Ryan2065 said:
Have them freeze you? ^-^
Now *that* would work!!! : hamster :
You have to realize you do not represent the majority of overweight Americans.
Hello!?! Uh...Ryan, it's not about the *weight* for me...it's about the food allergies and hypoglycemia. I could weigh 120 pounds (and in a few years I just might), and my limitations would be the same.
There was a statement made that people can just take alternative methods. For more people than you suspect, there's no "just" about it.
If you are overweight due to a legit medical condition then I do not think you should be charged for the extra seat because it is pretty much the same as say someone in a wheelchair needing an extra seat for some equipment (or something similar). But it is the people who are overweight because they have neglected their own health (me included) who should have to pay more for another seat if they do in fact take up two seats.
Oh, please, define "legitimate medical condition."
I have a "legitimate medical condition" that accounts for my extra 45 pounds. It's called an endocrine system out of balance and a body poisoned from eating things that are toxic for 45 years of my life. (Funny how I've lost 5 pounds in the last couple of weeks, though I have done less exercise than usual and haven't done anything to my diet except start to remove
corn from it.)
Try to get some tinplated dictator behind a ticket counter to take you seriously. I can't even get waitresses in restaurants to take me seriously. They just think I'm picky eater.
And if I had a dollar for every time some puke in public acted like it was "all my fault" because "I don't exercise and I eat too much" I'd be as rich as Richard Branson.
And I'm not even morbidly obese. I just look like your average dumpy middle-aged housefrau.
I could say I can't imagine what it's like being morbidly obese, but I do have
some idea. One of my best friends has Hashimoto's disease (dead thyroid) and weighed 300 pounds. Doesn't matter what she did, the weight would simply not come off (until she went on thyroid meds). I've watched her get even more crap over the years, and when I've been around, I tossed the crap right back at the person who flung it in the first place. She's not the combative type, but obviously I am. :cover:
And then there are the recently-discovered MC3 receptors. See if you can find any info on that: it's a fascinating bit of biological discovery. If your MC3 receptors don't work, your body never gets the signal that you aren't hungry anymore, so you just keep eating.
People are so ignorant about what is a "legitimate medical excuse" that it's laughable, except for the people on the *receiving* end of the crap, it ain't funny. You know this.
The truth is, MOST people who are more than 25 pounds overweight have a "legitimate medical excuse." They've just been unable to find out WHY they can't lose the weight, because their doctors can't find out what's wrong with them.
I'm amazingly lucky. If I had to depend on MDs to find my dairy and corn allergies and instruct me on how to keep those things out of my diet, I'd still be half comotose on the sofa with migraines days at a time. That is, if I hadn't killed myself yet.
Many people don't know those options exist, and if they did, they couldn't afford them. Heck, lots of people can't even afford MDs.