensive or hurtful.

Ms Nasreen risks being put to death were she to return to her own country. Though she possesses a Swiss passport, she prefers to stay in India because this is where she feels culturally at home. Granting her a visa is the least a democracy could offer to a writer forced into exile.​
It's a start ...


Scriptural reader
"Dozens of Muslim protesters led by three lawmakers attacked an exiled Bangladeshi writer at the release of her book in southern India on Thursday, calling her “anti-Islam,” and telling her to go back to her country. About 100 people burst into the Press Club in Hyderabad, shouting insults at Taslima Nasrin and ransacking the place, throwing chairs in the air and overturning tables. "
MSBC MSN reports:


Taslima, a secular humanists, has a history of being targeted for violence for stating that the Islamic religion is oppressive of women. In this article on the council for secular humanism website she talks about her views on Islam and the Islamic reaction to it:


the humanist.net qoutes her as saying:

I said that Shariat law should be revised. I want a modern, civilized law, where women are given equal rights. I want no religious law that discriminates, none, period-no Hindu law, no Christian law, no Islamic Law. Why should a man be entitled to have four wives? "Why should a son get two-thirds of his parents' property when a daughter can inherit only a third? Should I be killed for saying this? ...


Here is the link to her website:

thoughts? comments?
I'm just puting my thought coz I can't go through the whole thread about what is going to be dicussed, Sorry for distrubtion!

Islam teaches to do just with all whether he/she is close to you or not.

As for as As about Tasleema Nasrin, She is
Taslima, a physician, a writer, a radical feminist, human rights activist and a secular humanist.

As mentioned in the site,"SECULAR HUMANIST" means she is out of the limits of religion, coz secular means "not cocern with religion"

And I have read her comments that is quoted in Op

I said that Shariat law should be revised. I want a modern, civilized law, where women are given equal rights. I want no religious law that discriminates, none, period-no Hindu law, no Christian law, no Islamic Law. Why should a man be entitled to have four wives? "Why should a son get two-thirds of his parents' property when a daughter can inherit only a third? Should I be killed for saying this? ...

At first place she is asking to "revise the Shariat law" and in second place "I want no religion"
What foolishness!

At least a person must be firm in one mode!

In her site she comments:

[SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0]'If any religion allows the persecution of the people of different faiths, if any religion keeps women in slavery, if any religion keeps people in ignorance, then I can't accept that religion.'[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=+0]​

I think it's not sensible to exclude from the religion coz there is no religion that is not in side of woman.
It is the mistake of people who are not following properly to their religion, without concerning to their orignal sources.

How she was behaved is really inhuman!

[SIZE=+0][SIZE=+0]I think she must leave her right in one side and must shout for the poeple who have unawarness from their religion.[/SIZE][/SIZE]


Done here.
This quote is from truth post #54 midnight. Didn't you see it? I'm sure you noticed the post because you went on to quote from it. Conveniently, you did not quote the part that I did. Instead you went on to act as though truth never decried the goings on about taslima, when in fact he did. Why did you do that?
Because it was a qualified statement. Because he said, "Only in the part involving religion and what they did was plain wrong." Because he said, "[Islam] doesn't support the killing of innocent people simply for stating their opinions." Because he also said that the people who called for Taslima's death were provoked. Because also said that she should not have published her opinions. Because he spent a lot of time defending the people calling for her death, and no time at all defending Taslima's right to publish her opinions. Because he very carefully and deliberately refused to say that, in these particular circumstances, it was wrong to offer 500,000 rupees for the head of Taslima Nasrin.

Have you all learned nothing from the muslims on this forum? We come from varied backgrounds, yet we all have a non-extreme view of Islam.
Yes, I've learned a lot from you, and I've learned, in particular, what you consider a non-extreme view of Islam. I've learned that you believe it's right for Muslims to force non-Muslims to pay the jizya. I've learned that you think it's right for Muslim countries to have the death penalty for homosexuality, and that you don't think that's repressive because as long as homosexuals hide in the darkness and never admit who they are, they can't be convicted under shariah. I've learned that you think it's right to stone adulterers to death. I've learned that you think it's right to cut off the hands of thieves. And I've learned that you, a woman from Chicago, believe all these things are moderate and non-extreme.

Are hijabs oppressive to muslim women? We answered it no. This answer from women who actually wear the danggone thing, but was that answer worth anything? Nope. Question still persist. Instead of taking the answer to the question, it was like man they must not know they're being oppressed, because they are no matter what they say.
Because we all know how easy it is for oppressed people to justify their oppression. You can go to almost any city or town in the world and find women who are beaten and abused by their husbands, but still believe their husbands love them. You can find gay Mormons and Catholics who feel "liberated" by the harsh restrictions placed on them by their religions. You can find Amish who feel privileged to be denied an education. Everywhere you look, there are women who oppose equal rights for women, and women were in the forefront of the movement to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment in U.S. When I was a child, it was easy to find black people who opposed the Civil Rights movement. I personally know gay men who oppose equal rights for LGBTs. It's so very easy for people to accept and justify their own oppression.

