I may agree on some form of paid maternity leave
may agree? So you
definitely agree that you want people to be forced to have babies but you're not sure whether they should be guaranteed paid time away from their jobs to have the babies?
Do you understand why that's problematic, from either a moral or public policy standpoint?
Who is paying for the leave? Government or the companies?
I believe both arrangements exist, depending on the country. I'm agnostic as to which I prefer. Though if the state is forcing people to give birth, I tend to think they ought to also foot the bill for their policy choices.
How do employers fill the responsibilities when the woman is gone? Temps, give others more responsibility?
The same way they do now.
Would you be ok with employers increasing insurance rates a little to pay for the leave?
Employers don't increase insurance rates, insurance companies do. I prefer a single payer system personally.
They've figured out the financial details of this in every other developed nation on the planet without breaking the bank. Do you believe the logistics are insurmountable?
What benefit do companies get from paid maternity leave?
One could make an argument that more robust benefits packages are more attractive to employees, decrease turnover, improve morale, etc.
But there is a more fundamental question as to whether companies have an obligation to provide some benefits for the employees, or for society broadly, that don't add to their profit margins. I'm of the view they ought to be obligated to behave in ways that do not merely maximize profit.
Will all employees be covered or just full time employees? Contract or part time employees etc. be covered?
Again, this is a detail on which I think there can be some negotiation. Currently in the US we offer nothing. Zilch. Zero.
Should we provide more than zero?