Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It’s Howard. The name is Howard. Because Jesus said, “Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name...”There are those who propose that they are the witnesses for Jehovah God and only they are in the process of restoring His name to its’ rightful place. I find it interesting that the name Jehovah is mentioned some 1,500 times in the Old Testament but zero times in the New Testament. It has never, ever, been found in any New Testament manuscript even in the original language going back as far as the manuscripts dated 125.C.E. The name ‘Jehovah’ should be all over the New Testament. Does that mean that they only witnesses for the Old Testament? If Christ came to make His Father’s name known, why is His Father’s name so absent? Jesus Christ came to represent His Father and to die in His name. Did He fail in that mission? Your thoughts? Certainty for eternity.