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Obama's performance and global instability


Obama Contends With Arc of Instability Unseen Since '70s - WSJ

The article talks about the current global instability being the highest since the 70s. Palestine, Iraq, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan and China-Japan, etc.

Do you guys think President Obama is doing a good job regarding the circumstances, being cautious about enforcing American intervention?

Or has he failed by showing the world that the US is powerless, weak and afraid?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Obama Contends With Arc of Instability Unseen Since '70s - WSJ
The article talks about the current global instability being the highest since the 70s. Palestine, Iraq, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan and China-Japan, etc.
Do you guys think President Obama is doing a good job regarding the circumstances, being cautious about enforcing American intervention?
Or has he failed by showing the world that the US is powerless, weak and afraid?
I think he's doing a mixed job overseas.
Staying out of Iran, Syria & Ukraine is good.
Staying in Afghanistan & Iraq is bad.
The other countries.....I'm undecided.
His illegal immigration policy is failing.
Military preparedness is continuing, which is good, but I can't really say how
much better it should be (now that I'm out of touch with the defense industry).
Projection of power is a tricky thing. To look weak or disinterested isn't a problem,
so long as we are clearly able to project it when needed.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Obama Contends With Arc of Instability Unseen Since '70s - WSJ

The article talks about the current global instability being the highest since the 70s. Palestine, Iraq, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan and China-Japan, etc.

Not much he can do about it. Not much I want him to do about it.

Do you guys think President Obama is doing a good job regarding the circumstances, being cautious about enforcing American intervention?

Or has he failed by showing the world that the US is powerless, weak and afraid?
The world doesn't care. They never cared. We just thought they did because of our past foreign adventurism. Much of the destabilization is of our own doing. I think we've done enough.


Not much he can do about it. Not much I want him to do about it.


The world doesn't care. They never cared. We just thought they did because of our past foreign adventurism. Much of the destabilization is of our own doing. I think we've done enough.

If China and Japan go to war do you think the US should stay out?
If Russia invades Ukraine do you think the US should stay out?
If ISIS infiltrates Jordan and Lebanon should the US stay out?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
If China and Japan go to war do you think the US should stay out?

Yes. We should ascertain the reason they're at war and find a peaceful resolution and "if" we get involved militarily do we have the help of the international community..

If Russia invades Ukraine do you think the US should stay out?
Yes. Russia has already invaded the Ukraine.

If ISIS infiltrates Jordan and Lebanon should the US stay out?
Yes. Jordan and Lebanon have a capable military. Additionally...When Russia stormed into Georgia years ago we did nothing. See, we don't always have to get involved.


Obama Contends With Arc of Instability Unseen Since '70s - WSJ

The article talks about the current global instability being the highest since the 70s. Palestine, Iraq, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan and China-Japan, etc.

Do you guys think President Obama is doing a good job regarding the circumstances, being cautious about enforcing American intervention?

Or has he failed by showing the world that the US is powerless, weak and afraid?

Obama has kept us out of another war, saved our soldier's lives, what more do you want? As for his detractors, they are just rabble rousing, don't take them seriously.


"This moment is your life." Omar Khayyam

"Our belief or disbelief of a thing does not alter the nature of things” Tillotson


Active Member
I think we should have stayed out of WW2 too, everyone would have been happy, especially Hitler as without America, he could have defeated USSR.
Japan would have been happy to because it could then have had its own way in East Asia. Everyone's happy.


yawn <ignore> yawn
If China and Japan go to war do you think the US should stay out?
If Russia invades Ukraine do you think the US should stay out?
If ISIS infiltrates Jordan and Lebanon should the US stay out?

Yes to all, and let me add the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

The only exception might be China and Japan. Only because Japan has little military power due to keeping the promise that the USA extracted from them after WWII and China is keeping North Korea the way the USA keeps Israel.



Active Member
It isnt about starting a war to get involved in foreign affairs. It is about forming an international arena to help diplomats talk and solve issues. A friendly diplomatic arena. I think he didnt even try for it. Many organizations like nato lost their functions.UN is a ridicule. Davos is a cnn facility and we only heard about obama speaking in intermational arena while he was explaning to german prime minister how he didnt listen her phones or why he did that. Fail.
What matters is how much you invest to avoid wars. Once they started it is a sign that there is a failure. Someone with a nobel prize on peace should have tried better.
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Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Do you guys think President Obama is doing a good job regarding the circumstances, being cautious about enforcing American intervention?
Good, or as good as possible?

Compared to the carnage and instability wrought by Bush/Chaney, I"d say he's doing pretty good for someone saddled with a dysfunctional Congress and the abysmal aftermath of the previous administration.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Obama Contends With Arc of Instability Unseen Since '70s - WSJ

The article talks about the current global instability being the highest since the 70s. Palestine, Iraq, Ukraine, Iran, Pakistan and China-Japan, etc.

