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Non Christians are more evil than all Christians combined

Pete in Panama

Well-Known Member
Nazis committed the holocaust. In post-enlightenment Europe.

I’m sure you can find plenty of genuine reasons to justify your personal resentment of Christianity, without taking a deep dive into wilful ignorance.
Some might point out that at one time both Stalin and Hitler studied for the priesthood, and Hitler tithed to the church til his dying day. imho that does not mean that the Pope was a party to the Holocaust. It means that we'd best look at where we are and decide what direction we want to go.


Well-Known Member
Some might point out that at one time both Stalin and Hitler studied for the priesthood, and Hitler tithed to the church til his dying day. imho that does not mean that the Pope was a party to the Holocaust. It means that we'd best look at where we are and decide what direction we want to go.

Hitler didn’t study for the priesthood, where on earth did you get that idea from? And whilst Stalin was a seminarian in his youth, he was a confirmed atheist for most of his life.


Well-Known Member
You can have whatever religious criteria you want for determining what is evil, so you can't be wrong when you come up with a criteria for what's evil and apply it to situations that you consider evil. It's basically circular reasoning.

To me, as a non-religious individual, the word evil doesn't mean anything practical. Words like honest and dishonest do mean something practical to me. If you want to say that a person is evil because they're dishonest, then to me that doesn't add anything helpful to the fact that the person is dishonest; just point out the fact that the person is dishonest and leave it at that.

Pete in Panama

Well-Known Member
Hitler didn’t study for the priesthood, where on earth did you get that idea from? And whilst Stalin was a seminarian in his youth, he was a confirmed atheist for most of his life.
That's an interesting opinion tho I'm not sure how that bears on what I said my take was.


הרב יונה בן זכריה
That's quite possible. Another take is to accept the fact that he is reporting having had these experiences. Assuming that he's not lying about his recollections (a big assumption) then my observation is that since most folks don't report this take while he does, then what we got is that the problem lies w/ him. So. What is he doing wrong?
All of us who post on the forum with any regularity eventually paint a portrait of ourselves. Although @Massimo2002 is a fairly recent addition to our forum community, he has posted sufficiently to enable one to reach certain conclusions About him. His world is a very dark place. His reality is not the reality that most of us experience. Just use the forum’s search function to track his previous posts.

I have been excoriated by some for opining that Massimo’s problems are too significant to be dealt with properly on the forum. I do not deny the benefit of words of comfort, words of encouragement whether by post or other methods. However, I remain convinced that the level of intervention needed to aid Massimo in dealing with his issues, cannot be achieved here.
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I don't totally disagree, but this is a "can't win" situation for Christians, isn't it?

Christians are nice to you? They only do it to recruit you.

Christians are rude? Well there you are that's just shows what they are like.
But Christians are very open about their goal to recruit everyone they can. They're very open about this. They even call it "the Great Commission."

When someone tells me their goal and then they behave in a way that's in line with their stated goal, I'll generally take this as a sign that they were probably sincere.
Hitler didn’t study for the priesthood, where on earth did you get that idea from? And whilst Stalin was a seminarian in his youth, he was a confirmed atheist for most of his life.

Including while still studying at the seminary:

“The seminary was to pull off the singular achievement of supplying the Russian Revolution with some of its most ruthless radicals. “No secular school,” wrote another seminarist, Stalin’s comrade Philip Makharadze, “produced as many atheists as the Tiflis Seminary.” The Stone Sack literally became a boarding-school for revolutionaries...

“The seminary journal reports that Stalin declared himself an atheist, stalked out of prayers, chatted in class, was late for tea and refused to doff his hat to monks. He had eleven more warnings..

In his seventies, the dictator was still chuckling about these arguments. “I became an atheist in the first year,” he said, which led to arguments with other boys such as his pious friend Simon Natroshvili. But, after some thought, Natroshvili “came to see me and admitted his mistake.” Stalin was delighted until Simon continued: “If God exists, hell exists too. There’s always a blazing hellfire. To keep the hellfires burning, who can provide enough logs? They would have to be endless and how can endless logs exist?” Stalin remembered, “I burst out laughing! I thought Simon had reached his conclusions by philosophical reasoning but actually he became an atheist for fear that there weren’t enough logs for hell!”

