You have the Bible, which lays on the ground these days torn to pieces by those opposed to it.
Evidence means every person regardless their religion and lack thereof can connect what they read in the bible with what we know of and can measure today. So, if jesus was crucified, then yes-we know people do tend to be crucified back when but if you said he rose from the grave the closest one would get is finding historical evidence of an empty grave. It's not evidence that jesus rose just evidence of an empty tomb. A lot of things in the bible are like that-evidence of the history but not the supernatural connection it teaches.
When you say you have evidence, it's interpreted that any person of any discipline and belief can test whether the bible (in this case) is true/a fact without dependence on one's knowledge and spiritual convictions.
Evidence isn't a good word for it. For yourself, yes, but when you say it to others who do not share your confirmation, you'd have to support it with criteria and ways that would not be biased to believers (hence why the bible is not a good way to determine evidence).
There are myths and philosophies and there is real history and real fulfilled prophecy.
That's from a believer's view. Are there fulfilled prophecies that have be studied as fulfilled-as a scientific and historical fact? If you take judgement day, for example, how would you connect the stories and lessons of the bible when we don't know what will happen after death (to those who do believe in an afterlife)? Faith-yes, but when you say evidence the criteria needs to be neutral and mutually agreed upon.