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Muslims: difference between Nabi & Resul


Veteran Member
Premium Member
By the way, it's pretty clear that your murshid is trying to attribute his work to the words of Allah and comparing himself to Allah. I don't know what to call this!

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
wow, just reading some of these statements. I am in awe that people can still think like this amazing.

Guidance is truly from Allah, and given to those who seek it. Asalamu alaikum


Veteran Member
So the murshid corrected the Quran for you?

what are you talking about? there is nothing wrong in Noble Qur'an, so there is nothing to correct. there are wrongs in translations and commentaries.

I found the word murshida in the original "arabic" Quran but this word mean alot of things and not necassary the things you are talking about in here.

words like, Nebi, father, mother, kid, pilot, king....etc always represent a humanbeing. so does Murshid. it doesnot have another meaning.

here you go, i googled the word for you.
Pir (Sufism) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[SIZE=-1]Other words that refer to a Pir include, Murshid (Arabic: مرشد, meaning "guide" or "teacher"), Shaikh and Sarkar (Persian/Hindi/Urdu word meaning Master ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murshid - 38k - Önbellek - Benzer sayfalar[/SIZE]
Murshid and Murid

[SIZE=-1]Murshid is a God Realised Saint. The Murshid reflects the Divine Light of God just as the moon reflects the light of the Sun. The closest a disciple can get ...
www.myasa.net/mystic/murshid.html - 18k - Önbellek - Benzer sayfalar[/SIZE]
Samuel L. Lewis - Bio

[SIZE=-1]Murshid Samuel L. Lewis, aka Murshid S.A.M. (Sufi Ahmed Murad), dubbed 'Sufi Sam' by newpaper ... Along with his mentors Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, ...
www.ruhaniat.org/lineage/SAMBio.php - 22k - Önbellek - Benzer sayfalar[/SIZE]
Antu Panini Murshid's Webpage

[SIZE=-1]This site contains my most recent working papers, my CV and links to my teaching sites. My primary fields of research are in monetary theory and ...
www.uwm.edu/~amurshid/ - 5k - Önbellek - Benzer sayfalar[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Definition: A murshid is a spiritual guide or master. Among Sufis, it refers to a director of novices who possesses charisma and grace. ...
atheism.about.com/library/glossary/islam/bldef_murshid.htm - 22k - [/SIZE]

This theory is interesting but it has absolutely no basis in Islam. It's just mere interpretations and taking verses out of context. Anyone can pick some interesting words from the Quran and appoint himself as a new leader who wants to save humanity.

what theory? it is about language.
you know what point you're missing? i can never tell you to go out and look for a murshid. because you'd probably find a liar instead of man of God. you ask your murshid from Allah Almighty and Allah shows you who he is. this has nothing to do with picking a word from Qur'an. there is an actual practise and whoever has that experience can't deny this fact written in Noble Qur'an.

There is none of these in the hadiths or the tafseers and i don't think that a murshid will come now out of no where and prophet Mohammed never ever mentioned such a thing, nor his great companions. Is this murshid better than the prophet of Allah?

the last Prophet said that we must compare hadiths with Qur'an. because hadith might be made up and there are thousands of them.
Mohammed PUH) is the greatest murshid ever. he is called murshid of murshids. he is the one who is closest to Allah therefor he is the most beloved and the greatest human. noone can ever be greater than him. no way. ut each Muslim should try to be like him. murshids are close to Allah too but they arenot greater than Habibullah.

Is he better than abu baker and omar, the great companions of the prophet?
I hope you will ask these questions to yourself before following anyone who pick words from the Quran and attributes it to himself in vain.

the truth is Abu Bakir, Omar..actually all the sahabee, each of them were the highest level of humanity. therefor they were born in the time of the last prophet and became his companian. they were all murshids. after death of Prophet they did continue to work for Allah. i know one hadith shows this fact.

Volume 5, Book 57, Number 11:

Narrated Jubair bin Mutim:
A woman came to the Prophet who ordered her to return to him again. She said, "What if I came and did not find you?" as if she wanted to say, "If I found you dead?" The Prophet said, "If you should not find me, go to Abu Bakr."
while prophet was alive he was the greatest murshid, Imam of era as well and woman should go to him. yet after his death she should go to see Abu Bakir. you ask yourself why?


Veteran Member
wow, just reading some of these statements. I am in awe that people can still think like this amazing.

Guidance is truly from Allah, and given to those who seek it. Asalamu alaikum

yes, of course guidance is from Allah. therefor there is hacet salaat to ask for it.