Do you guys think President Obama is doing a good job regarding the circumstances, being cautious about enforcing American intervention?

Hardly. But still a far better job than one could expect given the kind of mentality he has to deal with at home...

Or has he failed by showing the world that the US is powerless, weak and afraid?

...as you have just demonstrated.

Whatever faults his external policy may have, "showing weakness" is not one of them.


Active Member
US Should keep out of every foreign war. We SHOULDNT have gone to War with NAZI GERMANY and Japan during WW2. Nazis most probably would be dominating Europe, and Japan most probably would be ruling China, Japan, Indochina etc. Such a happy situation. Right?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
US Should keep out of every foreign war. We SHOULDNT have gone to War with NAZI GERMANY and Japan during WW2. Nazis most probably would be dominating Europe, and Japan most probably would be ruling China, Japan, Indochina etc. Such a happy situation. Right?

Good, or as good as possible?

Compared to the carnage and instability wrought by Bush/Chaney, I"d say he's doing pretty good for someone saddled with a dysfunctional Congress and the abysmal aftermath of the previous administration.

Be careful. Others around here will call you an obamapologist, leftish and a host of other demonizing insults for telling the truth....

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I am being sarcastic, I think Obama's foreign policy sucks.

Oh, I was just saying..."in general"

I'm fine with his foreign policy. There's much more than flexing muscles in order to get some respect from other countries. IMO times have changed and we are tied together more on a global economic scale so war and intervention should be the last resort in any situation. The issues plaguing many of these countries is multifaceted and if we don't have an understanding of the root causes and we go in head strong then we become hated..because we interjected ourselves into a situation we had no clue about. Many of the fighting has to do with drought, lack of resources, oppressive government, religion...so on and so on.....


yawn <ignore> yawn
Obama's biggest foreign policy problem is the difficulty of covering up the weakness left behind when he took office.

The economy was in the dumpster, Congress was more concerned about placating their base than governing, the deficit was skyrocketing, ....

He's only managed to fix part of it. Because he is way too conservative and bipartisan. If he wants to deliver hope and change he has to play hardball in the coming months or he'll just be the black guy who didn't get the job done.

Obama needs to start kicking some jazz.

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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Obama's biggest foreign policy problem is the difficulty of covering up the weakness left behind when he took office.

The economy was in the dumpster, Congress was more concerned about placating their base than governing, the deficit was skyrocketing, ....

He's only managed to fix part of it. Because he is way too conservative and bipartisan. If he wants to deliver hope and change he has to play hardball in the coming months or he'll just be the black guy who didn't get the job done.

Obama needs to start kicking some jazz.



Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
US Should keep out of every foreign war. We SHOULDNT have gone to War with NAZI GERMANY and Japan during WW2. Nazis most probably would be dominating Europe, and Japan most probably would be ruling China, Japan, Indochina etc. Such a happy situation. Right?
Actually Japan was doomed anyways, even had America not got involved. China and Russia, combined, would have been far too large for Japan to fight. Not too mention Japan was already hard pressed from their ongoing-and-lengthy war against China, with hostilities and skirmishes beginning decades before WWII.
The Nazis, before America got involved, were already slipping towards defeat; America merely hastened the inevitable.
And then after WWII we had Russia, the Eastern Bloc, and several decades of tension and armed conflict anyways. It's not like the Allies brought world peace with their "victory."

As for Obama, his performance has been mediocre. He has stayed out of new wars although he continued old ones. He allowed the NSA spying to continue, but he brought the last (that we know of) Iraq/Afghanistan POWs home. Could we have had better? Maybe, though our system wont easily allow for it. Could it have been worse? Easily.
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Active Member
Actually Japan was doomed anyways, even had America not got involved. China and Russia, combined, would have been far too large for Japan to fight. Not too mention Japan was already hard pressed from their ongoing-and-lengthy war against China, with hostilities and skirmishes beginning decades before WWII.
The Nazis, before America got involved, were already slipping towards defeat; America merely hastened the inevitable.
And then after WWII we had Russia, the Eastern Bloc, and several decades of tension and armed conflict anyways. It's not like the Allies brought world peace with their "victory."

As for Obama, his performance has been mediocre. He has stayed out of new wars although he continued old ones. He allowed the NSA spying to continue, but he brought the last (that we know of) Iraq/Afghanistan POWs home. Could we have had better? Maybe, though our system wont easily allow for it. Could it have been worse? Easily.


China hardly played any role in WW2, Communists and Nationalists were in a civil war. Russia declared war on Japan just a few weeks before Japanese surrendered. Soviet were already exhausted fighting just the Germans, they could have hardly done anything. Soviets managed to defeat Germans in the Eastern Front, just because Allies had oppened two fronts, one Western Front and one in Italy. Soviets survived 1941&1942 because of Allies Arctic Convoys.