Very well, my redundant new friend.
I condemn the act, and do so further if they claim the act was in the name of WHATEVER religion. Moreso with people who use Christianity as a justification for ANYTHING wrong: from the multi-million dollar televangelists to the phony "faith-healers" who bilk the poor, old, and down-trodden, to those who commit horrendous acts of violence and claim it was in any way, shape, or form done in the name of God or Christianity.
So, to be succinct, YES.
And I do apologize that I did not answer sooner. You have to recognize that I have been pelted with questions and criticisms from many in this thread. I am trying to keep up with all the brotherly love.
Truthfully, those who feel bashed are also bashing, are they not? But I'm not crying about it.
That said, there are many here who have been helpful, courteous, and compassionate. This is true of people across the varied religious spectrum. I genuinely thank those people, and hope that certain others can take a cue.
You condemn the act, but how do you explain it? Do you beleive that their religion is the reason and motivation behind their actions?
And do you condemn the entire religion of Christianity because of those act as you have done with Islam?