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Not only Natural Laws but Rules of Evolution?


Well-Known Member
I would say that the two can coexist. I know that it was meant to be historical when written (not by Moses). But who would expect the early Hebrews to get anything scientifically correct. Christians can and do largely ignore the Old Testament. The morals of the OT are atrocious and most Christians can see that. The defense, ignore 90% of the OT. I can even quote one of the NT verses that gives them an out:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

— 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)

If you read that nothing in that verse says that the Bible is inerrant. It does not even imply it. Any writing that is clearly fictional or immoral if read literally can be reinterpreted to be a morality tale or allegory as an excuse by apologists.

And since all Christians reinterpret the Bible or pick and choose which parts that they want to believe I do not see why that would not work.
The way I see for evolution and creation to coexist, is to look at Adam as connected to an upgrade in the operating system of the human brain, instead of to human DNA. Adam had human DNA, a did the caveman. However, the caveman did not have the new operating system that Adam had acquired. Adam's upgrade created a new type of human based on his brains upgraded operating system, still with human DNA.

The analogy is like saying Windows 98 all the way to Windows 11 are all Windows operating systems. However, Window 98 is the like the caveman of Windows while Windows 11 is like Adam. Adam had more that just natural selection behind him. He was connected to human selection and the rise of civilization about 6000 years ago. The extra capability allowed for new modern features.

Today, we do not have to wait for natural selection and evolution. We can use will and choices in science to make genetically modified cows or corn, instead of wait for natural selection. The higher brain symbolized by Adam was able to leave natural selection and evolution; symbolized by the tree of life being taking away from Adam and Eve. Taking drugs or vaccines to stay healthy, do not come from nature or natural selection. This is man made selection. This is not from the natural brain, needed for natural selection, or we would not take anything unnatural.

As a better real life analogy, I had used Windows based computers, since Windows 95. By the time of Windows Vista, my old computer could no longer be updated, due to the design of the mother board. So I decided to try Apple and bought an iMac.

I used to run both Windows and Apple operating systems on my iMac. Each had a separate partition and the Apple operating system allowed a way for me to read and write between the two operating systems, while keeping each secure. This allowed me to keep using all my old collection of Windows based Software like my Photoshop, on my Mac. I could work in Windows and transfer the results to my Mac. This is similar to the two trees; tree of life and tree of knowledge before the taboo and fall, when both trees were accessible to Adam. Once the taboo appeared, the tree of life partition was cut off.

When the tree of life was removed, the Windows partition was cut off, but not erased. Apple Support was no longer as available. This required I only use the Apple, which no longer allowed me to use my old Windows based software. The natural programs were gone, and Adam and Eve, had to be taught to do the same things but in a new computer language. I had to adapt myself to Apple and buy newer versions of the same software, that could run directly on my Mac.

This is the story of Adam and Eve in a nutshell. This new type of human, had will and choice, but had lost their roots and ease within instinct and natural selection; paradise. DNA was no longer the main variable anymore; legacy thinking, since now science and religion and will and chose; could alter the DNA. Adam was the first modern full iMac human so to speak who came from two partitions.

The Bible story of Creation essentially places the brain ahead of the DNA, via the higher priority of the new operating system. Evolution and the the Life sciences are too heavily invested in casino science which allow obsolete thinking to to linger. They do not have a rational way to modernize and place the brain ahead of the DNA, even if the brain is based on DNA, but also contains catalogs of social memory not on the human DNA; science and culture. Adding water to the organic centric casino science, makes the brain connection much easier to see.

Neurons pump and exchange cations causing the outside of the brain to become positively charged and in contact with water; cerebral spinal fluid. The blood supply is slightly negative. With nerve tissue and blood vessels near almost all cells, we have a water based gradient used for cellular differentiation control, centered on the brain. The brain has a blood-brain barrier, that separate the brain and blood, so the gradient can be maintained while still feeding the neuron from the blood. The DNA is like the hard drive. The brain is more like the operating system and secondary hard drive, since it also contains external data from the environment, such as data from all animals and all plants which do not have human DNA. The brain is beyond its own roots; consciousness.

Cancer could be solved by thinking in terms of the brain and water first. If we were to cut off a nerve ending near any cell, it would lose that positive charge that inhibits replication allowing the cell to multiple too fast. On day we may be able to bing the nervous system and spot single cells that are vulnerable to cancer, all at the same time. Cancer is not connected to the nervous system, so the brain loses control. We may be able grow nerves into cancer and reverse this. The brain has a backup copy of the ideal body and can work toward that. The secondary hard drive will add science data to help with the visualization.


