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Perceptions of Islam


Quran & Sunnah
not4me said:
Yes, more than our spouses, our children, our parents and ourselves!
To be believers, our love for Allah (swt) and for his prophet (pbuh) should be greater than anyone or anything else in this world!
Our love for prophet Muhammad is running throughout our bodies just like the blood running into our vessels.
[SIZE=-1]we just wish if we can see him in our dreams even for only a second...we wish to be with him in Heaven![/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Every time, we hear or read about him, our love for him grows in our hearts more and more..when his name is mentioned, we pray upon him (sAaw)!
Why not and he is the one who taught us "there is no God but Allah" ..he underwent all types of suffering to convey Allah's message to us, if you knew him, you won't ask this Question!!

If our love to anything else is greater than our love for the prophet, then this only indicates weakness of faith;
Listen to what the prophet said;[SIZE=-1]"None of you becomes a believer until I am dearer to him than his children, his parents and all mankind."
And Allah subhanahu wata'ala says in his Book;
The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers." Holy Quran
[SIZE=-1]we are trying to be 1/1000 of his kindness, his compassion, his forgiveness...
In Macca, a man called Fodalah who hated
[SIZE=-1] the prophet (pbuh)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1], he took his dagger and tried to come closer to the prophet in order to kill him, the prophet looked to him and said "Fodalah...what do you say to yourself?" Fodalah said: "I was invocating Allah.."!!! the prophet smiled to him and said "Ask forgiveness from Allah!" then he put his hand on Fodalah's chest and fodalah himself said "[/SIZE]I swear by Allah, when he (i.e the prophet) raised his hand from my chest, there is no-one is more beloved to me than him" although he intended to kill him a few moments ago!!
Some muslims think that by saying "i love the Prophet" means they really love him :no: Loving the prophet is by praying as he did, fasting as he did, helping the poor as he did, smiling at people's faces as he did, by being mercy for the whole world as he was, still he is and he will always be, even on the day of resurrection....

If the muslims of today loved Allah and his prophet more than anything else, they wouldn't be in this weakness and humiliation. If we followed teachings of Islam, we wouldn't be as we are now; our lands are invaded, our children are killed, women are raped.... the muslim blood became the cheapest blood right now, very easy to kill muslims by thousands and all this weakness is only because we left what brings our glory; Islam!

If we are going to talk about Muhammad (pbuh) then we need hundreds of pages,
[SIZE=-1]If your interested to know him (pbuh); (Peace's link ;))
Peace and blessings be upon you, my beloved Prophet!


:clap Macha'Allah well said sister!!! Thanks be to Allah for the love that we have for our dear beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh, our love for him is indeed a light within our hearts and souls. May Allah grant us his company in Paradise, ameen!!!

May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet!!!

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
It isimportant to note why we would dare to love Muhammad more than we love other people. Firstly, Allah loves him so we are obliged to do the same. Secondly it is the prophet to whom the Quran was revealed and Islam was finalized. Thirdly Allah has approved for him a way of life and method of doing things that if implemented we will gain the pleasure of Allah. Would you not love a person who not only saves your life from a blazing fire, but the lives of your loved ones as well? Not only that, this person continues to aid and assist you with only good advices, and tells you the things you need to know so that you will have success in this world and in the herefter. You are enhanced mentally, financially, spiritually, just by being in the company of this person. Would this person not become dearer to you than any other?

This is pretty much the postion of Muhammad to the muslims. Love is not worship. I love my husband dearly but would die before I worshipped him in any capacity. I would equally die before I worshipped Muhammad because that would mean that I am adding partners in worship to Allah. Consequently, that would mean failure in the akhira and an ultimate loss.


So there is a whole thread right here I never knew about!!..
Ok, I will not add much to what my sisters and brothers said...
Just describing how we love the prophet...

Prophet Muhammed for us is the most wisdom, the most merciful (between the humans of course), and the most one on earth that cared and still cares about us...

Everytime I think about the troubles, the struggles and the pains he experianced to preach his message, I can't help my heart beating for him, for his love, I feel like I can sacrify my life for his sake, and if I were in his age, I would'nt let anything hurt him...

This of course doesnt get beyond love and respect, and indeed, our most beloved is Allah, and we love the prophet as a sign for loving Allah, and obeying His orders...

Loving the prophet is not just a feeling, but to show your love and admiration for him, one must follow the same path he took to reach God...One must obey his orders, and try the most he could to achieve the most close life style of the prophet..