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John Frum
God "delivers" more folks into the hands of his chosen people. "And they slew of Moab ... about 10,000 men ... and their escaped not a man." 3:28-29

Shamgar kills 600 Philistines with an ox goad. Praise God. 3:31

"The Lord discomfited Sisera ... with the edge of the sword ... and there was not a man left." 4:15-16

God smites Sihon and all his people and gives their land to Israel. 11:21

"Whomsoever the LORD our God shall drive out from before us, them will we [the Israelites] possess." 11:24

Samson, with God's help, kills himself and 3000 Philistine men and women by causing a roof to collapse, setting an example for Bible-based terrorism. 16:27-30

Caleb offers to give his daughter to anyone who conquers the city of Debir. Caleb's nephew wins the contest and is given his cousin for a prize. 1:12-13

Abimelech kills 70 brothers "upon one stone." (He was trying to get in the Guinness Book of World Records.) 9:5
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Well-Known Member
God "delivers" more folks into the hands of his chosen people. "And they slew of Moab ... about 10,000 men ... and their escaped not a man." 3:28-29

Shamgar kills 600 Philistines with an ox goad. Praise God. 3:31

"The Lord discomfited Sisera ... with the edge of the sword ... and there was not a man left." 4:15-16

God smites Sihon and all his people and gives their land to Israel. 11:21

"Whomsoever the LORD our God shall drive out from before us, them will we [the Israelites] possess." 11:24

And you don't believe that anything could have possibly justified their destruction?


Guardian of Asgaard
Perhaps you are unaware...no, you are extremely unaware of the ignorance that drips from your foolishly spoken words.

Well actually, biblical upholders all to often ignore the violent sadistic things God does in the bible. It makes it a bit easier to be elitists and to daydream about how moral all Godly people are. You can defend the bible all you want but people who have read the bible know that adherants must ignore certain inconvenient truths.

A page ago it was said the context the bible was written in was violent, but that doesn't change the fact that a divinely inspired book that applies to today's society should apply morals we find applicable.


John Frum
And you don't believe that anything could have possibly justified their destruction?

Like what? What could possibly justify wiping out an entire race, entire races, of people?

Blashpemy? Working on the Sabbath? Worshiping fasle idols?

And what of the exploitation of women, the slaves promised to abraham, and again to moses?

Where are the morals in all of this brutality and opression?

Samson's father-in-law gave Samson's wife away to a friend, since he thought Samson "hated" her. He suggests that Samson take his younger daughter instead, saying the younger one's prettier anyway. 15:2
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Guardian of Life
Well actually, biblical upholders all to often ignore the violent sadistic things God does in the bible. It makes it a bit easier to be elitists and to daydream about how moral all Godly people are. You can defend the bible all you want but people who have read the bible know that adherants must ignore certain inconvenient truths.
What is there to ignore? God destroyed people who's destruction was warranted. As I have said in other threads, if God is freely sustaining life, then He holds the right to, at any time, cease that sustenance for any or no reason. Just as if I were to provide you with free electricity from my power company, and then decide to stop giving you that electricity.


John Frum
What is there to ignore? God destroyed people who's destruction was warranted. As I have said in other threads, if God is freely sustaining life, then He holds the right to, at any time, cease that sustenance for any or no reason. Just as if I were to provide you with free electricity from my power company, and then decide to stop giving you that electricity.

After taking in a traveling Levite, the host offers his virgin daughter and his guest's concubine to a mob of perverts (who want to have sex with his guest). The mob refuses the daughter, but accepts the concubine and they "abuse her all night." The next morning she crawls back to the doorstep and dies. The Levite puts her dead body on an *** and takes her home. Then he chops her body up into twelve pieces and sends them to each of the twelve tribes of Israel. 19:22-30

ok, explain that one.

and anyway, who said the god of isreal was any more important than the god they were already serving there?

You just assume that because you believe your god has some sort of authority over the Earth, we all should.

Why didn't he encourage the gintiles to worship him, rather than tell abraham, moses, and king david to slaughter them?

Because he was the god of the ISRAELITES. not the gentiles.

To find wives for the Benjamites (they were unwilling to use their own daughters), the other tribes attacked and killed all occupants of a city except for the young virgins. These virgins were then given to the Benjamites for wives. 21:7-23
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Guardian of Asgaard
What is there to ignore? God destroyed people who's destruction was warranted. As I have said in other threads, if God is freely sustaining life, then He holds the right to, at any time, cease that sustenance for any or no reason. Just as if I were to provide you with free electricity from my power company, and then decide to stop giving you that electricity.

Exactly, what a sadistic ******, if people are bad he kills them. What a great motivation for Christians and Jews worldwide. This makes me want to be a Christian so i can destroy people who earned their death :rolleyes: are you serious?

I don't know how you can warrant a person's destruction but you're not helping to defend this God of yours. People who disobey are slaughtered, great morals your book teaches.


John Frum
This guy is exactly the reason religion is dangerous.

