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Paganism - satanic or not?


New Member
I apologise if I am askinga bout something that has been already discussed on this forum; I am new to the forum and need some advice please.

My daughter, who as raised my me in a good and Christian like way in the christian faith, has converted to and married a Paganist. They openly admit believing in fairies, spells, magic, they have books about voodoo and magic in their rooms, they have a humal skull (hope not real!) in their room, everyday she places "ness ness" messages on her Blackberry BBM status, her husband has no problem in sleeping with other women and she accepts this, they both smoke and drink like mad.

My daughter has herself admitted that she has put spells on people, and what worries me is that they are not truthful in their daily living, but they lie.....

My daughter is the man's 3rd wife, and he is only 30 years old, with a small child with each of his previous wives. Now my daughter has a very close relationship with the previous wife, to the extent that the previous wife even sleeps over at their house..... a very, very bad situation as they all drink and smoke...

Yet, when I confront them, they tell me that, even though they are Pagans, they pray to God, they believe in Jesus Christ, and they read the Bible as we know it.

Please help me, as far as I am concerned, Paganism is affiliated to Satanism in some or other way - or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thank you for affording me the opportunity to interact with you on this forum!


Jehovah our God is One
if part of the religion is casting of spells and witchcraft, then that is a form of satanic occultist practices.

Me Myself

Back to my username
No, satanism is satanism and paganism is paganism.

That said, Paganism is less structured than maintream christianity and a lot of "know yourself" is needed.

There are many ways to be a modern day pagan. Some pagans deem it okay to curse people as vengance. Some pagans wouldn´t do that but only pray for other peolpes´s well being or their own well being.

So basically Paganism is not a morality in itself, is just more like a cosmology, and if it were a morality, it would be such a wide one that the character of the pagan in question ends up being the most important part of what makes up his/her moral compass.


Well-Known Member
Yet, when I confront them, they tell me that, even though they are Pagans, they pray to God, they believe in Jesus Christ, and they read the Bible as we know it.

How do they incorporate the two?

Perhaps their own form of Christianity

Me Myself

Back to my username
if part of the religion is casting of spells and witchcraft, then that is a form of satanic occultist practices.

If part of your religion is praying that means you are a muslim, because muslims pray.

See how that logic doesn´t work?


Jehovah our God is One
Whoops! You missed facts!

witchcraft is the same as sorcery

its satanic because it calls on the power of the demons in casting spells. demonic/satanic is the same thing...any religion that calls on the power of satan to accomplish its tasks is 'satanic'.... it not 'mother nature' pagans are worshiping.

Me Myself

Back to my username
witchcraft is the same as sorcery

its satanic because it calls on the power of the demons in casting spells. demonic/satanic is the same thing...any religion that calls on the power of satan to accomplish its tasks is 'satanic'.... it not 'mother nature' pagans are worshiping.

They worship spiritual entities. The same as almost any religion in this world has.

Just because they don´t worship and entity that you belief is correct doesn´t mean they are specificaly worshipping an evil entity.

There are good entities, evil entities and "moraly neutral" entities. (more than moraly neutral it would be accurate to say they are not as purely good or purely bad as others. More like we humans with virtues and defects. )

As long as they don´t ask for power from the evil or cruel entities, it is not "satanic".


I apologise if I am askinga bout something that has been already discussed on this forum; I am new to the forum and need some advice please.

My daughter, who as raised my me in a good and Christian like way in the christian faith, has converted to and married a Paganist. They openly admit believing in fairies, spells, magic, they have books about voodoo and magic in their rooms, they have a humal skull (hope not real!) in their room, everyday she places "ness ness" messages on her Blackberry BBM status, her husband has no problem in sleeping with other women and she accepts this, they both smoke and drink like mad.

My daughter has herself admitted that she has put spells on people, and what worries me is that they are not truthful in their daily living, but they lie.....

My daughter is the man's 3rd wife, and he is only 30 years old, with a small child with each of his previous wives. Now my daughter has a very close relationship with the previous wife, to the extent that the previous wife even sleeps over at their house..... a very, very bad situation as they all drink and smoke...

