And what of bi-sexual women like mySelf?
What if her dentist is a lesbian or a bisexual?
and she does not know it?
She may become a source of temptaion to the dentist.
(we ARE allowed to express our sexuality in the western world you know)
Now you're just trying to make up excuses that supposedly would "limit" them, she can find a straight female dentist. There is plenty of those.
Yes those are WESTERN standards.
and I'm quite sure I do not stand alone in them
What are western standards? That you must see your doctor's teeth before he/she examines you? Well, there are other ways to find out wether or not a dentist is good, assuming that the fact that his/her teeth are good, actually count as an indication that she is a good dentist.
Fruit bowls maybe.
And scenes that do not define human form and (facial) expression.
Sounds fun.
That certainly leaves out fine arts.
But still life oil paintings are always a nice hobby I guess.
(when there is nothing else)
First off, assuming that this is the case, just because you think this is boring doesn't make it so. Second, of course they are not limited to draw anything that any other muslim woman are not limited to.
I am TOTALLY serious.
I personally would be VERY upset to find that it was legal
for people to drive on MY STREETS with bags on their heads.
I would fight it. I hope other sane people would as well.
Well, like i said they do drive, and i haven't heard of any complaints. Especially because non of them wears bags on their heads.
I'm glad there are competent lifeguards out there for my kids.
When yours is drowning,
don't complain when a woman in swimgear saves his life.
That could not possibly be any less relevant to what i'm saying. What does competent life guards have to do with this? and who complained about women in swimgear? Apparently you have other things in mind while having this discussion. Let me make something clear, any woman should be allowed to wear anything she wants, Is that clear? Wether niqab or a bikini. Any kind of law that limits them in this aspect, is disgusting. I hope this clears any misconceptions.
Also, its worth mentioning that i actually find niqab and burqa to be unnecessary, and i don't think women should wear them. However, that doesn't mean we should force anything on anyone.