For life is what life is, for that is what I say life is, therefore making life what it is, and thats what I say life is, and therefore I made life what life is.
For my self I may, yet not to define what is not mine, for my life is mine, and not thy's
We think of such thought's while sitting in one spot, and wonder of so meany thought's, shall we take them from that spot? or shall we not?
Have not all thought's been thought? In such a spot?
Or would are flesh be that spot where all thought's have been thought?
Why dose peace mean what it mean's?
How meany dose it take to define and make what it mean's? 1or2? or all that speak of it?
The word's I define are not mine, for how can one own such thought's...if you say you do, well then do you? For the one that speak's of peace first, dose he own it?