You don't think voting is part of your civic duty when your nation is a democracy with mandatory taxation?
Personally, I think it is a touch stupid to abdicate voting such that it might as well be mandatory. Taxation, after all, is mandatory. Who in their right mind would abdicate having a say in how those mandatory taxes are being spent? Add that maintaining democracy in the first place requires civic engagement from the citizenry (in general if you expect to keep your mode of governance - democracy or otherwise - you need to actually put work in to sustain it)? Nah, mandatory voting is an obvious and sensible policy to deal with the nonsensical attacks on the voting system. No, Red and Blue, you don't get to filter who doesn't and doesn't vote - everybody votes, just like everybody pays taxes. Even if they turn in a blank ballot or zeroed out 1040 because they were unemployed the entire year.