I almost never have inclinations or a desire to take charge in any kind of relationship, neither am i particularly attracted to people (or at least that attribute in people), who like to be taken charge of.
I don't view that as a healthy relationship, and in fact start feeling worried if i think that this is happening in any relationship i'm a part of. I'm uncomfortable with it if its a constant thing. That is, if i'm always in charge.
In my relationships with others, i'm only genuinely interested in relationships where both sides provide on a close pattern to each other, on all or almost all aspects. And when i imagine in particular what i'd like about a romantic relationship (thats all the experience i got in this regard so far i'm afraid; fantasies
), i imagine one where i can whenever i need to completely let myself go to my partner (which is something i need often) without worrying about appearing too weak, submissive or things along those lines. Put differently, one where i can get to be 'contained' when i need to, in every sense of the word.
And i would (and do in other kinds of relationships) do the same for my partner. Other kinds of 'partner ships' work in that each partner have some aspect that the other is lacking, and in that sense they complete each other. Which is fine. The only problem in regards to the 'in charge' part is that it sort of nullifies that partner ship in my view, the term of partnership i mean. If one side is always in charge. In other factors however it doesn't have to be so closely balanced or even present in both the people involved (despite my preference being different than this).
Basically, what i'm trying to say is that i don't see how anyone can say whats attractive and whats not about a man, and whether or not 'nice guys' (under whatever definition) are attractive, when people need all sorts of different things and prefer different attributes than each other, and different from the common stereotypes of both what men are supposed to be and what women supposedly like in them.
This includes the kind of nice guy that is getting referred to in all sorts of negative ways here (understandably). People who don't stand up for themselves very often. That is in my view a negative attribute, but that doesn't mean that its necessarily unattractive. To all people i mean.