HACET (REQUIREMENT) SALAAT [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]
Thursday night is the usual night to pray the requirement salaat to ask for a murshid (guidance), but it may be prayed every night. First performing a body ablution (abdes, vuzu), and then intention is crucial for requirement salaat.
Ayets can be recited as the following way in the salaat:

Rakat 1: Subhanaka + Al-Fatiha + 3 Ayatal Kursi

Rakat 2: Al-Fatiha + Al-Ikhlas + Al-Falaq + An-Nas

The end of Rakat 2: while sitting, Attahiyyatu

Rakat 3: Subhanaka + Al-Fatiha + Al-Ikhlas + Al-Falaq + An-Nas

Rakat 4: Al-Fatiha + Al-Ikhlas + Al-Falaq + An-Nas

The end of Rakat 4: while sitting, Attahiyyatu + Allahumma Salli + Allahumma Barik

After completing the salaat, you can ask whatever you want. If you pray to find your murshid, ask for your murshid from Allah(cc). It is required to not talk to anybody after the salaat.
You should lie down on your right side, so that qibla will be towards to the front side of your body. 3 Ayatal Kursi should be recited. Afterwards, Inner Zikir (repeating the name of Allah with an inner voice, saying "Allah, Allah, Allah...") is begun. After lying down to the right side, the right ear will be on the pillow. Find a position to feel your heartbeats and repeat "Allah" synchronously with the heartbeats.
If nothing is seen in the first salaat, it is better to repeat the salaat every Thursday night, but it may be prayed every night.


Veteran Member
from two post above... it seems like your source is a Murshid and not the Quran... looks like it’s quiet a stretch you had to make to meet your conclusion...

murshids, men of Allah can only talk Qur'an. they live according to Qur'an, they teach Qur'an and they never defend anything if it's not in Qur'an. they live as the way Prophet did. they follow his footsteps.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
yes, of course guidance is from Allah. therefor there is hacet salaat to ask for it.

HACET (REQUIREMENT) SALAAT [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]
Thursday night is the usual night to pray the requirement salaat to ask for a murshid (guidance), but it may be prayed every night. First performing a body ablution (abdes, vuzu), and then intention is crucial for requirement salaat.
Ayets can be recited as the following way in the salaat:

Rakat 1: Subhanaka + Al-Fatiha + 3 Ayatal Kursi

Rakat 2: Al-Fatiha + Al-Ikhlas + Al-Falaq + An-Nas

The end of Rakat 2: while sitting, Attahiyyatu

Rakat 3: Subhanaka + Al-Fatiha + Al-Ikhlas + Al-Falaq + An-Nas

Rakat 4: Al-Fatiha + Al-Ikhlas + Al-Falaq + An-Nas

The end of Rakat 4: while sitting, Attahiyyatu + Allahumma Salli + Allahumma Barik

After completing the salaat, you can ask whatever you want. If you pray to find your murshid, ask for your murshid from Allah(cc). It is required to not talk to anybody after the salaat.
You should lie down on your right side, so that qibla will be towards to the front side of your body. 3 Ayatal Kursi should be recited. Afterwards, Inner Zikir (repeating the name of Allah with an inner voice, saying "Allah, Allah, Allah...") is begun. After lying down to the right side, the right ear will be on the pillow. Find a position to feel your heartbeats and repeat "Allah" synchronously with the heartbeats.
If nothing is seen in the first salaat, it is better to repeat the salaat every Thursday night, but it may be prayed every night.
where did you get this from? Never mind I do not want to know, Thanks i do not need or want a murshid. i have the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and he is sufficient. Please keep your bidah to yourself. Jazakalahu khairon.


Active Member
murshids, men of Allah can only talk Qur'an. they live according to Qur'an, they teach Qur'an and they never defend anything if it's not in Qur'an. they live as the way Prophet did. they follow his footsteps.

This is what all Muslims try to do...


Veteran Member
where did you get this from? Never mind I do not want to know, Thanks i do not need or want a murshid. i have the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and he is sufficient. Please keep your bidah to yourself. Jazakalahu khairon.

you do whatever you want to do. no need to say that.

no, this isnot bidah. salaat, asking help from Allah, saying verses from Qur'an are never bidah at all.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
you do whatever you want to do. no need to say that.
I will continue to follow the Messenger of Allah and there is a need to say it. I do not want you to respond to me with bidah.

no, this isnot bidah. salaat, asking help from Allah, saying verses from Qur'an are never bidah at all.
You are asking your murshid for guidance, not Allah. Whoever this guy is that no one seems to have heard of.

did the Messenger of Allah make his prayers that way when asking for guidance. If he himself did not do it. then it is bidah. If it is something your murshid came with, keep it. The Salatul Istikhaarah is laid out in the sunnah of the Messenger and the rulings of which are nothing you have mentioned. Please give the hadith where the Messenger of Allah says that it should be on thursday.

