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Obama's performance and global instability

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
After all the unregistered foreign Democrat voters are given amnesty?

Let's breakdown your parroted right wing talking point....The majority of these people fleeing their homelands are children...so how do you even figure they're going to be Democratic voters. Second...No one is "giving them amnesty:...:rolleyes:.....The return of those who haven't met the qualifications of being here have begun. Additionally...the ones that are being processed and allowed to "temporarily" stay have to go to court to see if they qualify for asylum. We owe this "due process" to the Bush administration and the bill he signed into law back in 2008......

Hey...but I give you and "A" for effort.....:clap
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yawn <ignore> yawn
After all the unregistered foreign Democrat voters are given amnesty?

Perhaps you are not from the USA, but here aliens (however legal) don't get to vote. Even being a citizen doesn't entitle you to vote. Lots of places now require government picture ID.
The requirements for citizenship are a bit arduous, but if fulfilled you get most of the rights.

I'm not sure if you are just uninformed or simply despise Obama out of partisan considerations. But you are wrong.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Perhaps you are not from the USA, but here aliens (however legal) don't get to vote. Even being a citizen doesn't entitle you to vote. Lots of places now require government picture ID.

Good point...:clap

I'm not sure if you are just uninformed or simply despise Obama out of partisan considerations. But you are wrong.

I suspect it's a little bit of both. The mantra that these people will be "Democrat Voters"....and this was "planned", "designed" by Obama to get votes...is all the rage on the right....


Active Member
Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat. What is to say that these illegal Hispanics wont be given citizenship and vote Democrat.


yawn <ignore> yawn
I think that trying to be accurate and even handed makes me appear an Obama supporter to the Republican partisans. I'm not.

I despise Obama care. I can't help but notice that the Dow Jones is setting records, while the rest of the USA isn't. He isn't doing too badly on foreign policy given the weak hand he inherited, but it is not great performance either. I don't think he can do much about immigration because it would mean taking on Wall Street and he's never had enough support to try that. Especially in the face of a Congress who care less about fixing the problems than blaming Obama for them.



yawn <ignore> yawn
Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat. What is to say that these illegal Hispanics wont be given citizenship and vote Democrat.

They'll be lucky to get green cards. But if the Republican party stopped treating them the way they do, why wouldn't they vote REPUBLICAN?



yawn <ignore> yawn
CLOSE THE BORDER and enforce the law! Simple, right?

It would be simple if it weren't for the political ramifications of taking on the US elite.

The thing that keeps getting overlooked is that the illegal immigrants are hugely profitable. Obama doesn't have what it takes to confront those people.


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
was not disappointed and people reacted exactly as I assumed they would.

What do you expect from people when they hear lying warmongering hawks try and re-write history...

Second, I fundamentally disagree with what the Obama regime has done on a wide range of issues.
So do most people....even many us on the left..including me...

He is perhaps the most partisan President that Americans have ever elected and he spares no opportunity to stick it to the Republicans.
Wrong. He's been nothing but complacent with Republicans and welcomes the opportunity for them to get serious on a whole range of issues that the American people actually care about. They vowed day one not to work with him and not much has changed since. Which might be one of the reasons the 112th and 113th congress have the lowest rating than any other congress in history. So no one is trying to stick anything to the republicans. What they've done they've done to themselves.

Had he told the truth about the ACA, that many people would lose their plans and their doctors it is unlikely the Frankensteinian piece of legislation would ever have seen the light of day. His own party would not have been able to sell it to their constituents. So he lied.
Yet most Americans like their health insurance now...Even 74% of Republicans like their health insurance.

Then there is his famous, "I have a pen and a phone". The mentality behind that is exactly the type of thing that your framers sought to curb.
But he's correct. If congress won't do their job then he'll do what needs to be done to get things done for the American people. He's got a pen that can sign executive orders. Something ALL presidents past and future used/will use. Mind you he's actually used it less than many of his predecessors. He has a phone so that congress can call him in order to work with him instead of getting paid public funds to take vacations...