Well-Known Member
I find it perplexing that creationists conceive that everything was created as it exists and then have no explanation for all the evidence that shows that living things have not always existed as exact duplicates of those extant examples we see today. I note that others have put this better elsewhere, but by demanding that people and God follow a literal interpretation of the Bible as God's dictated words they are, at the same time, seemingly denying what many see as God's creation. The only explanation to reconcile this demand with what is actually observed seems to me to come to a view that God seeded misleading information for us to find and draw the wrong conclusions about. That makes no sense to me and doesn't describe God as I believe in Him either.

There are so many things wrong with the arguments used to deny science, that we could write a book on the logical fallacies and erroneous information used and how it is employed.
God is spirit and not matter. This is common to the Bible. DNA is based on matter. What is spirit and how does that impact matter? The quantum world is more like spirit. Electrons or protons tunneling within life, work under different rules than macro-biology; view an entire bird. However, you cannot have one without the other.

What is consciousness and does it connect to the quantum world? This is hard for science answer, since they do not have a consensus definition of consciousness, nor is the quantum world fully understood. Casino science and the black box of chance, look at the dark areas of life, that science can only approximate. Science is in denial of things it tries to model, but still cannot see or explain, without a model based on chance. The ancient appeared to come to the conclusion this could be explained; determinism. Adding water to life goes a long way since protons quantum tunnel within water in pairs, which is useful to many things that can alter time and space.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
God is spirit and not matter. This is common to the Bible. DNA is based on matter. What is spirit and how does that impact matter? The quantum world is more like spirit. Electrons or protons tunneling within life, work under different rules than macro-biology; view an entire bird. However, you cannot have one without the other.

What is consciousness and does it connect to the quantum world? This is hard for science answer, since they do not have a consensus definition of consciousness, nor is the quantum world fully understood. Casino science and the black box of chance, look at the dark areas of life, that science can only approximate. Science is in denial of things it tries to model, but still cannot see or explain, without a model based on chance. The ancient appeared to come to the conclusion this could be explained; determinism. Adding water to life goes a long way since protons quantum tunnel within water in pairs, which is useful to many things that can alter time and space.
I'm not sure what this has to do with the biblical literalist creation view that all living things were created as is while evidence to the contrary exists and remains without a rational explanation from that self-same group.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You avoided my question.

@YoursTrue Just so you're aware, the concept of god and the theory of evolution are not mutually exclusive. The theory of evolution conflicts with literal interpretations of scripture, but that isn't a prerequisite for belief in a god. Literal interpretation does however require willful ignorance, intellectual dishonesty, and scientific illiteracy.
I've been assailed because at first I used the term proof and was told there IS NO proof in science. Then someone else uses it and I mentioned there is apparently said to be no proof and I got reprimanded once again. So, going back to your comment can you or ANYONE please explain how the theory of evolution and the concept of God are not mutually exclusive, please? Thank you. Especially if evolutionists believe that evolution is -- mindless. So maybe you can explain, or someone else can explain. Thanks.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
God is spirit and not matter. This is common to the Bible. DNA is based on matter. What is spirit and how does that impact matter? The quantum world is more like spirit. Electrons or protons tunneling within life, work under different rules than macro-biology; view an entire bird. However, you cannot have one without the other.

What is consciousness and does it connect to the quantum world? This is hard for science answer, since they do not have a consensus definition of consciousness, nor is the quantum world fully understood. Casino science and the black box of chance, look at the dark areas of life, that science can only approximate. Science is in denial of things it tries to model, but still cannot see or explain, without a model based on chance. The ancient appeared to come to the conclusion this could be explained; determinism. Adding water to life goes a long way since protons quantum tunnel within water in pairs, which is useful to many things that can alter time and space.
By the way, I don't know what all those believing in creation believe about all living matter, but I certainly don't believe that God created disabilities, such as those sad occurrences where babies are born with two heads together. Yet some of those that classify others refuse to really explain their beliefs and get annoyed when challenged.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I've been assailed because at first I used the term proof and was told there IS NO proof in science. Then someone else uses it and I mentioned there is apparently said to be no proof and I got reprimanded once again. So, going back to your comment can you or ANYONE please explain how the theory of evolution and the concept of God are not mutually exclusive, please? Thank you. Especially if evolutionists believe that evolution is -- mindless. So maybe you can explain, or someone else can explain. Thanks.
What's an "evolutionist"? Is that like a gravitationist?

but anyway...



I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I've been assailed because at first I used the term proof and was told there IS NO proof in science. Then someone else uses it and I mentioned there is apparently said to be no proof and I got reprimanded once again. So, going back to your comment can you or ANYONE please explain how the theory of evolution and the concept of God are not mutually exclusive, please? Thank you. Especially if evolutionists believe that evolution is -- mindless. So maybe you can explain, or someone else can explain. Thanks.

