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On eating people

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
depends on where you get your food. I try to avoid mass produced food. You can too if you just pay attention to what you buy. There are still small farms out there that treat thier animals and plants with respect and dignaty. You can purchase from them, its more expencive but its healthier both for you and the lives of those you eat.



Active Member
As free person, it's up to every individual to choose whether they eat meat or not. Frankly, many of my concerns are with animal farming, have you see how they keep animals in China and the Far East ? it's little wonder that all Flu outbreaks originate there.

Doctrine and covenants, what are those ?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have no more problem eating Catholics or Chechens than I do cows or chickens. Other than "my holy book says it's OK/forbidden," what qualititative difference is there between eating furry or feathered people and eating naked apes.
Maize said:

Not going to happen.

What should people like the Inuit who survive mainly on animals because their environment provides little to no vegetation do for food?
yes yes, again because they are hunting the animals themselves, and not exploiting them to make money.


Active Member
painted wolf said:
ps... I thought this was going to be about Cannabalism.... I'm so disapointed. ;)

Actually, that was what caught my attention, in extreme survival situations, it has been done.And many ancient cultures practised ritual cannabilism, esp in the America's.


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
NothingIsNot said:
yes yes, again because they are hunting the animals themselves, and not exploiting them to make money.

So you don't have a problem with eating meat per se, just people making money from it? What is to become of the small farmer who makes a living off animals?


Well-Known Member
Maize said:
I ate a vegetarian
That was a really funny opening.

To the OP, life feeds on life. Can you survive without dining on that which was once alive? But I get your point. I wonder if people would value food (and the source it came from) more if it wasn't so convenient. We certainly wouldn't have such a problem with obesity if people had to hunt their own meals, or do their own farming. But we are a clever species, and cooperative (mostly). I let Billy Bob and his agricousins do the farming labor for me. I let mass production kill and package the poultry and fish that I eat. This allows me more time to pursue other goals that would otherwise be spent simply preventing starvation. This allows us to progress as a species. My loyalty is to humanity, not bovine-kind, although I respect life on all levels.


Lord of the Badgers
NothingIsNot said:
I eat meat, I drink milk, I love cheese and any other dairy product for that matter. Just so you know, this thread is against myself too! :areyoucra

It is clear that we shouldn't eat other animals, and we shouldn't raise livestock for their milk either. First of all, our teeth are not made for eating meat (at least not as a primary food source), and I thought milk was for babies only? Who gives us the right to go suck on a cows tit anyways? Really, I dont want to add anything to this myself, I'd rather you do, 'cause I'm just so angry :mad: at us. Killing animals should be a law. It is not our right.

anyways, lets here what you religious or non folks think of eating meat and milk and such.
Our teeth are not made for eating meat? Mine seem to do just fine. Humans have the teeth of an omnivore, some for slicing, some for tearing and some for grinding. Humans have evolved to be omnivorous, we are in fact quite literally designed to eat meat.

See, a couple of million years ago our stupid ape ancestors began losing their jungle home because of climate change and so moved onto the expanding plains. Rather than evolving to be fast or strong, or to have big sharp teeth to survive, natural selection led them down the 'smart' route. The thing is that an animal's body is a carefully balanced machine with each organ requiring a certain percentage of the energy produced for it to function properly, the larger or more energy dependant an organ is the more ATP is allocated to it.
The brain needs a lot of energy to function, as our ancestors brains grew it became apparent that a vegetarian diet could not sustain them. Meat is a very rich source of energy and protein, all the goodness a growing brain needs, by adding meat to their diet their energy needs could easily be met, and so their brains could continue to grow.

Unfortunately, as i said before the body is a finely balenced machine. To have a growing brain and maintain the rest of the organs at the same size would require massive energy inputs, too massive. Thus the solution was to reduce the length of the gut, and so reduce its energy requirements. A shorter gut can digest meat just fine, problem is it cannot cope so well with vegetable matter - its all that cellulose thats the problem. And so you can see, our bodies have designed themselves to eat meat. Any vegetarian will tell you that a meat free diet must also be a carefully controlled diet.

Its called the Expensive Tissure Hypothesis, if anybody wants to look it up.

I do however disagree with the way animals are mass produced in todays western societies. I'd much prefer to go back to the old farming methods where animals had much more freedom and a better quality of life. Unfortunately that won't happen anytime soon. We'll just have to wait... ;)

p.s. vegetarians kill things too you know. All those nuts they eat are potential lives, plus most vegetables you have for dinner involved having the plant killed. If you really wanted to hurt no living thing, you'd need to be a frugivore. But, you can't be a frugivore because a human can't survive on such a diet.
I'm against discrimination in favour of animals, surely plants have a right to life too?


I love meat. I kill my own sheep it's just a quick cut throat it shouldn't cause much pain for the animals. It makes it more meaningful when I come to eat them. I don't like it when I have to kill chickens because there's something about breaking their necks that makes it feel immoral. But hey I live on a farm! Eating meat prolongs your life anyway vegetarians always look so ill and under-nourished. But that's up to them anyway.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
gordon said:
.... vegetarians always look so ill and under-nourished.

I've met some very healthy and even round vegetarians (I was one of them). They do not always look ill and undernourished, that is a common stereotype and misconception.


gordon said:
I love meat. I kill my own sheep it's just a quick cut throat it shouldn't cause much pain for the animals. It makes it more meaningful when I come to eat them. I don't like it when I have to kill chickens because there's something about breaking their necks that makes it feel immoral. But hey I live on a farm! Eating meat prolongs your life anyway vegetarians always look so ill and under-nourished. But that's up to them anyway.
While I have never slaghtered a sheep personally, I have been there when my dad has. I remember watching the life leave its eyes as the blood ran out of the throat. It was sad.

Sometimes I think a quick breaking of the neck is the more humane way of doint it.


Active Member
There is no humane way of killing, some ways are less distressing than others. The quicker the better, that's all, It disgusts me in anycase.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Solon said:
There is no humane way of killing, some ways are less distressing than others. The quicker the better, that's all, It disgusts me in anycase.
So what do you eat? Eating is the consumption of life, plain and simple. Whenever you eat ANYTHING you have killed SOMETHING. Unless you eat rocks.


spacemonkey said:
So what do you eat? Eating is the consumption of life, plain and simple. Whenever you eat ANYTHING you have killed SOMETHING. Unless you eat rocks.
You'd have to be careful then, too. Most rocks contain stuff that was once living.


angellous_evangellous said:
You'd have to be careful then, too. Most rocks contain stuff that was once living.
Yeah, but you diddn't kill it. You're just eating something that happens to be dead.

Mmmm . . . Rocks . . . (this is where a drooling smily would be nice.)


World Leader Pretend
I like eating plants and animals. I enjoy milk with cereal. I don't see anything wrong with it. I try to eat a balanced diet. Anyway, just not sure why it's such an issue for some people.


Aqualung said:
Yeah, but you diddn't kill it. You're just eating something that happens to be dead.

Mmmm . . . Rocks . . . (this is where a drooling smily would be nice.)
I don't kill the chickens that I buy at the grocery store, either. I simply walk by and they happen to be dead.


Active Member
spacemonkey said:
So what do you eat? Eating is the consumption of life, plain and simple. Whenever you eat ANYTHING you have killed SOMETHING. Unless you eat rocks.
I eat most things apart from Red Meat and Pork, although I wish it wasn't so. The point I was making is that there is no easy way to kill, unless it's a bullet to the brain.
I'm not particulary happy about fish gasping their last, but I eat fish. It just doesn't make me feel great to do so !