The conceptual problem, that the current theory of evolution makes, is the black box math, due to the very nature of its random assumption, does not allow a goal to occur; math bias. If you assume random, so you can properly apply the statistical model, no goal is possible by the default, due to your base math assumptions. This puts the cart before the horse. The life science are vested in black box assumptions and they are stuck in a self fulfilling prophesy; defaults to no goal is possible. Has to have side effects.
I look at evolution, as connected to the 2nd law and entropy. This 2nd law states that entropy has to increase. This term, " increase" is not random since if entropy was random, it could spontaneously decrease or increase. But the 2nd law says it has to increase, which implies a sense of a single direction. This law; sense of positive direction, supersedes any black box assumption. Black box is not a law of science but a math tool assumption. I am comfortable following the laws of science.
Entropy is also what is called a state variable. This means any state of matter has a fixed measurable amount of measured entropy; constant, that characterizes that state, sort of like a finger print. For entropy to increase, these state values also have to increase, forming a new state of higher fixed entropy.
In the chat below of entropy value, water going from liquid to gas increases its entropy constant; new state. Notice diamond; right top, has the lowest entropy, since it is so simple being a uniform matrix of tetrahedrally bonded carbon; perfectly simple and not complex. Graphite is more uniform in 2-D simple and a higher entropy due to the slight increase in complexity its z-variable, brings. Graphite is slippery due to the easier z-axis shear planes.
A cell can also be considered an integrated entropic state, and evolution, driven by an entropy increase, that will form a new state of higher entropy constant; evolution means an increase in the entropy state. If we add O2 and CO2 gases to liquid water, the average entropy of this state solution of water, will increase. Metabolism has an extended entropy affect; O2 and CO2 in water. If we were to metabolizes iso-octane down to CO2, we increase entropy, drastically, due to the entropy state weight of all the CO2 molecules we will make. Such goals could be anticipated by evolution.
The water and oil effect causes water to pack and fold protein lowering their entropy; lower complexity. The protein would be more complex all stretched out wiggling like worms. Water packs, folds and squeezes them into a little ball state. That creates entropic potential or creates a state of lowered entropy, opposite the 2nd law. The hydrogen bonding of water is strong enough to do this. With all protein treated this way by water, the cell becomes a zone/state of lowered structural entropy constant, due to the structural deficit created by water. This gives the cell; zone/state, an extra natural push to evolve; extra push to increase protein entropy. But it will still remain under the constraint that water will continue to pack the protein toward lower entropy.
Since water will continue to ball up the proteins, the only good ways to increase protein entropy is to modify the protein, so the final state is higher in entropy; add a reactive site, and/or slight structural improvements; amino acid sequence change. This will not form a new species, but adds the potential for directed change on the various parts, until the entire cellular state, increases entropy; quantum step upward to a new state; species.