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Oh God! The knower of all….. testing us!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Now you're adding your own spice to the story. I said don't worry about children who die not children who are sick or in pain or hungry. When a child is dead their dead. There's nothing anyone can do to help them and all the worrying in the world won't bring even one of them back. So let's leave to God those things which are out of our control and focus on what lies in our power.
Leave it to God that a child dies. I guess I can understand that mindset from a Christian POV but from my own and that of other faiths, its not one that I would be comfortable with. I agree there is nothing one can do once they are dead but that just seems...well...a callous attitude to have. Sorry if that is harsh but that's how I see that.
Religions that tell people they are inherently defective and then handily have the "cure" on hand for people to jump through hoops for are obvious scams. Not only do these religions prey on peoples fears, they make grandiose promises of fantastical rewards if you buy into what they're selling (eternal life with a condo in heaven), and issue dire threats against those who can think for themselves and want nothing to do with them (tortured with fire in god's custom torture chamber for disbelievers). How can such beliefs not create a twisted mindset that suppresses critical thinking and raises up gullibility (faith) and blind obedience as the greatest virtues one can strive for?

Why would an Omnimax god create a defective product in the first place? Why would an Omnimax god create things it despises? Why would an Omnimax god who knows everything need to test anything? If Omnimax god created a "test" that was meant to raise us to our highest potential why didn't Omnimax design it so that everyone could pass it? Is that beyond Omnimax god's power?! If Omnimax god meant for humanity to undergo a "test" why do some get to skip the "test" by dying while young? Does Omnimax god not grasp the concepts of fairness and justice?
and I will continue to greater things.....

So you believe in some kind of non-physical existence beyond our physical existence? How would anyone know about a non-physical existence if it existed? Since we are physical beings that exist in a physical universe how do you KNOW any kind of non-physical existence is not anything more than wishful thinking and fantasy?


Well-Known Member
So you believe in some kind of non-physical existence beyond our physical existence? How would anyone know about a non-physical existence if it existed? Since we are physical beings that exist in a physical universe how do you KNOW any kind of non-physical existence is not anything more than wishful thinking and fantasy?

It would be a mistake to think Spirit are not physical beings


Well-Known Member
No, it would be a mistake to belief in something that cannot be demonstrated to actually exist.

There is no point in believing if you know. You have no idea out of what material Spirit is made of. All we know about spirit is that it cannot be see and cannot be touched or felt by human hands. None of these two properties proves that spirits are not physical. The recently confirmed Higgins Bosson is an example of a type of matter which cannot be seen or touched by human hands but which actually exists. It also has the special property of being able to go through other matter. What is said in the bible about Spirits leads me to believe it may well be made of matter similar to the higgins bosson.
There is no point in believing if you know. You have no idea out of what material Spirit is made of. All we know about spirit is that it cannot be see and cannot be touched or felt by human hands. None of these two properties proves that spirits are not physical. The recently confirmed Higgins Bosson is an example of a type of matter which cannot be seen or touched by human hands but which actually exists. It also has the special property of being able to go through other matter. What is said in the bible about Spirits leads me to believe it may well be made of matter similar to the higgins bosson.

What is the point in believing unsubstantiated fairy tales? You have no idea that "material spirit" even exists, its just something someone made up. You also just contradicted yourself, you said "spirit stuff" cannot be seen or felt, that it basically exists outside of our physical universe. Then you talk about the Higgs boson which is a physical particle that exists in the physical world.

From Wikipedia:
On 4 July 2012, the discovery of a new particle with a mass between 125 and 7002127000000000000♠127 GeV/c2 was announced; physicists suspected that it was the Higgs boson.[11][12][13] By March 2013, the particle had been proven to behave, interact and decay in many of the ways predicted by the Standard Model, and was also tentatively confirmed to have even parity and zero spin,[1] two fundamental attributes of a Higgs boson. This appears to be the first elementary scalar particle discovered in nature.[14] More data is needed to know if the discovered particle exactly matches the predictions of the Standard Model, or whether, as predicted by some theories, multiple Higgs bosons exist.[


Veteran Member
I don't believe there is no god testing us what so ever, we are the one's who do that, why the hell would a so called god wast his time testing us, it just sounds stupid to me.
I don't believe there is no god testing us what so ever, we are the one's who do that, why the hell would a so called god wast his time testing us, it just sounds stupid to me.

The "life is a test" argument is the only excuse some theists can provide when non-believers point out the obvious contradiction of an all-powerful and all-loving god allowing a world full of needless suffering to exist. It is an extremely flimsy argument, but its all they've got.


Veteran Member
The "life is a test" argument is the only excuse some theists can provide when non-believers point out the obvious contradiction of an all-powerful and all-loving god allowing a world full of needless suffering to exist. It is an extremely flimsy argument, but its all they've got.
I don't quite understand what you are getting at, but I can say that there is no God, and to argue about there being a God is useless and immature.
I don't quite understand what you are getting at, but I can say that there is no God, and to argue about there being a God is useless and immature.