So what a bunch of people died, God did it.

Do you know how ridiculous that sounds to people that use their head?

This is the sort of thing we've been fighting to get away from for centuries. The notion that God should be able to kill you on a whim. The idea that the Church can "put you to the question". Your God is cruel, sadistic, malicious and narcisistic.
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Well-Known Member
Can you justify destruction in this world?

If people commit sins should God simply instruct one of his sheep to destroy them?

Think about what you are saying.

Suppose the people that were wiped out were so wicked and depraved that God wiped them out as an act of mercy. If we are all going to have to answer for our sins, and it was obvious that a group of people were lost and had completely rejected all that is good and just, wouldn't a kind God put an end to it? If he knew they were past the point of ever repenting, wouldn't he want to stop them so their punishment would be less severe?


John Frum
Suppose the people that were wiped out were so wicked and depraved that God wiped them out as an act of mercy. If we are all going to have to answer for our sins, and it was obvious that a group of people were lost and had completely rejected all that is good and just, wouldn't a kind God put an end to it? If he knew they were past the point of ever repenting, wouldn't he want to stop them so their punishment would be less severe?

Wicked and depraved by what standards? You mean like mutilating the genitals of children and forcing women into slavery? Like the Israelites were doing? Not only were his own people FAR from good and just, judging by their scripture, they were a bunch of lunatics. Slavery, oppression and genocide were never acceptable by any standards but the bible's, and some other primitive civilizations as well, like the aztecs, who sacrificed humans and ate their flesh.
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Guardian of Life
After taking in a traveling Levite, the host offers his virgin daughter and his guest's concubine to a mob of perverts (who want to have sex with his guest). The mob refuses the daughter, but accepts the concubine and they "abuse her all night." The next morning she crawls back to the doorstep and dies. The Levite puts her dead body on an *** and takes her home. Then he chops her body up into twelve pieces and sends them to each of the twelve tribes of Israel. 19:22-30
ok, explain that one.
If you read into chapter 20 you'll see that what the men did to the girl was not accepted nor condoned by the Tanakh. When she had returned to the man that had sent her out, she was already dead. The children of Israel then put the men who raped and murdered her to death in chapter 20.

and anyway, who said the god of isreal was any more important than the god they were already serving there?

You just assume that because you believe your god has some sort of authority over the Earth, we all should.

Why didn't he encourage the gintiles to worship him, rather than tell abraham, moses, and king david to slaughter them?

Because he was the god of the ISRAELITES. not the gentiles.
More ignorance above.

To find wives for the Benjamites (they were unwilling to use their own daughters), the other tribes attacked and killed all occupants of a city except for the young virgins. These virgins were then given to the Benjamites for wives. 21:7-23

And this is a skewed interpretation of those verses....perhaps you should read it for yourself...


Guardian of Asgaard
Suppose the people that were wiped out were so wicked and depraved that God wiped them out as an act of mercy. If we are all going to have to answer for our sins, and it was obvious that a group of people were lost and had completely rejected all that is good and just, wouldn't a kind God put an end to it? If he knew they were past the point of ever repenting, wouldn't he want to stop them so their punishment would be less severe?

Yes, but in a modern sense would you approve of doing God's work for him to remove neo-nazis?
My point is how can killing be justified when its a sin to commit murder, and God does it when he see's fit? Kinda hypocritical isn't it?


Guardian of Life
Exactly, what a sadistic ******, if people are bad he kills them. What a great motivation for Christians and Jews worldwide. This makes me want to be a Christian so i can destroy people who earned their death :rolleyes: are you serious?
I never said become a Christian. You don't have to believe the Bible if you don't want to. Believe whatever you want.

Do you know how ridiculous that sounds to people that use their head?
You're more then welcome to believe something else.


John Frum
If you read into chapter 20 you'll see that what the men did to the girl was not accepted nor condoned by the Tanakh. When she had returned to the man that had sent her out, she was already dead. The children of Israel then put the men who raped and murdered her to death in chapter 20.

More ignorance above.

And this is a skewed interpretation of those verses....perhaps you should read it for yourself...

It's not ignorace. It's reason. Who says your god is the best god, or the REAL god?


Guardian of Life
It's not ignorace. It's reason. Who says your god is the best god, or the REAL god?

Did I, at any point, say that my God is the best or real God? You make a lot of stupid assumptions. Assumptions that aren't worth countering.

Your "reason" lacks the necessary skill of comprehension.


John Frum
If you read into chapter 20 you'll see that what the men did to the girl was not accepted nor condoned by the Tanakh. When she had returned to the man that had sent her out, she was already dead. The children of Israel then put the men who raped and murdered her to death in chapter 20.

More ignorance above.

And this is a skewed interpretation of those verses....perhaps you should read it for yourself...

No, it's not skewed at all. Two cowards sent women out in their place, to be raped and killed.

And it's hardly ignorace, your god is not the best, the coolest, the most real or the holiest. He's only the one that YOU believe in.