What are you on about? I asked a question about your claim that birds are still birds and have always been birds. If so why can't emus breed with fairywrens? ... they're both birds.

As for your question... I'm an atheist so haven't got a clue but there's plenty of people who agree with evolution that also believe in some sort of God or Gods so it must be possible.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What are you on about? I asked a question about your claim that birds are still birds and have always been birds. If so why can't emus breed with fairywrens? ... they're both birds.

As for your question... I'm an atheist so haven't got a clue but there's plenty of people who agree with evolution that also believe in some sort of God or Gods so it must be possible.
Whatever happened they are still birds. Scientists may suppose how it happened. The lack of ability to interbreed while they're birds does not mean they came about by mutations leading to survival of the fittest. It may suggest that to you, but do you know?Do you have anything beyond conjecture that is how the two types came about?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What are you on about? I asked a question about your claim that birds are still birds and have always been birds. If so why can't emus breed with fairywrens? ... they're both birds.

As for your question... I'm an atheist so haven't got a clue but there's plenty of people who agree with evolution that also believe in some sort of God or Gods so it must be possible.
Would you know the detailed position of those who you say agree with evolution and also believe in god or gods making it possible?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I've been assailed because at first I used the term proof and was told there IS NO proof in science. Then someone else uses it and I mentioned there is apparently said to be no proof and I got reprimanded once again. So, going back to your comment can you or ANYONE please explain how the theory of evolution and the concept of God are not mutually exclusive, please? Thank you. Especially if evolutionists believe that evolution is -- mindless. So maybe you can explain, or someone else can explain. Thanks.
Gravity is mindless too. I guess that somehow refutes God.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Whatever happened they are still birds. Scientists may suppose how it happened. The lack of ability to interbreed while they're birds does not mean they came about by mutations leading to survival of the fittest. It may suggest that to you, but do you know?Do you have anything beyond conjecture that is how the two types came about?
And once more I need to remind you that you are still an ape. Not only that you are still a monkey, you are still a primate, and you are still a mammal.

So bow does y our "still a bird" argument help you?


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Would you know the detailed position of those who you say agree with evolution and also believe in god or gods making it possible?

Read what I said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm an Atheist, I wouldn't have a clue. I don't read minds.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
Whatever happened they are still birds. Scientists may suppose how it happened. The lack of ability to interbreed while they're birds does not mean they came about by mutations leading to survival of the fittest. It may suggest that to you, but do you know?Do you have anything beyond conjecture that is how the two types came about?

So you're saying birds are birds, have always been birds, will never be anything other than birds. I'm trying to figure out what you mean. It seems you're saying all birds are one and the same.

Two types of what?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
So you're saying birds are birds, have always been birds, will never be anything other than birds. I'm trying to figure out what you mean. It seems you're saying all birds are one and the same.

Two types of what?
Two types of birds. How they came about in particular I don't know. And frankly, neither do you.


The Lost One
The way I see for evolution and creation to coexist, is to look at Adam as connected to an upgrade in the operating system of the human brain, instead of to human DNA. Adam had human DNA, a did the caveman. However, the caveman did not have the new operating system that Adam had acquired. Adam's upgrade created a new type of human based on his brains upgraded operating system, still with human DNA.

what a load of BS.

Adam is just a character in a myth, as there are no body to test for DNA…but worse still, there are no sciences where you can turn “dust” of the ground, which I would assume to be soil, into living cells of living human being.

There are 3 main types of soils:
  1. clay
  2. silt
  3. sand
Regardless of which type of soil Adam was made from, about 45% of the soils, and these are usually made from silicon-based minerals, hence quartz , feldspar or mica

Human cells are made from numbers of organic matters, hence organic or carbon-based molecules or compounds. There are no silicate in human tissues or human cells.

If this nonexistent Adam was made from one of these soils, then trace evidence of silicate should have passed from father to son, to today’s descendant.

And there certainly no silicate found in the DNA.

DThe molecules in DNA are all ”organic“, eg deoxyribose, one of the phosphate-based molecules, the 4 nucleobase molecules (adenine, cytosine, guanine & thymine). There are no silicon in any of these molecules.

Although, animals, including humans) have minerals in their bodies, none of them are made of silica or silicate of any types. For instance, the human bones do indeed have inorganic minerals, which give some rigidity and compressive strength to bones, carbonate hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite is written in Ca5(PO4)3(OH), showed there are no silicon in in this mineral.

The point is that humans cannot be made from the any silica-based (eg quartz) or any silicate-based (feldspar or mica) soil. So talking about Adam being the new operating system for human, is just plain fabricated *** without understanding human biology and biochemistry.

and btw, wellwisher, do not confuse biochemistry or molecular biology with computer software or operating systems, because such analogies and comparisons often lead to erroneous thinking.