Obama has the problem since he won the election. Sorry I don't read your mind, who is "W". No not a joke, the Obama's favorability ratings are around 45%.
Which is significantly higher than Congress' rating, btw.
"W" is a reference to G. W. Bush.
Also, as far as the 45% rating is concerned, didn't you notice that both Joe & Mary Citizen are in a rather ugly mood when it comes to our Washington politicians? Why is it that the top Republican candidates are not "establishment-types", and are commanding over 60% in the most recent poll? How's Boehner doing?
McConnell? But what does one expect when they've only been the "Party of No" for seven straight years, now with the worst voting record in terms of legislation passed since this country was founded?
"Obama's problem" is that he has had literally not help from the Republican-controlled Congress that has even voted against legislation that they previously supported. Some were even been involved in ribbon-cuttings that they had voted against back in 2009-10-- the height of utter hypocrisy.
Hey, but what should we expect from a party whereas the majority of candidates and those Congress believe that climate change is a hoax, as is the Theory of Evolution they believe. Jindal and Graham once said that they look like "the Party of Stupid", and I would suggest that there's a good reason for that image.