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Original Sin


Well-Known Member
"Satan has entered into human DNA"


I have a vague feeling that it may have been me that posted this comment many pages ago in the thread.

anyway, it makes sense to me.

When Adam ate the apple it gave Satan the chance he needed to infuse into human DNA and the rest is history.


Well-Known Member
well maybe , maybe not.

who knows?

A maybe is good enough for me but all in an allegorical, other plane of existence sense.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The text of Genesis is a mix of literal and metaphorical ideas.

I agree but how did you determine that Adam and Eve were literally real people vs. those they say they weren't and that the story itself is allegorical?

God and Man have met?...someone had to be first.

First to what....meet "God"?

He really did exist.

How do you know or are you basing this on faith?

What I find remarkable about the Chapter Two...
It describes a manipulation that could only be done with high tech.

Cloning is not in question. What is in question is taking of male DNA to make a woman. How is this possible? Do you believe man is both male and female? You keep avoiding this question.

The rib then increased to full human form, and that form a woman?
The story is several thousand years old, and only in recent decades can we see the possibility of cloning and genetic manipulation.

Only if you believe man is both male and female....Correct..?

Original sin?...did you post what you think it might be?

I think there is no such thing. And as there is no such thing as "original sin then it rules out the concept of sin itself. These are both man made terms in order to keep people in control......:sad:


Thou art That
I think there is no such thing. And as there is no such thing as "original sin then it rules out the concept of sin itself. These are both man made terms in order to keep people in control......:sad:

Assuming for the moment that Original Sin is a reality, what that means is that God placed a very tantalizing Fruit Tree that was also extremely dangerous (actually fatal) directly in the paths of his innocent children, and then forbade them, under penalty of death, to eat of it.

That is akin to having a voluptuous female tantalizingly dance naked in front of your teenager, hormones raging, and instructing him NOT to have sex with her.

If anyone is guilty of Original Sin, it is God himself, for deliberately and knowingly placing dangerous goods where his children could not resist them. This was the first Sting Operation.

Original Sin is not the problem; Desire is.
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Rogue Theologian
I agree but how did you determine that Adam and Eve were literally real people vs. those they say they weren't and that the story itself is allegorical?

First to what....meet "God"?

How do you know or are you basing this on faith?

Cloning is not in question. What is in question is taking of male DNA to make a woman. How is this possible? Do you believe man is both male and female? You keep avoiding this question.

Only if you believe man is both male and female....Correct..?

I think there is no such thing. And as there is no such thing as "original sin then it rules out the concept of sin itself. These are both man made terms in order to keep people in control......:sad:

There has been interaction between God and Man...otherwise....
All prophets are false and all religion is false.
Are you willing to go that far?

And this thread is not about cloning....is it not you pursuing genetics?
I do suspect manipulation.... as covered in Genesis.

And of course someone had to be first....when walking with God.
That would be Adam.
Faith in God first....then Adam....because someone had to be first.

Original sin...is the topic.
I would agree with you, the concept has been used by 'the people in charge', to further their own agendas and teachings as per congregational followings.

The resolve is as I posted...(many places in this forum)
God placed a choice...Man chose...
and that choosing indicates that Man is such a creature that will pursue knowledge...in spite of pending consequence...in spite of death.

However, the topic is persistent as most believers insist...something went wrong in the garden.

So I gave up congregation....'rogue theologian'.

I did not surrender my belief in God.
And someone had to be first to walk with Him.

Nothing went wrong in the garden.
All manipulations are as they should be.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Assuming for the moment that Original Sin is a reality, what that means is that God placed a very tantalizing Fruit Tree that was also extremely dangerous (actually fatal) directly in the paths of his innocent children, and then forbade them, under penalty of death, to eat of it.

That is akin to having a voluptuous female tantalizingly dance naked in front of your teenager, hormones raging, and instructing him NOT to have sex with her.

If anyone is guilty of Original Sin, it is God himself, for deliberately and knowingly placing dangerous goods where his children could not resist them. This was the first Sting Operation.

Original Sin is not the problem; Desire is.

Exactly. It appears they were setup to fail...if we "assume" the story has any validity. Additionally how would Adam and Even know that it was wrong or sinful considering they really didn't have any such knowledge of good and evil or sin......:sad:


Thou art That
Exactly. It appears they were setup to fail...if we "assume" the story has any validity.

...and following the argument of the orthodox version of the story all the way through reveals its inherent flaws, demonstrating that taking the story literally is obviously not the true meaning of the allegory.

When we look at the story from an intuitive point of view, with God's intent that his children do eat of the Fruit, everything just falls right into place.

Buddhists refer to the orthodox scenario as 'the long way home'. While valid, it hits every bump and thorn in the road. In other words, it's unnecessary.