Yet, when I confront them, they tell me that, even though they are Pagans, they pray to God, they believe in Jesus Christ, and they read the Bible as we know it.

Please help me, as far as I am concerned, Paganism is affiliated to Satanism in some or other way - or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thank you for affording me the opportunity to interact with you on this forum!

No its not satanic

who knows what the heck they are practicing, sounds like their making it up as they go.



Jehovah our God is One
Just because they don´t worship and entity that you belief is correct doesn´t mean they are specificaly worshipping an evil entity.

any entity that promotes the casting of evil spells on others is not a good spirit.

Anyway, the only spiritual entities that exist are the ones that God created. they are the angels, 1/3 of who rebelled and were cast out of heaven and these are the ones that promote all forms of false religions.

As long as they don´t ask for power from the evil or cruel entities, it is not "satanic".

so what is the casting of spells? Do you think that rats tails and frogs legs actually hold magical power???

Me Myself

Back to my username
any entity that promotes the casting of evil spells on others is not a good spirit.

I agree :)

so what is the casting of spells?

Spells can be casted in numerous ways. The most important factor though, is will. If I say some learned words and make a special sign with my body and then ask for a deity to give me something while I imagine it to really going to happen that is casting a spell (Like when you pray the "Holy Father" while putting your hands together and after it you ask God to take care of your family and grant you wisdom to raise your kids. )

As the example provided in this"()" spells can be very positive, they don´t need to be negative at all. To pray for wisdom or for protection to loved ones or healing towards nature. This things have all the basic qualities of what a "spell" would have. (Seek and you will find, ask and you shall receive, knock the door and it will be open ). Basically, what makes the spell work above all is faith ("Your faith has healed you")

so what is the casting of spells? Do you think that rats tails and frogs legs actually hold magical power???

Do I think animal parts have a specifical magical power? I don´t know, do you think water has it? can you baptize without water? No ritual of yours involves oil?

You may tell me that this are just elements that God uses for the ritual, but that it is the faith and the intent the must important part. I would tel you that it is the same with magic too.

We have power to curse and to bless. Both can be called magic.

Anyway, the only spiritual entities that exist are the ones that God created. they are the angels, 1/3 of who rebelled and were cast out of heaven and these are the ones that promote all forms of false religions.

Out of the christian DIR you are, so this statement is kind of meaningless to me without some kind of evidence. I mean I could just tell you "That is not true the vedanta says otherwise!" Would you listen to me? nope, you don´t believe in vedanta. I need to actualy make arguments based onreasoning not just in an affirmation that while trustable to me it is only so because I choose it to be.


Is it a "very bad' situation that they all drink and smoke,
because you feel drinking and smoking is altogether bad?

Or is it a very bad situation because they are regularly getting so intoxicated
that they are a clear danger to themselves and any of the children
who may be around.

If you don't mind my saying so,
it seems to me that you are worried about the wrong things,
and as well,
you are connecting things
for which there can be no assumed causal relation.

ex, there are also many christians who drink and smoke,
and do so to excess.
But is christianity a direct cause?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
As well there are many pagans and yes... even... satanists...
who do not drink and smoke.
Is their abstainance a direct result of their 'religion'?
Maybe yes, maybe no.

sooooo.... best to pinpoint the actual problem/s.

Hint: Perhaps you've got a health issue.
Pretty sure you don't have a religious one.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
Is it a "very bad' situation that they all drink and smoke,
because you feel drinking and smoking is altogether bad?

Or is it a very bad situation because they are regularly getting so intoxicated
that they are a clear danger to themselves and any of the children
who may be around.

If you don't mind my saying so,
it seems to me that you are worried about the wrong things,
and as well,
you are connecting things
for which there can be no assumed causal relation.

ex, there are also many christians who drink and smoke,
and do so to excess.

sooooo.... best to pinpoint the actual problem.


It would be better to know the actual problems.

You did sound as if they drank more than what they should, and hopefully they don´t smoke near the baby :(



It would be better to know the actual problems.