They foresaw an imperial presidency who used executive privilege to act unilaterally on given issues, what could not be negotiated with the Congress. It's not supposed to work that way. What is mind-boggling is that many members of his own party cheered him on even as they helped to erode the power they were elected to wield.
Then impeach the guy. They won't because there's no there...there. Instead Boehner is "suing" (yea right) him over the employer mandate that even they wanted him to delay..now they want to sue him to reverse and implement the law even faster. Come on now..!

Then there are the utter failure of his ill-conceived so-called "foreign policy".
Yet his decisions to not get involved or commit troops to costly foreign adventurism is on par with the American people. War hawks want to give weapons to people we never trusted before simply because they're fighting the guy we like even less. They wanted to aide Ukraine in the early days of the dust up even though many of the Ukrainians were defecting and going over to Russia...surrendering and handing over their weapons. Had we given them weapons they would have ended up in the hands of the Russians to be used against Ukrainians. You and yours think we need to stick our nose in foreign affairs. Me and mine want to stay out of it.

The MIddle-East is in flames, Europe is a financial basket case, China is gloating and Russia is looking to reshape the old empire. Heck, these folks have even managed to tick of the ever-understanding Canadians, who are your closest allies... (That takes some extra special effort, I might add.)
And to lay it at the feet of one president when America has cultivated this hatred for dozens of years under many presidents means you don't have a firm grasp on history or how foreign relations work.

Meanwhile the President goes golfing... ... if we are lucky maybe he will stay on the gold course for the next few years.
How about you check the work calendar of the president compared to our do nothing congress. They're off playing golf way more than the president. Shucks...when asked about terrorist and terrorism..the previous president was actually on the golf course. He gave some glib response and then turned to the camera and said...(Now watch this swing)....so spare me the mantra about "the president goes golfing"....:rolleyes:
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
CLOSE THE BORDER and enforce the law! Simple, right?

This solves nothing. The refugees that are here aren't the ones from Mexico. Their plight is strikingly different than the ones we encounter trying to sneak into the country for work and money. The ones that came here actually gave themselves up and welcomed being taken into custody by the border patrol. And as far "enforcing the law" that's exactly what the administration is doing. They're following the 2008 law the Bush administration put in place.


Active Member
They'll be lucky to get green cards. But if the Republican party stopped treating them the way they do, why wouldn't they vote REPUBLICAN?

Because, Republicans are supported by Conservative Whites(mainly). Supporting the refugees, will result in Conservative Whites not voting Republicans. That would be suicide.
And if both Republicans and Democrats support Illegal Immigrants, there is no gurantee that Republicans will get majority of immigrant vote.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat. What is to say that these illegal Hispanics wont be given citizenship and vote Democrat.

So what is it about the Republican Party that causes Hispanic people to vote Democrat?

When I speak to Hispanic people in the surrounding communities I work in I get the sense that many of them aren't as conservative as many would have us to believe. The younger generation is more tolerant and open. The phobias of the past generation aren't in this generation...Subjects such as abortion, voting rights, gay marriage, minimum wage, pay equality and immigration many of them support. When you have a party that, in their platform, in their own words and in their policies seems to be against these things...then I can see why they vote Democrat.


Active Member
So what is it about the Republican Party that causes Hispanic people to vote Democrat?

When I speak to Hispanic people in the surrounding communities I work in I get the sense that many of them aren't as conservative as many would have us to believe. The younger generation is more tolerant and open. The phobias of the past generation aren't in this generation...Subjects such as abortion, voting rights, gay marriage, minimum wage, pay equality and immigration many of them support. When you have a party that, in their platform, in their own words and in their policies seems to be against these things...then I can see why they vote Democrat.

So right Democrats want to bring more Illegal Immigrants because sooner or later, they will be given citizenship, and then they will vote Democrat. Democrats are clever.


Active Member
So what is it about the Republican Party that causes Hispanic people to vote Democrat?

