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On having voices in your head.


Unrepentant goofer duster
Yes, most of us have various takes on any given situation. We're currently watching Stargate. Some of us love it, some of us find it boring.

Yes but do any hold to different interpretations of facts in a given situation, like just flat deny that something happened one way when it actually happened in another? Are "you" the authoritative observer of situations or is your take on a situation (not is x person a good person/attractive or do we like stargate but rather this person said these words to us, or other 'objective' facts..) called into question?

As to the rest of your answers very interesting.


Unrepentant goofer duster
The reason I brought up the Monarch slave thing is because the claim is that ritualistic abuse was used to literally shatter the personality in a controlled way by the Illuminati (stay with me this is the paranormal forum) in order to turn people into sex slaves or secret assassins or some ridiculous ****. You say your experience of this predates your history of childhood trauma however? One thing didn't cause the other? The idea I was having was that whomever manipulated those women into believing that they were Sylvester Stallones mind programed illuminati ****-toy (aka their psychologists and perpetuators of SRA mythos) were knowingly or unknowingly taking advantage of this misunderstood phenomena.


Somewhere Out There
Yes but do any hold to different interpretations of facts in a given situation, like just flat deny that something happened one way when it actually happened in another?

We're having trouble thinking at the moment-- can you give an example? Like, do you mean some of us insist we wore blue yesterday and some think we wore black, green, purple, etc? Or do you mean the ones who come across as fictional/historical/etc people? :)

Are "you" the authoritative observer of situations or is your take on a situation (not is x person a good person/attractive or do we like stargate but rather this person said these words to us, or other 'objective' facts..) called into question?

Ahhkay, I think I see what you mean. I pretty much am the person who has the final say, but I often look to others for input on events in our lives. For example, I didn't know I'd been abused-- no memory of it specifically-- but one of the others very much does remember it because she had a nightmare about it and said it looked like a man with a box on his face was standing over us. Well, she identifies as being from ancient Japan... as far as we can piece it together, she's talking about a video camera, maybe just a plain (but larger) old fashioned camera. She panicked when seeing someone taking a video tape and taking pictures. So... we don't remember this, but she does, and she showed us. We believe her as she in not one to lie or exaggerate.

The reason I brought up the Monarch slave thing is because the claim is that ritualistic abuse was used to literally shatter the personality in a controlled way by the Illuminati (stay with me this is the paranormal forum) in order to turn people into sex slaves or secret assassins or some ridiculous ****. You say your experience of this predates your history of childhood trauma however? One thing didn't cause the other? The idea I was having was that whomever manipulated those women into believing that they were Sylvester Stallones mind programed illuminati ****-toy (aka their psychologists and perpetuators of SRA mythos) were knowingly or unknowingly taking advantage of this misunderstood phenomena.

Staying with you, no worries. :)

That is strange. Not impossible I guess, but strange... and it'd make some weird sense if they exploited people who were naturally or otherwise already multiple or what have you.

It does predate the trauma. I think we used it to cope with what was happening, but we didn't develop it as a coping mechanism-- it got turned into a coping mechanism. Sort of like how people eat, and some people start eating as a coping mechanism.


Unrepentant goofer duster
We're having trouble thinking at the moment-- can you give an example? Like, do you mean some of us insist we wore blue yesterday and some think we wore black, green, purple, etc? Or do you mean the ones who come across as fictional/historical/etc people? :)



Its only a Label

Personally take this talking mind to be a mind delusion and so by constant meditation it will recede like darkness does when light enters.

Love & rgds


Somewhere Out There

Ahh, nope. That doesn't tend to happen. Sometimes some of us will wonder if a certain thing got said or whatnot, but generally we seem consistent.


Personally take this talking mind to be a mind delusion and so by constant meditation it will recede like darkness does when light enters.

Love & rgds

Not sure what you mean? For us, it is very much not a delusion, and when I tried to get rid of it... life got severely worse. Accepting it and working with it was the only thing to bring me any sense of peace and joy. To try and make it go away, to me, would be ridiculous. :) It benefits me a great deal, and benefits them as well, so it seems to be a rather good relationship.


Its only a Label
Friend atropine,

Meditation is non-doing; meaning one is not doing anything about anything.
The focus during meditation is something like the energy chakras or on breathing etc. something which keeps THOUGHTS at bay and this allows the universal consciousness to connect with the individual consciousness and in doing so the individuals total energy from body to soul gets tuned up and starts functioning fully. Yes it takes years practice to find such a space and state of mind.
Then one no more hears voices but only the one hand clap which is also called the soundless sound the unstruck sound etc.
It benefits me a great deal, and benefits them as well, so it seems to be a rather good relationship.
Again could be just a mind's perception and a temporary phenomenon.
Besides one is free to act as per his own choice.

Love & rgds


Somewhere Out There
Ahhh. Alright. It's not how things work in my experience, but I understand and respect your thoughts on the matter, and how it might work for you. :)


Unrepentant goofer duster
When you meditate, are they experiencing the shift in consciousness as well?
In your dreams are they seperate beings with their own bodies or with you in yours?
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Somewhere Out There
When you meditate, are they experiencing the shift in consciousness as well?
In your dreams are they seperate beings with their own bodies or with you in yours?

They don't tend to hang around when I'm meditating. It's just me experiencing it, unless a few others decide to meditate, too. In my dreams, I usually seem to be hanging over their shoulders; they're in their own bodies.


Its only a Label
Friend atrophine,

Ahhh. Alright. It's not how things work in my experience, but I understand and respect your thoughts on the matter, and how it might work for you.
Sorry, could not be of much help to your cause.
[spiritually]Adventurous people *jump and then think* or else most *think and then jump*. Again everyone is in his own time/space zone which is unique and not necessary one can transcend the zone to view the grid itself.

Once again, sorry for the inability!
Best Wishes to your serach for solutions!
Love & rgds


Unrepentant goofer duster
Unsure homeboy atropine was searching for 'solutions'. This was a coming out thread.

I would be interested to find out if you got your head washed.. if some might stop coming on their own accord.


Somewhere Out There
I have no idea. It seems to be built in, because even when I'm on loopy drugs for anxiety... it doesn't make it stop, it just gets clearer instead. And while a head washing isn't the same thing as medication, my point is that things that probably would stop it if it could be stopped don't tend to stop it. It'd be interesting to see, though, what if any effects it would have.

And nope, not looking for solutions at all... :) We are quite happy with what we have going. If we weren't, we would be in a therapist's office right now rather than here.


Unrepentant goofer duster
Well whatever the case I imagine you will continue to come to many new understandings of what how and why they might be as time goes on.


Wonder Woman
I haven't any tricks, but if you ever want the freedom to be YOURSELF again I can point you in the right direction.

Well now, that's quite presumptuous of you. Considering you might be possessed by a demon as well and all. :sarcastic How would he know that you wouldn't be pointing him in a direction that would allow for complete takeover by demons that try to proselytize and push people towards a false religion all the time? :rolleyes: