If schools openly taught Evolution and Creation, there would be no need for all this "Intelligent Design" subterfuge. Just let each student make up his or her own mind.
Public schools are funded by the entire community, regardless of what political and/or religious affiliation, if any, the individual tax payer might have.
Public schools are operated for the children and young adults of the entire community, regardless of what political and/or religious affiliation, if any, the individual child/young adult, or their parent's. may or may not have.
Public schools are operated by our government and funded by the entire community, FOr the entire community.
Religious institutions are funded by, and operated by, and operated FOR, the adherents of said religion.
There is no rational possible to force MY child to be indoctrinated into YOUR religion and religious doctrines/dogma on MY dime.
BTW, ignoring the Constitution for the moment, which of the thousands of Creation myths were you suggesting our schools teach, and when were they supposed to learn the Three R's???
Quite simply, science belongs in public schools and religion belongs in religious institutions.