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Obama has Kenyan citizenship

Do you want a citizen of another country running US?

  • Total voters


Question Everything
Do you want a citizen of another country running US?
Where do his loyalties lie? link

other issues...
Obama Supports Raising Taxes

Do you really think that 95% of the population will not feel Obama’s tax increase?
Do you think that prices at the pump will not go up if gas/oil comps are taxed?

Do you think that the price of food/cloths/medicine etc. will not go up when the companies who make these are taxed?

Do you think that employees will still have the same paychecks when their employers are taxed?

Do you really think these higher taxes will only effect the top 5%??????!!!!!!

Obama Supports Legalized Infanticide
Born Alive Infants Protection Act: Congress heard testimony about babies that had survived attempted late-term abortions. Nurses testified that these preterm living, breathing babies were being thrown into medical waste bins to die or being "terminated" outside the womb. With the baby now completely separated from the mother, it was impossible to argue that the health or life of the mother was in jeopardy by giving her baby appropriate medical treatment.

Who would oppose a bill that said you couldn't kill a baby who was born? Not Kennedy, Boxer or Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not even the hard-core National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Obama, however, is another story. The year after the Born Alive Infants Protection Act became federal law in 2002, identical language was considered in a committee of the Illinois Senate. It was defeated with the committee's chairman, Obama, leading the opposition.

Obama Wants To lose the war in Iraq
Barack Obama wants to retreat from Iraq as soon as he is President, no matter how the war is going on the ground.

Obama Supports Massive Gun Control

Obama On Energy
  • opposed to any new offshore (50+ miles off the coast) exploration or drilling (where 19 billion barrels of oil exist, about 30 years' worth of imports from Saudi Arabia)
  • opposed to drilling in ANWR (10+ billion barrels of oil), no matter how clean or new tech it is
  • opposed to any new "clean coal" technologies promising to fulfill American energy needs. America is considered the "Saudi Arabia of Coal" estimated to have 27% of the world's coal reserves
  • opposed to any new nuclear power plants in America, even though France is demonstrating it can be done cleanly and cheaply
  • opposed to a gas tax holiday to lower gas prices
  • opposed to incentivizing American companies to develop more efficient electric vehicles
Obama is not a Democrat, he is a socialist
big government
big taxes
big mistake.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Do you want a citizen of another country running US?
Where do his loyalties lie? link

By the same token, you realize that McCain wasn't even born in the US, right?* Where do his loyalties lie? ZOMG! :eek:

*he was born on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone.

Obama Supports Legalized Infanticide
Born Alive Infants Protection Act:
Congress heard testimony about babies that had survived attempted late-term abortions. Nurses testified that these preterm living, breathing babies were being thrown into medical waste bins to die or being "terminated" outside the womb. With the baby now completely separated from the mother, it was impossible to argue that the health or life of the mother was in jeopardy by giving her baby appropriate medical treatment.

Who would oppose a bill that said you couldn't kill a baby who was born? Not Kennedy, Boxer or Hillary Rodham Clinton. Not even the hard-core National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Obama, however, is another story. The year after the Born Alive Infants Protection Act became federal law in 2002, identical language was considered in a committee of the Illinois Senate. It was defeated with the committee's chairman, Obama, leading the opposition.
If the Act is what you describe, why would any politician support a law that would be completely duplicated by the normal criminal law provisions for murder? Do you think that the Act's proponents were just engaging in political grandstanding, or have you misrepresented the actual content of the Act?
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Obama On Energy
  • opposed to any new offshore (50+ miles off the coast) exploration or drilling (where 19 billion barrels of oil exist, about 30 years' worth of imports from Saudi Arabia)
  • opposed to drilling in ANWR (10+ billion barrels of oil), no matter how clean or new tech it is
Much of the problem with drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve isn't the drilling itself, it's the roads and pipelines that would slice up animal habitat so that wildlife couldn't migrate freely. While I agree that bad or leaky equipment would be a serious problem, no matter how "clean" or "new tech" the drilling itself is, there would be major environmental impacts associated with getting oil out of the ANWR.