I think discussion and debate about the existence of god is a necessity. Theists continually push their religion on others, non-theists should be more out spoken.


Well-Known Member
What is the point in believing unsubstantiated fairy tales? You have no idea that "material spirit" even exists, its just something someone made up. You also just contradicted yourself, you said "spirit stuff" cannot be seen or felt, that it basically exists outside of our physical universe. Then you talk about the Higgs boson which is a physical particle that exists in the physical world.

From Wikipedia:
On 4 July 2012, the discovery of a new particle with a mass between 125 and 7002127000000000000♠127 GeV/c2 was announced; physicists suspected that it was the Higgs boson.[11][12][13] By March 2013, the particle had been proven to behave, interact and decay in many of the ways predicted by the Standard Model, and was also tentatively confirmed to have even parity and zero spin,[1] two fundamental attributes of a Higgs boson. This appears to be the first elementary scalar particle discovered in nature.[14] More data is needed to know if the discovered particle exactly matches the predictions of the Standard Model, or whether, as predicted by some theories, multiple Higgs bosons exist.[

Now you're talking nonsense. Can you touch and feel the Higgins Boson? Please send me a link that will tell me of any person ever who has touch or felt the Higgins Boson.
Yes and so, why not just forget about this silly concept of God, its a wast of time.

What you and I regard silly, many believe to be real and base their lives around it. Which causes harm to themselves and those around them. I don't believe humanity can reach its full potential while remaining superstitious and believing in ancient fairy tales. Humanity in general needs to grow up, take full responsibility for our future and leave our imaginary friends (and saviors) behind.
Now you're talking nonsense. Can you touch and feel the Higgins Boson? Please send me a link that will tell me of any person ever who has touch or felt the Higgins Boson.

So you are denying that the Higgs boson is a physical thing that exists in the physical world?


Veteran Member
What you and I regard silly, many believe to be real and base their lives around it. Which causes harm to themselves and those around them. I don't believe humanity can reach its full potential while remaining superstitious and believing in ancient fairy tales. Humanity in general needs to grow up, take full responsibility for our future and leave our imaginary friends (and saviors) behind.
Yes God is nothing more than a concept, something to cling to, most of us humans seem to want to cling to something, and that is all religion is, something to cling to.


Well-Known Member
So you are denying that the Higgs boson is a physical thing that exists in the physical world?

No I'm denying that you can see and touch it with your human eye and hands. And I'm pointing out to you that all we know about the spirits spoken of in the bible is that we humans cannot see or touch them most of the time. So if you assert that spirits don't exist in the physical realm simply because humans cannot see or touch them then you are asserting that the Higgins Boson is also not in the physical world.
No I'm denying that you can see and touch it with your human eye and hands. And I'm pointing out to you that all we know about the spirits spoken of in the bible is that we humans cannot see or touch them most of the time. So if you assert that spirits don't exist in the physical realm simply because humans cannot see or touch them then you are asserting that the Higgins Boson is also not in the physical world.

The Higgs boson is a particle that has been proven to exist in the physical world. Humans cannot optically or tactically register its presence, that's what all the equipment the physicists used to detect it are for. What type of scientific equipment did you use to verify the existence of your spirits with again?


Well-Known Member
The Higgs boson is a particle that has been proven to exist in the physical world. Humans cannot optically or tactically register its presence, that's what all the equipment the physicists used to detect it are for. What type of scientific equipment did you use to verify the existence of your spirits with again?

I'm not a scientist. I believe in God. Higgins BELIEVED there was a Higgins Boson. Many scientists also BELIEVED it but for a long time they had no proof and had no way of verifying it. Then finally they managed to build the particle accelerator at CERN which was able to confirm their BELIEFS. They now KNOW there is a Higgins Boson.

Note that if they didn't first believe they would never have come to know.
I'm not a scientist. I believe in God. Higgins BELIEVED there was a Higgins Boson. Many scientists also BELIEVED it but for a long time they had no proof and had no way of verifying it. Then finally they managed to build the particle accelerator at CERN which was able to confirm their BELIEFS. They now KNOW there is a Higgins Boson.

Note that if they didn't first believe they would never have come to know.

There is a big difference in the beliefs you are comparing. The Higgs Boson was theorized to exist by modern day scientists based on science and math. Your spirits are claimed to exist by superstitious people who lived thousands of years ago and thought the earth was flat and seizures were caused by demonic possession. The Higgs boson was proven to exist after 50 years of it existence being theorized. The existence of your spirits has yet to be proven after thousands of years. Claiming the belief in a theorized particle and spirits are equally rational beliefs is misleading.