Still flip-flopping.....
First you you speak of claim...with or without merit....a free gift...
Then consequence....reap what you sow.
You can't seem to draw the line, either way.
You want a line of which you will not accept an answer, unless it meets your criteria.
Look, the creation was lost due to God's creative process, no fault of ours.
I mean, what have you in your own power to effect anything spiritual?
What you can effect is your decision making, right or wrong, that's is all you and I can do.
Now, as for the spiritual end of it, which involves the Creator, He is the only one who can effect an end to our separation by fixing the problem Himself.
He has already done so in Jesus, believe it....or not. That is your choice.
The wages of sin is death, meaning that at our death we cease to sin, and therefore, past sins are paid in full by our death.
What does not die is our souls because God granted us life by His own righteousness of which we having nothing to do with except to accept it on our free will.
Now, if you don't accept this free gift, you will remain as not having received it until your time expires here. There after your soul belongs to God who purchased it by His Son.
Unless you or anybody else can top the Son's righteousness, we labor in vain trying.
That is what the seventh day rest is all about. To cease(Rest) from your own works and rely on God's works.
When that point arrives, whether active or inactive (Alive or dead) you will cease from your own works and shall live on forever in the righteousness of God in Christ.
The line you seek is only drawn by mankind's thinking because mankind deems it necessary to work, to merit one's own salvation rather than to accept God's salvation as ours.
There is no line in that when Jesus died, He paid the price for all. I mean all, good and evil.
If you find that hard to believe, then you are still a carnal minded person. Meaning thinking and believing only in the existence of the flesh.
Not supporting the ability of the Creator to save His own creation in spite of who or what we are.
What we do with this life can be for good or for evil of which both will end at our death.
As gods, lower case g, we have the power to make up our own minds.
Be it as you wish. I will not think of you any less but as a brother or sister.
Blessings, AJ