Its not that hard. Its an argument from emotion you are making, not an internal criticism. For that you need to embrace your own moral truth which is not objective. So how do you make an external criticism?
The amount of time spent arguing about subjective and objective truths and values tires me out.
For the record, I am what is know as a "human being." I can never be totally objective, nor would I wish to be, because that would be losing an essential part of myself, which I do not wish to lose.
The fact that I do not believe in anybody's God, not yours, not that of the Christians nor Hindus nor anyone else's is the result of my seeing precisely zero that would argue for the existence of any such thing -- and especially not the ones that have been described to me.
In fact, it is a veritable wonder to me that so many believers actually have access to all of the same information -- which argues against their deities -- that I do, but manage somehow to quietly bury them.
It's kind of like the magician Doug Henning and his "Natural Law Party," who totally believed in "yogic flying" -- despite the fact that not one of them ever managed more than a foot or so in any direction when they hopped (rather than "flew"). Why let observation get in the way of a longed-for belief, eh?