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Phelps Verdict


Veteran Member
That's the absolute best news I've heard all week. Let's just hope they actually have to pay at some point. I'm sure they'll appeal.


Glad somebody finally squashed this guy. He's been asking for it for years.

Even the size of the award for compensating damages alone "far exceeds the net worth of the defendants," according to financial statements filed with the court, U.S. District Judge Richard Bennett noted.

Every penny he has and then some, and his family of worms with him.


No, but if they actually confiscate their assets to pay the judgment, it'll be a good start.

Which should have been part of the prosecution's sentencing process.

Plan A = sue for all he's worth and more

Plan A part two = be ready to confiscate everything.

This guy probably has better things to do than destroy Fred's life on an ongoing basis, like the Goldman family chasing down O.J. Simspon (which is a remarkable cause IMHO).


Following Christ
A funeral is a reverent event where friends and family of the dearly departed can gather and comfort each other. Any one who feels compelled to disrupt the day by protesting is a sick and despicable piece of trash not worthy of calling himself a Christian.:149:

I hope this verdict stands, and Phelps and his cronies are put of the 'hate' business once and for all. I'm not about the legal status of law outlawing protesting at a funeral, but I hope those are upheld as well.


Defender Of Judaism
I am glad to see that finally something is done against these fools. In my Opinion, they are equal to a terrorist group and equal in rank with the K.K.K.

I hope they go bankrupt so they can hurt no more people with their hate speech and utter rubbish


Active Member
Phelps is a good reason for not permitting complete freedom of speech. I think he would have been prosecuted here in the UK for inciting hatred!

Sandra A

New Member
This "church" is one of the most despicable groups there is. I first heard of them when they wanted to protest the Amish schoolchildren killing. They are sick sick sick. They will run it through the legal system as long as they can (they're all lawyers) but I hope justice eventually prevails and they lose everything. Unfortunately there are some nuts out there who support their "cause" so I'm afraid they'll be able to make trouble for a long time coming.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
Sunstone said:
I had hoped for boiling in oil.
Kentucky Fried Phelps :)

I guess the way our system is set up, the only you could hit 'em was in their wallet.....even though you'd really like to hit'em in the face. :D


Well-Known Member
Which should have been part of the prosecution's sentencing process.

Plan A = sue for all he's worth and more

Plan A part two = be ready to confiscate everything.

This guy probably has better things to do than destroy Fred's life on an ongoing basis, like the Goldman family chasing down O.J. Simspon (which is a remarkable cause IMHO).

Its not a criminal case, its a civil one. There is no prosecution, and therefore no sentencing, there is a Plaintiff's Lawyer, and a civil money damages judgment, and this judgment will have the same effect as OJ's civil verdict. Nobody is going to jail, but their assets may be seized to the extent they are not protected (i.e. homestead, certain retirement accounts, etc. . . . )

That being said, I would love to see these people hounded off the face of the Earth. If and when these jokers make their way down here, I would love to represent somebody in a suit against them just like this one in Maryland.



Well-Known Member
Phelps is a good reason for not permitting complete freedom of speech. I think he would have been prosecuted here in the UK for inciting hatred!

I disagree. He has the freedom to say whatever he wants, which is good, but he is not free to avoid all consequences of what he says and does, which is also good. If he does outrageous things like this, and is sued for it, and a jury sees it the way most of us here seem to, then he will end up bankrupted, which is also a good thing.

I would not wish to reduce our rights any more than they have already been reduced over the years, and it is important to protect the rights of the worst of us to ensure the rights of the rest of us. . . but allowing a civil suit against Phelps and Co. is a nice check and balance.



Well-Known Member
This will probably be appealed the whole way...

Very likely, but they will have to put up an appeal bond, and hopefully the Court of Appeals, Supreme Court, or whatever the next stage up the appeals ladder in Maryland is called will uphold the ruling and snap it off in them.



Well-Known Member
I like the way you think MdmSzdWhtGuy. All to often people think that freedom of speech means that you can say whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want and nobody can do anything about it. The principle of consequences for your actions and words needs to be upheld every time.