When I speak to Hispanic people in the surrounding communities I work in I get the sense that many of them aren't as conservative as many would have us to believe. The younger generation is more tolerant and open. The phobias of the past generation aren't in this generation...Subjects such as abortion, voting rights, gay marriage, minimum wage, pay equality and immigration many of them support. When you have a party that, in their platform, in their own words and in their policies seems to be against these things...then I can see why they vote Democrat.
Half the nation opposes the above. Thats who Republicans represent.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Because, Republicans are supported by Conservative Whites(mainly). Supporting the refugees, will result in Conservative Whites not voting Republicans. That would be suicide.
And if both Republicans and Democrats support Illegal Immigrants, there is no gurantee that Republicans will get majority of immigrant vote.

So, the problems you see aren't basic justice, best for the USA, or rule of law.

It's the possibility that Republicans might stop supporting the GOP. Due to their platform planks. That is the sort of insight I find common in partisan extremists.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Let's breakdown your parroted right wing talking point....
I have no doubt you will give it a try. How persuasive your argument will be is quite another thing.

The majority of these people fleeing their homelands are children...so how do you even figure they're going to be Democratic voters.
Personally, I don't buy into the idea that they are fleeing. It just strikes me as being odd that suddenly they all started showing up. That said, the Latino vote traditionally votes for the Dems, so those who will be given amnesty will likely reward those who let them stay.

Second...No one is "giving them amnesty:...:rolleyes:
Not yet, at least. Mr. "I have a pen and a phone" might unilaterally decide to flout congress and give it a try. Especially now that that evil animal Paul Ryan is on record as saying that Immigration will not pass this year. I doubt the Golf Pro-in-Chief will be able to resist. I could be wrong though.

The return of those who haven't met the qualifications of being here have begun.
For now, yes... Let's say we talk at the end of the summer and see how well that is working out.

Additionally...the ones that are being processed and allowed to "temporarily" stay have to go to court to see if they qualify for asylum.
I don't know about you, but I don't imagine that the Courts are going to be too hard on kids.

We owe this "due process" to the Bush administration and the bill he signed into law back in 2008.
I can't help but wonder were the Dems in control of the House and the Senate at that point or was it before the mid-terms?

Hey...but I give you and "A" for effort.....:clap
Well, one does have to provide entertainment where one can.

Perhaps you are not from the USA, but here aliens (however legal) don't get to vote. Even being a citizen doesn't entitle you to vote.
The first part is a bit of a no-brainer, but the 2nd point made me pause. Under what conditions? Those who are incarcerated?

Lots of places now require government picture ID.
As a Canadian, I can't help but roll my eyes on this one. "Lots of places", and in many of those places, the liberal left are going berserk because they think requiring ID is some racist ploy or a slam against the poor... or something. Meanwhile, in Canada, across the country, PICTURE ID is mandatory at all polling stations. We are such racists here.

The requirements for citizenship are a bit arduous, but if fulfilled you get most of the rights.
Well, they cannot be elected as President, but what else are they denied? Just curious.

I'm not sure if you are just uninformed or simply despise Obama out of partisan considerations. But you are wrong.
I'm not quite the Neanderthal you take me for. My guess is that your own poisonous partisanship is clouding your views too.

Good point...:clap
And yet I'm told there is no Liberal Left echo chamber. Odd.

I suspect it's a little bit of both. The mantra that these people will be "Democrat Voters"....and this was "planned", "designed" by Obama to get votes...is all the rage on the right....
It was a play on that mantra, for sure. I guess that simple fact the Latino/Hispanic votes traditionally vote Democrat has nothing to do with it. Nope, nothing to see here folks.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So right Democrats want to bring more Illegal Immigrants because sooner or later, they will be given citizenship, and then they will vote Democrat. Democrats are clever.

But if that people really think then they really don't know democrats. We actually don't look that far ahead. I mean..there's nothing stopping people from voting Republican or third party. Like I said....It's not the Democrats fault Hispanics don't like the Republican Party stance on the issues and their policies.....That has nothing to do with us....


Active Member
But if that people really think then they really don't know democrats. We actually don't look that far ahead. I mean..there's nothing stopping people from voting Republican or third party. Like I said....It's not the Democrats fault Hispanics don't like the Republican Party stance on the issues and their policies.....That has nothing to do with us....

You want to bring ILLEGAL Hispanics just because they vote for you. And when we object, we are called racsist.