  • opposed to any new "clean coal" technologies promising to fulfill American energy needs. America is considered the "Saudi Arabia of Coal" estimated to have 27% of the world's coal reserves
Despite what the Coal lobby might say, there is no such thing as "clean" coal. Even the cleanest coal has a high amount of harmful emissions associated with it.

  • opposed to any new nuclear power plants in America, even though France is demonstrating it can be done cleanly and cheaply
I think this is officially the first time I've heard a right winger suggest that the US follow France's lead. :)

  • opposed to a gas tax holiday to lower gas prices
Good. It's a silly idea. Oil companies aren't run by idiots; they realize the price that the market will bear for gasoline. A "gas tax holiday" would free them to raise prices more. Effectively, it would be a subsidy for them.

  • opposed to incentivizing American companies to develop more efficient electric vehicles
I have a feeling there's more to this than you're letting on. Could you elaborate? What specific bill or measure are you referring to?


Question Everything
By the same token, you realize that McCain wasn't even born in the US, right?* Where do his loyalties lie? ZOMG! :eek:

he was born on a US military base in what was at the time a US colony -- and therefore US soil.

You do realize that his father was a US Navy Admiral - McCain is an army brat. I don't think anyone questions where his loyalties lie.

from link
...he was born in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone. Between 1903 and 1979, the Panama Canal Zone was a US Territory.

He is the son of a US Navy Admiral. He too joined the US Navy and served our country in Vietnam as an aviator.

He also battled through over 5 long years as a POW in North Vietnam. I don't think even his worst enemy questions his American blood, patriotism or heroism. In fact, on tonight's BBC Newscast, I saw a clip of the Vietnamese head of McCain's POW prison say that if he could vote for the POTUS, he would vote for McCain.



Navy Lt. Cmdr. John McCain...suffered severe injuries in 1967 from bailing out of his A-4 over Hanoi and being beaten [and reportedly bayoneted] by a mob. A prize hostage because of his prominent father, he rejected offers of quick repatriation.


*he was born on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone.

If the Act is what you describe, why would any politician support a law that would be completely duplicated by the normal criminal law provisions for murder? Do you think that the Act's proponents were just engaging in political grandstanding, or have you misrepresented the actual content of the Act?

I am pro-life all the way. Others want to debate when it is murder or not - I say it is murder after conception, not murder 10 minutes after birth, or 30 minutes after birth. Obama tried to re-define what murder is.

Much of the problem with drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve isn't the drilling itself, it's the roads and pipelines that would slice up animal habitat so that wildlife couldn't migrate freely. While I agree that bad or leaky equipment would be a serious problem, no matter how "clean" or "new tech" the drilling itself is, there would be major environmental impacts associated with getting oil out of the ANWR.

the Central Arctic Caribou Herd (CACH) which migrates through Prudhoe Bay has grown from 3000 animals to its current level of 32,000 animals....
Here is some more info on ANWR. wildlife link

another link

have to run, I'll be back...
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Well-Known Member
The fact that Obama has Kenyan citizenship is just about the lamest excuse for not voting for him that I can imagine. By the time someone gets to the point of being nominated as a party's candidate for president, there can be no question about his or her loyalties. Obama is just as patriotic as McCain. If you're going to vote against Obama, do it on policy grounds, not fearmongering. Sheesh.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
he was born on a US military base in what was at the time a US colony -- and therefore US soil.
At the time, the Panama Canal Zone was US-controlled, but it was never US soil and was never treated as such under law. This is why, for example, children born to non-Americans in the Canal Zone aren't considered natural-born US citizens. The presidential eligibility rules allow people who were born on American military bases abroad equal status to people born on US soil, but this doesn't mean that he was actually born in the US.