If extreme modesty is such a liberating thing, then why is it a good thing only for women? And how are women treated who decline such "liberation"? Surely, you know as well as I do how women in some Muslim countries are treated when they decline to cover themselves in a chador or a burqa. Surely, you know of the Western, non-Muslim women in the West who have been beaten and raped by Muslim immigrants who then justify their crimes by saying that women who don't observe such oppressive "modesty" are whores who deserve what they get.

If you choose to accept these restrictions, that's one thing. But how do your co-religionists treat women who don't accept them?

We hear again and again how Islam is a religion of peace, but what we see is that Islam is peaceful only to those who accept Islam's repressive rules, that the only real "freedom" women or homosexuals or non-Muslims have under Muslim law is the "freedom" to bow and scrape and hide and live as slaves to Islam.

Truth is nothing will be good enough I think until we abandon Islam altogether, as has been the sugestion so many times on this forum. If maybe we could simply do away with the shariah, or some of the sunnah, or some of Quran, we would be better people.
Yes, I think that's true. Because even the "moderate" and "non-extreme" Muslims defend violence and repression; even you do it. I know that you're not a stupid woman or a violent woman, so what am I supposed to think? It seems from all that you say that you can't be a faithful Muslim without justifying violence and repression. If that's the case, then it would be better to abandon Islam altogether.

People don't react so strongly to the Amish, whose religion is just as irrational and repressive as Islam. In fact, it's unusual for the non-Amish to criticize the Amish, and when someone does dare to criticize them, they themselves are roundly criticized by their fellow "English." Why? Because the Amish are not violent. Because Amish don't believe that they have the right to rule the world. Because the Amish don't practice and justify stoning and dismemberment as commandments of God, even though the same barbarities are found in their own holy book. Because there are no Amish suicide bombers. Because they don't think it glorifies God to slaughter members of other Amish sects.

People react this way to Islam because the behavior of so many Muslims is barbarous and unacceptable, because their fanaticism threatens our civilization and our freedoms. And every time some group of Muslims commit some barbarous act, whether it's the terrorist attacks of 9/11 or the terrorist attacks in London or Madrid or Bali or Amman or Jerusalem or Demsa or Beslan, whether it's the murder of Pim Fortuyn or the murder of Theo van Gogh or the murder of Zilla Huma Usman, or the riots in the France, or the rapes in Scandinavia or the death threats against Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Taslima Nasrin or Salman Rushdie or Robert Redeker or Seyran Ates or Laurette Onkelinkx or Pope Benedict XVI or Geert Wilders or all Americans or all Danes -- no matter what depredations are committed by Muslims in the name of Islam, what we hear from "moderate" and "non-extreme" Muslims is a little lukewarm tut-tutting about how unfortunate it is that these poor people feel compelled to do these things, and then a whole lot of condemnation of anybody who dares to associate Islam with Islamic violence. Time and time again, the response of "moderate" Muslims to Muslim religious violence is not condemnation of the violence, but condemnation of anybody who dares to criticize Islam. Or, as one of your "non-extreme" Muslims on RF says:

if you are not a muslim, you better keep your *precious opinion* to yourself


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Because it was a qualified statement. Because he said, "Only in the part involving religion and what they did was plain wrong." Because he said, "[Islam] doesn't support the killing of innocent people simply for stating their opinions." Because he also said that the people who called for Taslima's death were provoked. Because also said that she should not have published her opinions. Because he spent a lot of time defending the people calling for her death, and no time at all defending Taslima's right to publish her opinions. Because he very carefully and deliberately refused to say that, in these particular circumstances, it was wrong to offer 500,000 rupees for the head of Taslima Nasrin.

Yes, I've learned a lot from you, and I've learned, in particular, what you consider a non-extreme view of Islam. I've learned that you believe it's right for Muslims to force non-Muslims to pay the jizya. I've learned that you think it's right for Muslim countries to have the death penalty for homosexuality, and that you don't think that's repressive because as long as homosexuals hide in the darkness and never admit who they are, they can't be convicted under shariah. I've learned that you think it's right to stone adulterers to death. I've learned that you think it's right to cut off the hands of thieves. And I've learned that you, a woman from Chicago, believe all these things are moderate and non-extreme.

Because we all know how easy it is for oppressed people to justify their oppression. You can go to almost any city or town in the world and find women who are beaten and abused by their husbands, but still believe their husbands love them. You can find gay Mormons and Catholics who feel "liberated" by the harsh restrictions placed on them by their religions. You can find Amish who feel privileged to be denied an education. Everywhere you look, there are women who oppose equal rights for women, and women were in the forefront of the movement to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment in U.S. When I was a child, it was easy to find black people who opposed the Civil Rights movement. I personally know gay men who oppose equal rights for LGBTs. It's so very easy for people to accept and justify their own oppression.

