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None of it is true - Does this bother anyone?


Exactly, I don't want to believe in something like that. I can't understand why people do...
They generally do because they have been indoctrinated by their parents. It's a vicious cycle. Only those who are brave enough to step away from a religion and think for themselves make any real progress. But in some religions, leaving the religion also results in strained or fractured relationships within the immediate family. Then in other religions, speaking out against the religion can result in death or a call for your death (I'm thinking of Salmond Rushdie here.) In either case, "faith" is more important to such people than intellectual honesty. When we can get people to the point where they are willing to have a rational discussion about their faith, that's when real progress can be made. I don't mean progress in terms of who is right and who is wrong but more in terms of people actually listening to each other without becoming hateful or violent. If the Muslim world was ever to introduce the tolerance of non-Muslim or anti-Muslim discussion that would be a huge leap for mankind. Christianity has progresses (or eroded) enough in this regard that at least the discussions can be had.
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Well-Known Member
They generally do because they have been indoctrinated by their parents. It's a vicious cycle. Only those who are brave enough to step away from a religion and think for themselves make any real progress. But in some religions, leaving the religion also results in strained or fractured relationships within the immediate family. Then in other religions, speaking out against the religion can result in death or a call for your death (I'm thinking of Salmond Rushdie here.) In either case, "faith" is more important to such people than intellectual honesty. When we can get people to the point where they are willing to have a rational discussion about their faith, that's when real progress can be made. I don't mean progress in terms of who is right and who is wrong but more in terms of people actually listening to each other without becoming hateful or violent. If the Muslim world was ever to introduce the tolerance of non-Muslim or anti-Muslim discussion that would be a huge leap for mankind. Christianity has progresses (or eroded) enough in this regard that at least the discussions can be had.
I guess so. Indoctrination is sure the reason in my family that's for sure. But fear is also a huge contributor. I know my sisters fear going to hell. I just think that's so sad. If they didn't believe in a God that sends them to hell, they wouldn't need to fear hell in the first place. Making God out to be a monster (that condemns his children), they get the fear that goes along with it. However, if they just sat down and really thought it all out, they would likely see how unlikely any of this all is.


I guess so. Indoctrination is sure the reason in my family that's for sure. But fear is also a huge contributor. I know my sisters fear going to hell. I just think that's so sad. If they didn't believe in a God that sends them to hell, they wouldn't need to fear hell in the first place. Making God out to be a monster (that condemns his children), they get the fear that goes along with it. However, if they just sat down and really thought it all out, they would likely see how unlikely any of this all is.
Would they be willing to listen to an alternate viewpoint? I have written a book on the subject (still looking for an agent though) and would be willing to send you a draft. It certainly worked wonders on my wife and she was far more religious than I. You can email me at [email protected].


A slave of Allah (swt)
Attacking God for sending the bad people to hell is unjustified,Same logic when people attack courts,prisons etc.
Justice must be achieved. And if you just check what God has prohibited,you will see that fearing God and not doing them is Very important and healthy for the societies.And not fearing him caused alot it's clear, now many books have been written on that.
We can go on and on...
The world has now found out that Forbbiding intrest is good, same to swine meat, Alcohol etc. a very long list of bad things and acts.Allah prohibited what's bad,That is what you should be discussing.​

He allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure).

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d' skeptic

New Member
i have known this for a long time. The Garden of Eden story does conflict with scientific facts. i'd choose science over bible any day of the week.:)


The world has now found out that Forbbiding intrest is good, same to swine meat, Alcohol etc. a very long list of bad things and acts.
So, you're saying that people who abide by those prohibitions never get sick?

I have lived in the Middle East and worked in the hospitals there and, frankly, I think that getting worked up about eating pork is inane when you consider other aspects of the culture such as the common problem of incest and the large number of deformed and mentally ill children that are brought into the world through such relationships, the abuse of women, the total lack of education by the populace at large and so on. Your comments reveal a great deal of hypocrisy or ignorance.


A slave of Allah (swt)
So, you're saying that people who abide by those prohibitions never get sick?

I have lived in the Middle East and worked in the hospitals there and, frankly, I think that getting worked up about eating pork is inane when you consider other aspects of the culture such as the common problem of incest and the large number of deformed and mentally ill children that are brought into the world through such relationships, the abuse of women, the total lack of education by the populace at large and so on. Your comments reveal a great deal of hypocrisy or ignorance.
I did not say that.Saying that the world has found that the things islam progibited are bad,doesn't have anything to do with "never get sick".Don't go off topic.
And please don't give us such poor comments on the Middle east which aren't true.
Off topic as well.I'm sure you don't have any response to what i said earlier,i think your wife should consider that Book you wrote with care.
Attacking God for sending the bad people to hell is unjustified,Same logic when people attack courts,prisons etc.