If you cannot provide me an evidence from the Quran and sunnah then Please keep anything your murshid gives you to yourself. I do not want to know or care to know this innovation. I follow the Quran and Sunnah, if what your murshid or any of your evidences are not from the Quran and Sunnah and on the authority of the respected scholars living amongst the three best generations or where themselves students of them. do not even respond. For if it is not that. I promise you I will completely disregard any of your statements and you would save us all a lot of time if you kept any innovation to yourself.

What is the proof for this?

It is not permissible for a Muslims to perform any act of worship, however small it may be in his opinion, thinking that it is good, except tht this act of worship is established in the Shariah, which either the Prophet did, or ordered, or the Companions of the Prophet acted upon. Whatever is besides that is an innovation and every innovation is misguidance:

the Prophet peace be upon him said: "Whoever introduces something new into this affair of ours, then it is rejected." Sahih Muslim Vol3. 4266

As for the Proof for the permissibility of Al - Istikhaarah then Imam al Bukhari narrates in his saheeh: "Mutraf ibn Abdullah Abu Mus'ab narrated to us that Abdur Rahmeen ibn Abi al_Mawaal narrated to us from Muhammed ibn al Munkadir may Allah be pleased with him (companion) who said: The Prophet (pbuh) used to teach us al Istikhaarah (seeking of guidance) in all of our affairs like he would teach us a Surah of the Qur'an saying: " If any of you is concerned about an affair, then let him pray two rakaahs other then the obligatory prayers after which he should supplicate: 'O Allah, I seek your counsel by Your knowledge and I seek your assistance by Your Power and I ask You from Your immense favour, for verily You are able while I am not, and verily You know and I do not, and You are the Knower of the Unseen. O Allah, if you know this affair to be good for me in relation to my religion, my life and end (or he said: my present and future), then decree and facilitate it for me and bless me with it. And if You know this affair to be detrimental for me concerning my religion, my life and end (or he said: my present or future), then remove it frim me and remove me from it and decree fr me what is good wherever it be and make me satisfied with it.' And he mentions his need."

this is in Ahmad (3/344), Al Bukhari eng trans (vol2 no. 263), Abu Dawood end trans (Vol.1 No. 1533), An Nasaa'ee (no.3253), at Tirmidhee (no.480), and Ibn Majah (no. 1383)

Every major book of sunnah it is mentioned. Where is your evidence from these souces. if it is not from sunnah keep it for yourself and your murshid. For Allah, His Messenger, his companions, and those that follow their way do not want it from anywhere else.


Veteran Member
Noble Qur'an is the only source without mistakes. under this topic i tried to explain that there are Rasuls today. there will always be till the end of time. Nabis are definetely Rasuls, but not all the Rasuls are Nabis. Mohammed (PBUH) was Hatamul enbiya, the last of the Prophets, last of the Nabis. yet Rasuls keep coming. following the Rasuls of today is equal to follow Mohammed (PBUH). it can't be different because the religion of Allah is one, Islam.

33 / AL AHZAP – 40: Muhammed (PBUH) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last (Seal) of the Nabis (Prophets); and Allah is All-Knower of all things.

as you see, in this verse allah Almighty says Mohammed is messenger of Allah and the last of Nabis. doesnot say last of messengers.

10 / YÛNUS - 47: Every nation (people) has been sent a messenger. When their messenger came to them, they were judged between them with justice. They are not treated unjustly.

14 / IBRAHIM - 4: There is no Messenger that We sent except (to teach) in the language of his (own) people, in order to make (things) clear to them. So Allah leaves those (who do not wish to reach Allah) whom He pleases in DALALET (Misguidance), and guides whom He pleases to Himself (HIDAYAT= True Guidance leading to Allah). He is Exalted in power, the All-Wise.

16 / AN-NAHL - 36: For We assuredly sent (appointed) amongst every People (tribe) a messenger so they become servants and avoid the Satanic Way (TAGUT, man and jinn demons). Some of them (those who depended on a messenger) attained HIDAYAT (the true guidance leading to Allah) and some of them (those who did not depend on a messenger) were inevitably (established) in DALALET (misguidance). So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied (the Truth).

39 / AZ – ZUMAR – 71: The QAFIRS (the blasphemous ones) will be driven to Hell in groups till, when they reach it, the gates thereof will be opened. And its keepers will say: “Did not the Messengers come to you from among yourselves, reciting (reading and explaining) to you the Verses of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?” They will say: “Yes, they did. But the Word of torment (Decree of Chastisement) has been justified against QAFIRS (the blasphemous ones).”

