But, see, the insurance companies who are now being bankrolled by the public got their millions through a good work ethic, and all the young whiny kids who have it so much easier nowadays just need to stop spending on cell phones and internet use and go start digging holes. They shouldn't be complaining about how tough they have it - we're the best nation in the world with our freedoms! So, stop complaining kiddos. Start digging!
Or wait, I have an even better idea, y'all....let's go start another war with a nation to steal their resources and recruit those young men and women who can't find any other job, pay them a pittance and put them and their young families on a paycheck to where they need government assistance, and tell them to be willing to give up their life defending the Constitution even though the nation isn't under any attack. Then they can have all the free healthcare they want through TRICARE. But we won't call it a single payer system since these folks deserve it more than citizens.
But that's okay. I love the fact that our tax dollars are funding the fat cats of the insurance companies, Big Pharmaceutical companies, and Halliburton, paying off our politicians to continue the loop of their bastardization of the welfare programs set in place, and then send 25% of our veterans on to the street into homelessness and untreated mental illness after being used and abused. Call them heroes - they'll understand and forget about their plight.
Oh, and insurance companies and the White House can kiss my ***. (I'm just full of cynical sarcasm today, aren't I