If extreme modesty is such a liberating thing, then why is it a good thing only for women? And how are women treated who decline such "liberation"? Surely, you know as well as I do how women in some Muslim countries are treated when they decline to cover themselves in a chador or a burqa. Surely, you know of the Western, non-Muslim women in the West who have been beaten and raped by Muslim immigrants who then justify their crimes by saying that women who don't observe such oppressive "modesty" are whores who deserve what they get.

If you choose to accept these restrictions, that's one thing. But how do your co-religionists treat women who don't accept them?

We hear again and again how Islam is a religion of peace, but what we see is that Islam is peaceful only to those who accept Islam's repressive rules, that the only real "freedom" women or homosexuals or non-Muslims have under Muslim law is the "freedom" to bow and scrape and hide and live as slaves to Islam.

Yes, I think that's true. Because even the "moderate" and "non-extreme" Muslims defend violence and repression; even you do it. I know that you're not a stupid woman or a violent woman, so what am I supposed to think? It seems from all that you say that you can't be a faithful Muslim without justifying violence and repression. If that's the case, then it would be better to abandon Islam altogether.

People don't react so strongly to the Amish, whose religion is just as irrational and repressive as Islam. In fact, it's unusual for the non-Amish to criticize the Amish, and when someone does dare to criticize them, they themselves are roundly criticized by their fellow "English." Why? Because the Amish are not violent. Because Amish don't believe that they have the right to rule the world. Because the Amish don't practice and justify stoning and dismemberment as commandments of God, even though the same barbarities are found in their own holy book. Because there are no Amish suicide bombers. Because they don't think it glorifies God to slaughter members of other Amish sects.

People react this way to Islam because the behavior of so many Muslims is barbarous and unacceptable, because their fanaticism threatens our civilization and our freedoms. And every time some group of Muslims commit some barbarous act, whether it's the terrorist attacks of 9/11 or the terrorist attacks in London or Madrid or Bali or Amman or Jerusalem or Demsa or Beslan, whether it's the murder of Pim Fortuyn or the murder of Theo van Gogh or the murder of Zilla Huma Usman, or the riots in the France, or the rapes in Scandinavia or the death threats against Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Taslima Nasrin or Salman Rushdie or Robert Redeker or Seyran Ates or Laurette Onkelinkx or Pope Benedict XVI or Geert Wilders or all Americans or all Danes -- no matter what depredations are committed by Muslims in the name of Islam, what we hear from "moderate" and "non-extreme" Muslims is a little lukewarm tut-tutting about how unfortunate it is that these poor people feel compelled to do these things, and then a whole lot of condemnation of anybody who dares to associate Islam with Islamic violence. Time and time again, the response of "moderate" Muslims to Muslim religious violence is not condemnation of the violence, but condemnation of anybody who dares to criticize Islam. Or, as one of your "non-extreme" Muslims on RF says:

You go and twist what we all have said together. You are trying to provoke the Muslims in here by doing that but you will get nothing out of that and no one will give a damn if this was your sole target. I don't know why you are doing this or what is your intention, but all what i know is that targeting Islam is your sole mission in here. You will get nothing out of this hate.


Well-Known Member
I think post #73 sums the whole thing up. I have always thought that we can find a common ground between us as Muslims and westerns and listen and understand each other but lately this view has been changed. We can't even meet.
How can i be in a discussion with someone who thinks i am oppressed and barbaric anyway?


Scriptural reader
There is very unjust on the Thread, why Muslims are taken as the Topic of Terrorism???

Why not Hindus???

Who are, till more then 60 years have passed , are continuesly teasing the Kashmeerians....

Okay in the matter of Taslima Nasrin, in some aspect she is not right and some aspects Muslims are not right....

What about Hindu policy?
Even poeple of Kashmeer wish to be the part of Pakistan ans Hindus are forcing them to be the part of India......

Totally wrong about hindus.....
Terrorism at one side........

Why only Muslims are taken as Terrorism??????



Summia- i agree that there are violent extremists in every faith. i kind of see your point about Taslima's relationship to Islam as a secularist- at the same time, does this mean that she deserves to be harassed and hounded? when people believe the most appropriate way to voice frustation is with attack or destruction (whether one is Hindu, Muslim, or Christian), it looks bad for everyone. then it's only a short step to generalizations and alienating blanket-statements.


Scriptural reader
I accept that theres make something unfreindly but what about the previous posts?
Are they not trying to make something unfreindly to Muslims?

Why adressing to whole Muslims, as the title of the OP mentions....

Although all know they were extremists, they had unawarness of their religion....