You did sound as if they drank more than what they should, and hopefully they don´t smoke near the baby :(


Are they unable to hold a job?
Do they drink all day?
Are they taking care of the little ones?
Are they neglectful of their actual life responsibilities?
Are they smoking near the baby
and setting fire to the carpet in their stupor?

you know.
These kinds of things are actual problems.


Sugar and Spice
I apologise if I am askinga bout something that has been already discussed on this forum; I am new to the forum and need some advice please.

My daughter, who as raised my me in a good and Christian like way in the christian faith, has converted to and married a Paganist. They openly admit believing in fairies, spells, magic, they have books about voodoo and magic in their rooms, they have a humal skull (hope not real!) in their room, everyday she places "ness ness" messages on her Blackberry BBM status, her husband has no problem in sleeping with other women and she accepts this, they both smoke and drink like mad.

My daughter has herself admitted that she has put spells on people, and what worries me is that they are not truthful in their daily living, but they lie.....

My daughter is the man's 3rd wife, and he is only 30 years old, with a small child with each of his previous wives. Now my daughter has a very close relationship with the previous wife, to the extent that the previous wife even sleeps over at their house..... a very, very bad situation as they all drink and smoke...

Yet, when I confront them, they tell me that, even though they are Pagans, they pray to God, they believe in Jesus Christ, and they read the Bible as we know it.

Please help me, as far as I am concerned, Paganism is affiliated to Satanism in some or other way - or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thank you for affording me the opportunity to interact with you on this forum!
As somebody else has said, it sounds to me as if they are making it up as they go along. They seem to be living a mish-mash of beliefs they have read in books or on the internet somewhere. So, yes they could be called eclectic pagans. Perhaps they are both in their own way just going through a phase of rebelling against the values they were brought up with.

To clarify a few points. Paganism is not affiliated to Satanism. There are indeed some people who mix elements of Christianity with elements of Paganism; such people sometimes refer to themselves as Christo-Pagans.

Some Pagans do have more open relationships, but it is not particularly common.
A lot of people smoke and drink a lot, this is nothing in particular to do with religion. However, if you have particularly strong views about smoking and drinking, this could be another sign that she is simply going through a period of rebellion.

You say that you fear that they are not being truthful in their daily living... I am not quite sure what you mean by that.

Maybe try a new tactic when you next meet them. Instead of "confronting" them (as you put it) try and be a bit more open and curious and try not to sound judgemental. For example try to find out which parts of Christianity they believe in and how that affects their life.


On the Poly front,
I'm betting there are things goin' on she doesn't share with her Christian dad.
(I doubt it's just the husband for starters.
Open relationships, are generally a two way street)

Whatever it is she has embraced, who knows?
But it's pretty clear anyway that she has completely ditched (rejected) doctrinal christianity.

If "not being christian" is "pagan"... then I guess she's pagan.
If being "pagan" is being "satanic" ... then I guess she's satanic.
Some christians skip the middle step
and just say that anyone who isn't christian (or a 'true' christian) is satanic.
Some christians define pagan and satanic and not christian all as one in the same.

I guarantee you though, that no one else would.

You are christian. You're going to frame everything through your particular christian lense.
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If you believe that pagans draw power from Satan, then yeah they're Satanic...to you. That has no basis on whether they actually do in fact deal with Satan or concepts of Satanism.

A. T. Henderson

R&P refugee
Please help me, as far as I am concerned, Paganism is affiliated to Satanism in some or other way - or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Surely, as far as you're concerned, all non-Abrahamic faiths must be Satanic, since they don't concern themselves with the God you consider to be the only true one.

As far as they're concerned, on the other hand, it likely has nothing to do with Satan at all, since Pagan faiths don't believe in that particular entity. From what you describe of their beliefs, though, they don't sound like any established branch of Paganism I've heard of. They sound more like fluffies.


Active Member
Paganism and satanism are not the same thing. Paganism deals with the worship of polytheistic gods. Satanism deals with the worship of Satan. Just because witchcraft is practiced within a faith does not make it satanic. Wiccans practice witchcraft but they are not satanic. Trust me you do not want to know a true satanist. They are evil.