1. Early Christians prayed directly to Jesus, treating him as a divine figure worthy of communication and supplication.
2. Christians composed hymns and songs that addressed Jesus in terms typically reserved for deity, praising his attributes and actions.
3. The invocation of Jesus' name in various contexts, such as in healing rituals or exorcisms, demonstrated a belief in his power and authority.
4. The rite of baptism, which symbolized initiation into the Christian faith, often involved invoking the name of Jesus and acknowledging him as Lord.
5. The communal meal or Eucharist celebrated by early Christians often included prayers and thanksgiving directed towards Jesus, recognizing his sacrificial death and resurrection.
6. Early Christian gatherings for worship often centered on the person of Jesus, with prayers, readings, and teachings focused on his life, teachings, and significance.
7. Christians would confess their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior, sometimes even in the face of persecution or martyrdom.