Oh I"m sure.
Ge golly mister. I bet your right. I am gonna ignore all the facts now thanks to this post.
So you favor the Canadian system? If not this sentence seems a bit contradictory.
I can answer that: Lets see here: My daughter was born pre-mature, she spent 10 days in the ICU the cost to me? Nothing
I had 3 MRI last years, all in the same day and it only took 3 weeks to book, the cost to me? Nothing
My sister had breast cancer, she was treated within days of being diagnosed and started chemo right away the cost to her? Nothing
A friend of mine had a heart attack in Las Vegas, his insurance was turned down after he had his surgery, the cost to him? $100,000 what that would have cost here? Nothing
Another friends 82 year old mother had a heart attack in Florida, the doctor told he could operate the next day, and the cost would be about 100k she said thanks but no thanks, she would go back to Canada. The doctor told her that it would take months for her to get the operation. Well, she flew home by air ambulance and was operated within 2 days and up and walking within 2 weeks and the cost to her? Nothing
See there is the difference, Canadians do not go broke because of health care its not perfect but it is better than yours