I think this was explained in Ezekiel 16:49:
Sodom’s sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door.
That sounds vaguely familiar. It would also indicate that the Bible views some sins as far worse than others.
Reads like some liberal, cultural Marxist trope. Except that it's in Ezekiel.
Notwithstanding, Genesis says the sin of Sodom against Lot was the
homosexuality. I suppose there's heavy doses of pride, gluttony, laziness
and widespread poverty in many a city.
Yet the same people who fire the pastor keep the bible. Looks like a double standard.
They don't read ALL of their bible. Lots of church people these days
don't even own a bible - one is provided if they need it as their church.
Today an elderly couple in my town said they were thinking of leaving
their Anglican or United Church because of its toleration of homosexuality.
Trouble is, they are both divorced and remarried. That's in the bible, too.