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On eating people


Moved on
The way I see it, if I can kill an animal, I'm allowed to eat it. Therefore I only kill animals that I would be able to kill without a firearm. Fish, Beef, Chicken, Deer, I love it all.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
I like free-range chicken and turkey, leaner, less fat, much more tasty, as well as Niman Ranch beef. Big slabs of beef. All the vegetarians in my family are small, and very pale, whilst everyone who eats meat is big and strong. Meat does the body good, so does milk, especially organic milk.


Steel Magnolia
Meat is very healthy for your body. And furthermore, it's really good. I love chicken legs, and hamburgers, and no one can tell me I'm wrong be eating them. If you want to live off of vegetables, that's fine with me. But you cannot tell I'm wrong be eating meat.

So there.

So it's fine to raise animals simply to kill them and eat them? Denying their right to a real life within the nature that first brought them to this world...
Yep. Absolutely, as far as I'm concerned.

Thou shalt not kill. Is ending another life not considered a kill?
The Bible actually says thou shalt not murder. Is killing the same thing as murdering? No.

We are not doing anything honourable in eating a steak or chicken breast.
So we're doing something honorable by eating celerey?

Maybe it's not neccesarily honorable to eat a steak or some chicken...but they sure do taste good!

But I think as a society we should ban the commerce of animals, and simply ban meat because 6 billions is alot to feed, and we are simply doing harm to other beings.
*Laughing to self*

Good luck with that.


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I've already given my views on this, but as for my religion, UU has no rules about diet. It is true that many UUs are vegetarian mainly for the same reason I am concerned about and try to avoid meat that comes from large factory farms where the animals are not treated humanely. Our 7th Principle is, "Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part" and some UUs do not believe we are following that principle we support the unnecessary torture and inhumane treatment of animals, even if they do not have a problem with eating meat in general.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Christiangirl0909 said:
Meat is very healthy for your body. And furthermore, it's really good. I love chicken legs, and hamburgers, and no one can tell me I'm wrong be eating them.
Sure I can. You cause or contribute to suffering, which I find objectionable.

And where did you come up with this "meat is very healthy [sic] for the body" stuff? Take a nutrition course. Meat eating contributes to many illnesses and infirmities.


Well-Known Member
Seyorni said:
Sure I can. You cause or contribute to suffering, which I find objectionable.

And where did you come up with this "meat is very healthy [sic] for the body" stuff? Take a nutrition course. Meat eating contributes to many illnesses and infirmities.
What do you find objectionable about it?

Eat can be shown that eating just about anything contributes to many illnesses and infirmities.


Well-Known Member
I love my chicken. It tastes really good, and talkin' about outlawing it would only compell me to stockpile it, baby. Give me more of that tasty meat, specially the dark, YEAH! I'll gnaw on that baby, and I'll chew on its bones.

Something the militant vegans ignore is that our primate relatives eat meat all the time. Are they in denial about this? Yes, our teeth are made for it. We seem to instinctively know what to do with it, particularly if it's soft and sweet likr the fish we still instinctively make grabs at or the birds we instinctively chase around without really knowing why.

Ethically speaking, I am pretty certain that chickens find the process of their heads being cut off highly annoying for about half of a second. I think that the more intelligent ones, such as cows, might have a slightly more intellectual thus more respectable view, but I don't masticate upon cow particularly often and don't find it nearly as tasty as some seem to believe that it is. I strongly doubt, however, that there are many of either species that strongly object to being guaranteed all the food that can be stuffed into them. All in all, screw what they might think. They taste good with a little sauce, so they're food.

I'll ptobably go on eating meat, particularly chicken and fish, until the stuff is banned. Beef doesn't tast good without merlot, though.

Ardent Listener

Active Member
I just want to go on record that I'm against people eating other people. And you may quote me on that.:biglaugh:


Ardent Listener


Pneumatic Spiritualist
I'll ptobably go on eating meat, particularly chicken and fish, until the stuff is banned. Beef doesn't tast good without merlot, though.
Liver goes well some fava beans and a nice chianti, or so I've heard....


Well-Known Member
I think people should moderate their meat consumption, yes. It's better for you, better for the environment, etc. I think people should look into where their animal products come from and support the most humane sources. But no, I don't have a problem with animal products period. We've got the potential to do lots of damage, so I think we should be more responsible than we are now, but I don't think this means banning meat. Being a vegetarian is a personal choice.


Oldest Heretic
God ordained that all life is interdependant.
some animals eat meat
some eat vegitation.
some vegitation eats meat.
Some animals are omnivores

We are amongst the latter.

This as Painted wolf says is a question of respect for what you eat.
You should never eat or drink more than you need of anything.
Any thing that is killed to eat should be done in kindness, respect and with thanks.
Whether Vegtable or animal it is all LIfe.
we are all equally alive, we are also all equally food.

Blessed are the gentle, they shall inherit the land


World Leader Pretend
Ardent Listener said:
I just want to go on record that I'm against people eating other people. And you may quote me on that.:biglaugh:


Ardent Listener

I've heard that eating people is a health risk. Of course, if we allowed people to eat people, well... let's just say that we'd really be increasing our food supply. Maybe Democrats could run on a liberal cannibalism platform, Eat The Rich. :)


Oldest Heretic
Darkdale said:
I've head that eating people is a health risk. Of course, if we allowed people to eat people, well... let's just say that we'd really be increasing our food supply. Maybe Democrats could run on a liberal cannibalism platform, Eat The Rich. :)
Too much collesterol in all that fat
Otherwise not a bad idea.

Blessed are the gentle, they shall inherit the land


Active Member
I have nothing against vegans. I think it's silly that PETA people throw fake blood on people who wear fur coats, or going to extremes like that.

But if someone is against eating animals, and chooses not to, why give them a hard time? I'm an animal lover. There's no doubt in my mind that if I were on a boat and could either save my dog or a complete stranger (human), I'd save my dog. But, I also realize the chain of life. I eat meat, but I try not to think about where it came from.

For vegans, I don't think any of them would deny that our ancestors ate meat, or that we are designed to eat meat. I think there are probably two main reasons why they have chosen not to do so.

One is for health reasons. There are a lot of studies that show red meat can cause health issues. Granted, there are many that show the protein is good. It really goes to what you believe and how you want to live your life.

For those that are vegan because they are against eating animals, most of them do so because of the way animals are treated. It's not like in the days of cave men where they'd go out and hunt their pray. Those animals had a chance. In those cases, it was the circle of life.

That's not the case today. Today we have farms specifically designed to raise animals to be slaughtered. The conditions these animals live in are horrible. Many people don't want to contribute into the torture these animals go through, just so that they can be killed for us to eat. So they choose not to eat any.

Can't really fault them for their beliefs.