1400 years ago, denying Mohammed (PBUH) was equal to denying Allah. because he was Nabi Rasul. he only spoke command of Allah. all the messengers of Allah has the same duty. they are not greater than the last Prophet, noone is and none could ever be. yet the duty of messengers are the same. they speak the command of Allah. so today, denying a Rasol is denying Allah Almighty as well. there are Rasols in every nation. for now, i would just say this because that's what topic is about.

thank you for your time


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Noble Qur'an is the only source without mistakes. under this topic i tried to explain that there are Rasuls today. there will always be till the end of time. Nabis are definetely Rasuls, but not all the Rasuls are Nabis. Mohammed (PBUH) was Hatamul enbiya, the last of the Prophets, last of the Nabis. yet Rasuls keep coming. following the Rasuls of today is equal to follow Mohammed (PBUH). it can't be different because the religion of Allah is one, Islam.

33 / AL AHZAP – 40: Muhammed (PBUH) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last (Seal) of the Nabis (Prophets); and Allah is All-Knower of all things.

as you see, in this verse allah Almighty says Mohammed is messenger of Allah and the last of Nabis. doesnot say last of messengers.

If you are wondering why he said nabi, you better know that the Quran was a miraculous in it's language in the first place before being so in the other asepcts of life.

Allah wouldn't say the last prophet and the last messenger because he would appear to be repeating himself and the arabs would have fun of the Quran. Allah said the last nabi because a nabi might or might not be a rasul, but the rasul is definitely a nabi. You got what i mean now?

If Allah said that Mohammed is the last nabi so that will definitely include the messengers "rasuls" because all the rasuls are nabis in the first place but not vice versa.

so today, denying a Rasol is denying Allah Almighty as well. there are Rasols in every nation. for now, i would just say this because that's what topic is about.

All those who claim to be either nabis or rasuls today are in falsehood and God will punish them in the hereafter for misguiding some weak people in faith.

May Allah guide all of us to the right path.


Veteran Member
my beloved friend, what you're saying is not written in Qur'an. Noble Qur'an actually says the exact opposite.

Prophets are Nebi Rasols. those messengers Qur'an tells about are Veli (Friend of Allah) Rasols. today's imams don't follow Qur'an. they follow hadiths and commentaries. here i invite you and all the people to read Qur'an and think over verses.

so, please, for a minute put everything aside and read this verse and compare it with what you've been told about Rasols.

[17:15] Who receiveth guidance, receiveth it for his own benefit: who goeth astray doth so to his own loss: no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent a Messenger (to give warning).

if what you're saying about Rasols and Nebis was right, then all the people who lived and who's living and who would live after the arrival of the last Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) would go heaven because no messengers was sent to them. but it is wrong. there are maybe hundreds of Rasols today on earth, in every nation to warn people.

[39:71] The Unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowd: until, when they arrive there, its gates will be opened. And its Keepers will say, "Did not Messengers come to you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?" The answer will be: "True: but the Decree of Punishment has been proved true against the Unbelievers!"

please think about it. Shaytan wasnot able to change what's written in Qur'an. that's why he did change the basics of Islam. he made it 5. but it is 7. noone could enter heaven of Allah if they didnot wish to reach Allah Almighty. wish to reach Allah, only that wish could save one from hell. that's the one and only salvation for all, for anyone.he could not even change a letter in the original text but he made people follow fake hadiths and personal commentaries. he manage to pull people hell this way.

thank you for your time.



Active Member
my beloved friend, what you're saying is not written in Qur'an. Noble Qur'an actually says the exact opposite.

Prophets are Nebi Rasols. those messengers Qur'an tells about are Veli (Friend of Allah) Rasols. today's imams don't follow Qur'an. they follow hadiths and commentaries. here i invite you and all the people to read Qur'an and think over verses.

so, please, for a minute put everything aside and read this verse and compare it with what you've been told about Rasols.

[17:15] Who receiveth guidance, receiveth it for his own benefit: who goeth astray doth so to his own loss: no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent a Messenger (to give warning).

if what you're saying about Rasols and Nebis was right, then all the people who lived and who's living and who would live after the arrival of the last Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) would go heaven because no messengers was sent to them. but it is wrong. there are maybe hundreds of Rasols today on earth, in every nation to warn people.

[39:71] The Unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowd: until, when they arrive there, its gates will be opened. And its Keepers will say, "Did not Messengers come to you from among yourselves, rehearsing to you the Signs of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?" The answer will be: "True: but the Decree of Punishment has been proved true against the Unbelievers!"

please think about it. Shaytan wasnot able to change what's written in Qur'an. that's why he did change the basics of Islam. he made it 5. but it is 7. noone could enter heaven of Allah if they didnot wish to reach Allah Almighty. wish to reach Allah, only that wish could save one from hell. that's the one and only salvation for all, for anyone.he could not even change a letter in the original text but he made people follow fake hadiths and personal commentaries. he manage to pull people hell this way.

thank you for your time.

I think u are talking about pious people. Those who guide other muslims, yet have no divine visions, revelations etc. . Right?