Science is a god to many people, and a false god at that. Much of what passes as 'science' are unsubstantiated theories, such as comets hitting the earth, and evolution being responsible for all life. A relatively short while ago, it was scientific to bleed sick people... (false) Science is left speechless to explain the miraculous processes of life, processes the best minds cannot hope to emulate in well equipped labs. True science and true knowledge, including archeology, has many times shown the Bible to be accurate. Where falsely called knowledge is revised frequently, the Bible has stood the test of time for thousands of years. Jesus acknowledged in prayer to his Father, "Your word is truth". (John 17:17)
Having said this, I realize many people will believe what makes them feel more comfortable with their life and choices. So be it. The truth will out in due time.
Science is no more a god to me than my car is. My car is a vehicle I use to arrive at a destination. As long as it is reliable, I use it. If it becomes an unreliable method, I reject it and look at train schedules. The same with science. As long as it continues to provide us with reliable information from which we can obtain beneficial results (like this computer I am using), I will place confidence (not faith) in science — it has stood the test for thousands of years.
As a side note, I believe you are misusing the word "theory." When you say that word, I think you mean a hypothesis (an educated guess which requires validation). To those educated in science a theory is: "A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or
phenomena; a hypothesis that has been confirmed or established by observation and experiment, and is propounded or accepted as accounting for the known facts; a statement of what are held to be the general
laws, principles, or causes of something known or observed."
So the theories under which we operate HAVE been substantiated or they have been disproved and replaced with theories that better conform to reality. Your example of bleeding sick people is an excellent instance of how science works. As we gain more information, bad hypotheses ("bleeding people will cure them") is replaced by better verifiable theories. I know of no scientist who is "speechless" concerning any aspect of the processes of life. They have been studied, tested and documented. Amino acids similar to those believed to present when life first form have been made in laboratories. The problem is we don't have a million years to run these experiments nor does the earth have the same atmosphere. Do we know how life first began? No. Does that mean we can lazily insert a magic word like Creator God in the blanks? No. For all we know our planet could have been seeded by extraterrestrials. Do I believe this happened? No..there exists no evidence in any sense as to how exactly self-replicating organic cells got their start. Until there is more information, it is foolhardy for any of us to say "I know."
When you say "the Bible has stood the test of time," the question arises which Bible? The canon we now use in most churches did not even exist until more than 400 years after Jesus was believed to have lived. Some churches include books which other churches reject. Has the Apocrypha stood this test? In some churches, yes — in others, no. The more scholars study the copies of the copies of the original manuscript (we have never found an original NT manuscript), the more they find editorial insertions, redaction, scribal errors and outright fiction added to older texts.
Plus, if you believe the statement, "the Bible has stood the test of time," you have to also admit that, given that statement as a standard, you must admit that several other world religions (religions which are clearly in contradiction to Christianity) must be just as true and valid since their ancient texts — the Hindu Bagahvad Gita and the many Buddhist texts which pre-date Christianity — are also still around and being used in their respective religions (not to mention my favorite religio-philosophical work the Tao Te Ching).
Finally, I want to agree wholeheartedly with your statement, "many people will believe what makes them feel more comfortable with their life and choices." I think this is exactly why most people end up practicing the predominate religion of their culture. I know for me, it was traumatic to leave the comfort zone of my culture's religion (fundamentalist Christianity) and discover and adopt a philosophy that conformed best with my perception of reality. I encourage everyone to avoid simply accepting the religion you are given and question EVERYTHING. For some, that will mean a return to the religion of their culture (but hopefully in a more meaningful way) and for others it will mean an exciting journey down a new path.
Thank you, Rusra, for providing such an interesting post for discussion. Please do not take my reply as an attack but simply as an honest analysis of the content. I wish the best for you and peace in your life.