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Muslims, would this stop terrorist attacks from fundamentalists?


Well-Known Member
All many know is the whole thing doesn't add up....So unfortunately people are all left guessing, as our media, and governments can't be trusted. :oops:
Medias and governments have their own agendas, but rather than reach crazy conclusions based on edited photos and whatnot wouldn't it be better to not spread more false information?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Medias and governments have their own agendas, but rather than reach crazy conclusions based on edited photos and whatnot wouldn't it be better to not spread more false information?
True, hadn't realized one of the photos was false.... The praying in different directions wasn't.... The Mossad agents dressed as Arabs, arrested on 9/11 recording the towers coming down, wasn't either.

So remain open minded to the whole thing is a lie, especially with all the false flag evidence. :oops:


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I SO wish people would stop feeding irresponsibile "conspiracy theories".

There is plenty enough real, shameful by the boatload mistakes to criticize without enveloping the whole thing with a couple of applications of reassuring fantasy.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
The one without tattoos is a Reuters photo. It's quite certain the tattoo wasn't there.
lol, yeah Reuters are reliable, they were there to report on it, before the Paris terror attacks even happened. :rolleyes:


As people have noted, they destroy Qurans all the time when they attack "heretical" Muslims.


This statement is not accurate.

1/2 the muslims in the globe call the other muslims that. islam is divided into many different groups all claiming the real version :facepalm:


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I've heard a theory out there which seems dubious but interesting, and i'm wondering whether or not this would deter terrorist attacks or attacks on military installations or vehicles.

Basically the idea of the theory was to place Qurans all over vehicles and building, so that way in order to attack something or blow someone up, the Islamic terrorist would be destroying hundreds of Qurans via burning, or bullets, or whatever. I mean even allegations that someone burned a Quran in the middle east could potentially get you stoned to death. Do you think this would deter attacks at the very least or would they just ignore the books and attack anyways? I seriously don't know because i've heard that Muslims take Quran destruction very seriously as one of the largest offenses and blasphemies possible.
It one of the stupider ideas I've heard in awhile, as doing so would enrage the desecration of the Qur'an nuts far and wide, and may well serve as a reason to destroy the target for desecrating the Qur'an in the first place. Besides how unseemly can one get? Kuffar's using the Qur'an for protection? Holy propaganda value, Batman.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
That article is exactly the reason i made this thread actually. So do you think these fundamentalists would shootdown an american plane if it had hundreds of Qur'ans in it? I mean it would be one of the biggest insults to Islam ever to cause the burning and destruction of that many holy books. It might actually be a great technique to damage morale. Each time terrorists decide to attack a target they destroy so many Qur'ans in the process that their own people would probably shun them.
It may work, for awhile, until they get used to it.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
It may work, for awhile, until they get used to it.
Actually, I doubt it would. It's only a fricken book, after all. Besides, would you use translations or Arabic only copies?

Perhaps I'm the only one who sees using the Qur'an as a form of protection to be deeply offensive. The symbolism is too rich.
Actually, I doubt it would. It's only a fricken book, after all. Besides, would you use translations or Arabic only copies?

Perhaps I'm the only one who sees using the Qur'an as a form of protection to be deeply offensive. The symbolism is too rich.

You are right. Would cause an uproar.

Quran must be handled with respect, and you should be clean when you touch it. Tempting people to destroy it wouldn't be the smartest pr move.

Translations aren't Qurans any way so wouldn't carry any value.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member

This statement is not accurate.

1/2 the muslims in the globe call the other muslims that. islam is divided into many different groups all claiming the real version :facepalm:

Gee, they are just like Christians who have thousands of different denominations.


Gee, they are just like Christians who have thousands of different denominations.

This religion does not have as bad a fanaticism problem as islam. It is not tied to politics and law as deeply.

Not only that Christians do not really have major sects, and do not murder each other over interpretation differences like islam.

The major different ones would be like mormans, 7th day, amish, which are very different.

Having been a Luthren most of my life, I cant even tell you the major differences between other catholics because they are so small in comparison.