Pete in Panama

Well-Known Member
All of us who post on the forum with any regularity eventually paint a portrait of ourselves. Although @Massimo2002 is a fairly recent addition to our forum community, he has posted sufficiently to enable one to reach certain conclusions About him. His world is a very dark place. His reality is not the reality that most of us experience. Just use the forum’s search function to track his previous posts.

I have been excoriated by some for opining that Massimo’s problems are too significant to be dealt with properly on the forum. I do not deny the benefit of words of comfort, words of encouragement whether by post or other methods. However, I remain convinced that the level of intervention needed to aid Massimo in dealing with his issues, cannot be achieved here.
My personal conclusion is that happiness is a choice, not a response to circumstances. Misery is a bad choice but it's also the easiest one. That must be why so many lazy people go down that road.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
I’m gonna call bull****.


Well-Known Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.

It depends on the value systems, and that is what matters.

I had good and pleasant experiences with Christians who abided by positive and ethical values and nasty experiences with Christians who had little or no such abidance.

You may have had pleasant experiences with Christians who abided by positive and ethical values and nasty experiences with muslims and atheists who had little or no such abidance. If you had come across muslims and atheists with positive values, you would not have had such a perception.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
Really, it's you. The problem is you. You need to take a good, hard look at your life, knock of the woe is me crap, and adjust your outlooks and views on life and other people. Your other threads .make me think you're probably blowing things out of proportion and misreading people.
Your posts here, such a mentality serves no good and will only create a negative and self feeding feedback loop where nothing gets better but you get worse and your mental health ends up in the dumps.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.

What is the context of these exchanges? Are you engaging with them on religious topics? Proselytizing? Or is it completely random?

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
In my experience, it has been the opposite.

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
In my experience, it has been the opposite.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
In my experience almost every encounter with non Christians has been infinitely worse than any interactions that I have had with Christians. For example Muslims give me dirty looks and look down on me and atheists don't care about my suffering and insult me for not believing in evolution.
First, let me say that I'm very sorry that you have had these experiences. There is nothing worse than suffering alone.

Suffering is part of life. It is unavoidable. In every life, rain will fall. Of course, some people do live in Seattle. :) But there are other things that are part of the human condition as well, love and compassion being just two of them. While most people can't take a steady diet of negative talk, in small doses I find that most will indeed care about my suffering.

I'm not sure why the muslims and atheists you have met don't seem to care. It could be that you simply had bad luck. It could be that you approached them in some sort of off-putting way. It could be that you simply overwhelmed them. Perhaps you are simply disappointed that these acquaintances didn't respond as a close friend or family member would. I suspect that your depression may be playing a large role in filtering what you remember. But I really don't know.

I'm 63, and in my life I have known many, many people of all different walks. In my experience, there just isn't much difference between different groups. In every group, you have the very kind, the complacent, and the evil. In every group, you find saints, sinners, and a lot of people in the middle who are just mediocre. And every group will attend more to the needs of their own group, whether their "group" is their family, or their church, or their nation.

Let's flip this around just for a moment so that you can see how universal this is.

I'm a Jew. I've been close friends with a few Christians. Most I would say are fairly decent people who try to live right. But I've also had many horrendous encounters with Christians who accuse me of killing Jesus, not understanding my own scriptures, being involved in some sort of worldwide conspiracy, etc. They will tell me that I'm a child of the Devil. That they can't trust a Jew. yada yada, you get the idea. Some encounters have been downright scary, where I feared for my safety. I choose to see that this lunatic fringe is not typical of Christians.

You speak of insulting you for not believing in evolution. It is very difficult for people who embrace an evidence based philosophy like science, to understand why anyone would believe something counter to the evidence, and many simply lose their cool. I'm sorry for that.

The flip side is that as someone who accepts evolution, I've often been demonized by Christians, told that I'm rejecting my own Torah, basically just being insulting in the same way that you experience. I'm sorry for that as well.

It is my hope that you will come to realize that the bad experiences you have had don't indict either Muslims or atheists. People are people, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I'm reminded of the interfaith food bank in my former town. Muslims, Jews, and Christians all contributed to it. And while atheists didn't have groups, individual atheists also donated. That is the world I choose to see.
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