You do realize that his father was a US Navy Admiral - McCain is an army brat. I don't think anyone questions where his loyalties lie.
Yes, I realize this, and I don't question his loyalty to his country. I was just pointing out in a sarcastic way that quirks of the law about citizenship don't imply anything about a person's loyalty. A person's actions and beliefs would be a much better test, which you seem to acknowledge for McCain, but not for Obama.

I am pro-life all the way. Others want to debate when it is murder or not - I say it is murder after conception, not murder 10 minutes after birth, or 30 minutes after birth. Obama tried to re-define what murder is.
If a bill is not passed, then the law does not change. Effectively, it's a vote for the status quo. How could this re-define anything?

the Central Arctic Caribou Herd (CACH) which migrates through Prudhoe Bay has grown from 3000 animals to its current level of 32,000 animals....
Here is some more info on ANWR. wildlife link
Good for the caribou, though I think the more relevant question is what effect development in the Refuge would have on them. Also, how about the polar bears and grizzly bears, to name two species who are at severe risk?


Question Everything
Obama is just as patriotic as McCain.

sure - real patriotic...

please watch this vid
now watch this one
This is what Obama supports.

Here is another one

Obama did not serve in the military. Obama did not endure broken bones and torture for this country. McCain did. McCain has earned his right to be president ten times over, Obama has not.

Obama, his wife, his minister, and all his friends are just about as patriotic as Hugo Chaves...

The presidential eligibility rules allow people who were born on American military bases abroad equal status to people born on US soil, but this doesn't mean that he was actually born in the US.

I see McCain birth place to be a noble testament of his patriotism. From his birth, he has been with soldiers giving their lives for this country. The same cannot be said for Obama.

Yes, I realize this, and I don't question his loyalty to his country.

I don't question McCain loyalty either. I do question Obama's.

I was just pointing out in a sarcastic way that quirks of the law about citizenship don't imply anything about a person's loyalty. A person's actions and beliefs would be a much better test, which you seem to acknowledge for McCain, but not for Obama.

I am not being sarcastic. Why would anyone hold a citizenship to another country if they did not have vested interest in that country? I take my American citizenship very seriously. I want an ALL American boy as a president, not a 50% American boy.
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More yummy spam.

I'd like some whine with that.

And cheese.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Read the Constitution. If Obama is really a citizen of another country, and/or was born of foreign soil, he would be ineligible as a candidate for the Presidency.

Obama did not serve in the military. Obama did not endure broken bones and torture for this country. McCain did. McCain has earned his right to be president ten times over, Obama has not.
Boohoo. My passion for wrestling has left me scared and with joint pains that will be with me for life. Doesn't give any more right to run my own promotion than anyone else though. And what about veteran's who are permanently disabled from serving there nation? If one suddenly appeared on the ballots for a third party, who lost both of his legs, and has severe burn scars for life, does that mean the presidency is just sitting their? his for the taking? McSame may have been tortured and had bones broken, but a hundredfold more veterans will never be able to walk again, and I would go as far to say most people would think them inept, despite there more severe sacrifices.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I see McCain birth place to be a noble testament of his patriotism. From his birth, he has been with soldiers giving their lives for this country. The same cannot be said for Obama.

Ah... McCain, being a true patriot, chose to be born on an American military base. Gotcha.

I am not being sarcastic. Why would anyone hold a citizenship to another country if they did not have vested interest in that country? I take my American citizenship very seriously. I want an ALL American boy as a president, not a 50% American boy.
Why does he have Kenyan citizenship (if he indeed has it)?

Take me: I'm a Canadian citizen; I was born here and I've lived here all my life. However, by virtue of the fact that my father was born in the UK, I'm also automatically a British citizen. Does this mean that I'm "50% Canadian"? I don't think it does. Does it mean I'm "50% British"? Since I've never even set foot there, I'd say it doesn't.