Justice must be achieved. And if you just check what God has prohibited,you will see that fearing God and not doing them is Very important and healthy for the societies.And not fearing him caused alot it's clear, now many books have been written on that.
We can go on and on...
The world has now found out that Forbbiding intrest is good, same to swine meat, Alcohol etc. a very long list of bad things and acts.Allah prohibited what's bad,That is what you should be discussing.​

He allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure).

Do you know what does Islam say about incest ?
[Al-Qur'an 4:23-24]
Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:- Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, Mother's sisters; brother'sdaughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (Who gave you suck),foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in,- no prohibition if ye have not gone in;- (Those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful;-Also (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust,seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least)as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to varyit), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
He allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure).



Well-Known Member
btw noone noticed that the adam and eve thing happened way before scripture was invented,
so if there were no witnesses around to document it how did people find out?
if god told them to does that make god a liar, if they made them up themselfs how reliable are the writers then


Democratic Socialist
btw noone noticed that the adam and eve thing happened way before scripture was invented,
so if there were no witnesses around to document it how did people find out?
if god told them to does that make god a liar, if they made them up themselfs how reliable are the writers then

magic. magic solves all logical inconsistencies
To put aside my own biased thoughts as a Christian, Christianity, in theory, is just a religion. It is merely the drink for a human soul thirsty for an explanation, logical or not, of why all things exist the way they do. The Abrahamic religions have power today only because they cite and accurately depict many historical events. Think about it- the Bible's Old Testament explains why women suffer through child birth, why people of the world speak different languages and have different skin colors, why the Earth isn't as rich in vegetation as it once was, and why there are different religions today. Anyone who is looking for or makes up a religion is looking for an answer as to why their world is the way it is. Religion is nothing more and nothing less.*now stepping back into Christian mode*


Citizen Mod
From the high seat of the 21st century most of us understand that its not 'true', equally relevant is that some of these allegorical and ideological stories were not seen as 'true' by people 'in those days', but were seen as an ideological reflection, obviously with some cases more so than others.

there are more than a few ways of reading scriptures. many of these ways do not involve a literal interpretation, but a more sophisticated approach, one that often demands further study and research into the fields of historiography, archaeology, epigraphy, and general ancient near eastern studies.
In this regard, for many modern people the concept of 'None of it is true' is a no-brainer.
It seems it would just be easier to write our own Bibles?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Biblical dogma was never based on evidence, it was largely just didactic stories, urban legends, fables. It's doubtful their authors intended them to be taken any more literally than we do Aesop's fables.
The religious tend to be very literal-minded, though.


Agnostic Pantheist
It seems it would just be easier to write our own Bibles?

And how would that help us get further insight into our own history?
would a new Bible give us a taste of the minds and ideologies of people during the Iron Age, during the eras of the vast empires of the ANE, or during the times of the Roman Empire?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
But people don't use The Bible as a history textbook. They use it as a book of rules.


Agnostic Pantheist
But people don't use The Bible as a history textbook. They use it as a book of rules.

None of the people I know do that.


in most cases they do neither. the Bible is not an accurate history book, but it has value for historical reference in light of other ANE textual material.


Think about it- the Bible's Old Testament explains why women suffer through child birth, why people of the world speak different languages and have different skin colors, why the Earth isn't as rich in vegetation as it once was, and why there are different religions today.
Yes. By all means, let's think about it. And while we are thinking, let's ask ourselves:

  • Are women the only biological creatures that have pain in childbirth?
  • Is the Tower of Babel explanation either plausible or rational?

    "But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, 'If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.'"

    So, because God was threatened by man's ability to achieve incredible feats using architectural advancements, God thought it best to just confuse the language? That's your reason for multiple languages?
  • "Why they have different skin colors"? I missed that one. Where is that explained?
  • "Why the Earth isn't as rich in vegetation..." - Funny that the religious explanation leaves out trivial events like meteors plummeting to Earth and wiping out a whole lot of stuff whereas there is physical evidence to demonstrate such events.
If you're going to think, think clearly. None of the "answers" that your religion provides is either accurate or reasonable. Why then do you cling to it?


Well-Known Member
Biblical dogma was never based on evidence, it was largely just didactic stories, urban legends, fables. It's doubtful their authors intended them to be taken any more literally than we do Aesop's fables.
The religious tend to be very literal-minded, though.

Heresy, blasphemy, tie this man to the rack!