When I was 15 year old my youngest brother was 9. He at that time always had 4-5 kids of ages 5-7 on attendance, massaging his body while he lay sprawled on the floor or massaging his arm while he wrote with the other, etc. I could not fathom his power and asked him his method. He divulged that he created competitions among those kids and each day gave a toffee to the winner of his liking.
Same with most of us, running after some toffee. Some however see through it and opt out of rat race and are content to appear as weak and dumb.
All of the living seek rewards. The trick is to learn to differentiate between candy and fulfillment. The dropouts are the ones whose souls have already opted for oblivion.
The truthful religion puts no ban on the new ideas.
But only the religions/philosophies in the genuine pursuit of the Truth insist that faith run the gauntlet of reason. I can only think of two, atheism and deism.