And here's the real answer: Obama doesn't have Kenyan citizenship. Courtesy of FactCheck.org, here's the real story:

- Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, making him a natural-born US citizen.
- Obama's father, Barack Obama Sr., was born in Kenya while it was a British territory, making Obama a British citizen as well (kinda like me).
- This made Obama a dual citizen of both the US and the UK at birth.
- When Kenya gained independence in 1963, they granted Kenyan citizenship to any British citizen who was either born in Kenya or the child of a Kenyan-born father.
- Because of this, when Obama was 2 years old, his dual citizenship changed from US/UK to US/Kenya.
- Kenyan law states that Kenyan citizens cannot be dual citizens and that at age 21, they lose their Kenyan citizenship unless they renounce their other citizenships and swear an oath of allegiance to Kenya.
- Obama never renounced his American citizenship and never swore any oath of allegiance to Kenya, so he lost his Kenyan citizenship when he turned 21 in 1972.

So... Obama never actively pursued Kenyan citizenship, and he lost all claims to Kenyan citizenship 35 years ago. In short, he's not a citizen of Kenya.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Obama On Energy
  • opposed to any new offshore (50+ miles off the coast) exploration or drilling (where 19 billion barrels of oil exist, about 30 years' worth of imports from Saudi Arabia)
  • opposed to drilling in ANWR (10+ billion barrels of oil), no matter how clean or new tech it is
  • opposed to any new "clean coal" technologies promising to fulfill American energy needs. America is considered the "Saudi Arabia of Coal" estimated to have 27% of the world's coal reserves
  • opposed to any new nuclear power plants in America, even though France is demonstrating it can be done cleanly and cheaply
  • opposed to a gas tax holiday to lower gas prices
  • opposed to incentivizing American companies to develop more efficient electric vehicles
More oil does not need to be drilled for. More only will only prolong the inevitable, which will ultimately lead to even higher prices in the future, and more environmental destruction. The same goes for drilling in ANWR. It would have such a negative impact on the environment, that it can't be done.
As far as coal, even if it's labeled clean, it will still put out far more pollution than any other form of energy.
While I am for nuclear energy, there is still too much widespread public fear of it. It will probably be up to an individual state to show the nation it can be safe, clean, cheap, and provide more than enough energy.
As far as a gas tax holiday goes, a gas station charges prices that reflect the current market in the area they are in, so they can afford to refill there own tanks. They really don't make a very big profit from it, given prices can rapidly fluctuate, and constant ups and downs will leave the individual station with a minimal profit. That is why a tax holiday will not work, because the big shots who sell to the smaller stations can use that as leverage to artificially inflate prices even further, which will drive station prices up even higher.
And with electric cars, there really aren't very many American car companies that sell very well anymore.


teacher's pet in Potions
Idea said:
You do realize that his father was a US Navy Admiral - McCain is an army brat. I don't think anyone questions where his loyalties lie.

Well, I certainly do. Where someone is born has absolutely no relevancy for me; I'm judging on actions and words. This is a man that wants to keep to the status quo or make it even worse, and in my view, he certainly has no interest in improving the U.S. Apparenty, him having been in the army is of big excitement to some but I find it meaningless because knowing how to operate as a soldier (don't think about it, just follow orders) doesn't translate well into a job making massively important decisions for a powerful nation. On a personal level I'm sure he's a decent person and it's unfair he's suffered, but we need more than knee-jerk, emotional appeals from bleeding hearts who think his unfortunate experience as a pow makes him equipped to function as president.

I want an ALL American boy as a president, not a 50% American boy.

So you're saying you have no appreciation for the insight and wisdom that could be offered from another's point of view, and would prefer same old, same old even? That's scary! I'd prefer a man or woman, not a boy, with the brains to do the job, and I could care less if they touch their chest when they look at a flag, whether they mouth the words to the pledge like kindergarteners do or whether they have lived in other countries and call other cultures their own. What matters is the ability.


The Devil's Advocate
sure - real patriotic...
Is this a real photo? Even taking into account that he's standing in front of the others, the perspective seems awfully distorted. What is the flag hanging on??

As for the rest of your posts, :biglaugh: