beckysoup61 said:
Apparently you are letting ignorance close you eyes to the fact that there are real people out there that are obese, and it's not their fault. In fact, I knew a woman in my old congregation, no matter what she did, exercise, diet, anything, she would gain weight, the doctors diagnosed her with something (pardon my forgetfullness at the moment) and said that it was by nothing that she did that she was obese.
There are many disorders that will prevent people from losing the weight, or even realizing when to put down the fork. You mentioned insulin-resistance (a precursor to Type II diabetes, btw). There are also disfunctions of the thyroid (a friend of mine has Hashimoto's disease...that's one of them). Some people are on medications that will put the weight on, and it won't come off. And then there are people who don't have functional MC3 receptors, so the enzyme that tells the body "quit eating -- you're not hungry now" cannot tell the body to put down the fork. And then, there's the effect of stress and lack of sleep on the body. Not to mention poor diet, which most Americans eat on a daily basis, and quite frankly are not given any sensible information to improve their diet, because agribusiness likes it that way.
It's very easy for someone who does not have any such disorder (and who is ignorant of the medical basis for overweight) to sit in judgement over others.
I'd love to see some of those folks when they hit their 40s and 50s and discover that they too have disorders of this type.
Those of you out there judging the obese as having lack of willpower, all I can say is, pray your karma never catches up with you in this lifetime.
There are people out there that actually eat themselves to death, and they can't help it. It's a diagnosable disorder, and my mum's uncle died from it. They physically and mentally can't stop eating, so they just die by overeating themselves.
Sounds like the MC3 receptor problem.
Yes, there are some people that can put the fork down and chose not to...
And those are usually the folks with a bit of vanity fat -- 25 pounds overweight. You don't usually get to be seriously overweight unless your endocrine system gets out of wonk or something else is going on.
And here's how you can get your endocrine system to go wonky: eat according to that damned food pyramid the gov't teaches all those school children and promotes, and was funded by grain producers and dairy farmers.
There are things such as insulin resistence, which can prevent weight loss, there are many thing you have to take into consideration here.
Yup. I'm insulin-resistant. Nothing I did took weight off. It's a good thing I never went on diets -- that only drives you further down into insulin-resistance, wrecks your thyroid balance, and makes you fatter over time. When I started eating MORE, but eating right for me, I lost some weight.
I still didn't lose all of it, though. I discovered the dairy allergy and went off dairy. I lost 10 pounds. Now I discovered the corn allergy and lost another 5.
Putting down the fork is not the issue. It's putting the right thing ON the fork, and frequently enough, that's worked for me.
If I'd followed the advice of the "you're lazy, get thin by exercise and cutting calories" crowd, I would now be a diabetic.
Yeah...that would be really smart. :sarcastic
Too often we think "get thin to be healthy" but the truth is we have to "get healthy, and
then you'll be thin."