Additionally how would Adam and Even know that it was wrong or sinful considering they really didn't have any such knowledge of good and evil or sin......:sad:

....which leads to the second issue of the origin of evil, in both Adam and Eve's and Satan's case. Christians often talk about men having the 'propensity to sin'. God is their creator. They had nothing to do with it. So the propensity in question had to have originated from the source. But if the propensity is what God actually wants, then there is no sin.

Morality is not an aspect of man's nature. It is a product of social indoctrination. We learn to be moral, but when coupled with a system of reward and punishment, things begin to get a bit sticky. The idea is that man is born with this propensity to sin, and must be corrected so Salvation can take place. Unfortunately, we avoid wrongdoing and do 'good' for the wrong reasons: to avoid punishment and/or to gain some reward, which has its own inherent problems. Part of the problem with with this approach (and it is a BIG one) is that we tend to push a good image of ourselves (Persona) while suppressing and hiding the negative images of ourselves (Shadow). We then project our Shadow onto whomever we can, condemning, dehumanizing, or demonizing them, while propping ourselves up as shining examples. The short term is Scapegoating, and the classic example is that of untermenschen (ie: sub-human) which Hitler successfully and systematically foisted upon the Jewish people.

Eastern wisdom teaches exactly the opposite: that man has an inherently good nature, but due to social indoctrination via religion, government, parenting, schooling, etc., it is suppressed or asleep or both, and is in need of Awakening and unfolding. Here, it is not morality that needs to be pursued, but Original Virtue, which is an aspect of our nature.
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Rogue Theologian
So at this point we all agree....?
The original sin event is not what most 'believers' think it is.

I don't believe in a setup to fail.
Partaking of the 'fruit' was intended. That Man partakes and endeavors for knowledge, even unto death, is precisely what Man should be.

If original sin is that tendency...we are all guilty.
(save those who chose to be ignorant!)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So at this point we all agree....?
The original sin event is not what most 'believers' think it is.

I don't believe in a setup to fail.
Partaking of the 'fruit' was intended. That Man partakes and endeavors for knowledge, even unto death, is precisely what Man should be.

If original sin is that tendency...we are all guilty.
(save those who chose to be ignorant!)

Well, not quite all. Of course God did not intend for Adam and Eve to disobey his command. The tree represented God's right to decide what was good and bad. God does not withhold knowledge from man, as Satan falsely claimed to Eve. "For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment." (Proverbs 2:6) How inconsistent it would be for God to place within man a thirst for knowledge and then to deny him such, demanding that he remain ignorant. Satan is also the Devil, or Slanderer, liar. His false accusations against God should not be believed.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Wwwwwwwwwwwwwell, except for that whole.. Good and Evil thing.
The tree that God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from represented a privilege only God has-the right to determine what is good and what is bad. (Jeremiah 10:23) Adam and Eve already knew right from wrong, good from evil. God told them it was evil to eat from the tree. By doing so, the first couple were grasping at moral independence from God, a course that continues today by nearly all mankind.


Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
The tree that God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from represented a privilege only God has-the right to determine what is good and what is bad. (Jeremiah 10:23)
Jeremiah does not maintain that the Tree was the decision to determine what was good and what was evil, it was the mere knowledge of. Deny it all you like, that's what the Bible says, clearly.

Basically what the Tree really was changes every 5 minutes around here.


Rogue Theologian
Well, not quite all. Of course God did not intend for Adam and Eve to disobey his command. The tree represented God's right to decide what was good and bad. God does not withhold knowledge from man, as Satan falsely claimed to Eve. "For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment." (Proverbs 2:6) How inconsistent it would be for God to place within man a thirst for knowledge and then to deny him such, demanding that he remain ignorant. Satan is also the Devil, or Slanderer, liar. His false accusations against God should not be believed.

That is the essence of the everyday misconception.

To say....'partake and you will die'....is not denial.
It speaks only the action, and the coincidental consequence.

We are here to learn...then we die.
Man is a creature that will risk death in the quest for knowing.


Veteran Member
The tree that God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from represented a privilege only God has-the right to determine what is good and what is bad.

so obviously it was not a privilege to know the difference between good and evil

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So at this point we all agree....?
The original sin event is not what most 'believers' think it is.

I don't believe in a setup to fail.
Partaking of the 'fruit' was intended. That Man partakes and endeavors for knowledge, even unto death, is precisely what Man should be.

Then why was it forbidden?


Veteran Member
Then why was it forbidden?


forbidden [fəˈbɪdən]
1. not permitted by order or law

not (nt)
In no way; to no degree. Used to express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition:

per·mit (pr-mt)
v. per·mit·ted, per·mit·ting, per·mits
1. To allow the doing of (something); consent to: permit the sale of alcoholic beverages.
2. To grant consent or leave to (someone); authorize: permitted him to explain.
3. To afford opportunity or possibility for

lets re-word it so as to make your question as clear as day...shall we? ;)
to no degree was eating from the tree of knowledge to be granted, having been consented to or authorized by god for a & e to partake from.

for what purpose, reason, or cause; with what intention, justification, or motive?