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Please don't blame President Bush


Active Member
Premium Member
I hear people are criticizing President Bush for the short fall of the disaster relief in the city of New Orleans. And also for the lack of resources for the victims' relief. Such a ungrateful people! President Bush gave us the $300 tax-cut that we all enjoyed which created the boom in US economy. How soon people forget. You can not have it both way; either the tax-cut or the social services, there is no magic about that. So please don't blame President George Bush. He is a fine Jesus loving man, may Jesus bless him for all that he does. I love him so much.

Since President Bush took office he showed the world who is the boss. He demanded action everywhere, now the whole world fear us and respect us. Just nine month ago we, the people, re-elected him to the job with a mandate to proceed with his fine work. Few month ago Gallup poll reported for the ranking of the American's presidency, people voted overwhemingly that President Bush and President Reagan had tied for the first place, George Washington was at far distant second.

Let us whole heartily support our commander in chief and encourage him in his fine work, he was borne a leader and a visionary. May Jesus bless him in his deeds. He single handedly killed a lot of terrorists in Iraq. He is only one man, and he is working so hard, I heard he took his laptop with him while he was vacationing in Texas. We can not expect him to do everything. He needs our support.

I heard President Clinton cut the funding for the New Orleans' levees maintenance, so we should blame Clinton for the disaster. A Tele-Evanglist said that a tape-recording of Clinton in the Oval office was found.
May God Bless us all,


Well-Known Member
I will respond to you in parts.... Here we go....
Unes said:
I hear people are criticizing President Bush for the short fall of the disaster relief in the city of New Orleans.
This is to be expected... a disaster happened... Usually people look for someone to blame.
Unes said:
And also for the lack of resources for the victims' relief. Such a ungrateful people! President Bush gave us the $300 tax-cut that we all enjoyed which created the boom in US economy. How soon people forget.
Yes, we have a decifict and Bush gives us money back. Why doesn't he do something worth wild and create better tax laws? Or maybe give the IRS the money and the power to actually go after tax evaders. Did you know that if the IRS hears that some company is breaking the tax laws they can really do nothing about it? The law says that they are only allowed to do audits at random. Relate this to the police.. Think if the police were not allowed to act on any hot tips and were only allowed to search buildings at random for bad guys. I could go on and on about the current state of our tax system. But no politicans are doing anything to make it any better. Bush gave away money that we needed. I was not enjoying my tax cut Knockout
Unes said:
You can not have it both way; either the tax-cut or the social services, there is no magic about that. So please don't blame President George Bush. He is a fine Jesus loving man, may Jesus bless him for all that he does. I love him so much.
I would rather have social services. =) And I think bush puts too much stock into religion... just my take on it. The president shouldn't allow religion to play a huge part in the decisions he makes..
Unes said:
Since President Bush took office he showed the world who is the boss. He demanded action everywhere, now the whole world fear us and respect us.
Sorry, the whole world fears and hates us. Why do you think people traveling outside of the US are told to claim they are from Canada and not the US? Bush falsified docutments to make it look like Iraq had WMDs when they didn't and he flat out lied to the American public. Bush had to finish what his dad started, that is what happened. Iraq posed no threat to us but we went after Iraq anyways.
Unes said:
Just nine month ago we, the people, re-elected him to the job with a mandate to proceed with his fine work. Few month ago Gallup poll reported for the ranking of the American's presidency, people voted overwhemingly that President Bush and President Reagan had tied for the first place, George Washington was at far distant second.
Yes, use a few month old statistics... Lets look at a more current gallup poll... http://www.gallup.com/poll/content/login.aspx?ci=18148
President Bush's job approval rating is now at 40%, the lowest of his administration.
Bush's August average rating is the lowest for any re-elected president since World War II at a similar point after their re-election, with the exception of Richard Nixon. Only 34% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the United States today
Doesn't seem like we actually like what is going on. =)
Unes said:
Let us whole heartily support our commander in chief and encourage him in his fine work, he was borne a leader and a visionary. May Jesus bless him in his deeds.
I hope Jesus blesses him in his deeds because the Americans sure aren't.
Unes said:
He single handedly killed a lot of terrorists in Iraq.
No, soldiers killed people in Iraq (some of them happened to be terrorists.) I did not see Bush ever go over there and kill anyone.
Unes said:
He is only one man, and he is working so hard, I heard he took his laptop with him while he was vacationing in Texas. We can not expect him to do everything. He needs our support.
Oh, good to know he brings his laptop with him when vacationing in Texas... I bring my school laptop whenever I go on vacation, but I hardly ever do work on it! And sorry, but the office of the presidency is not just one man. He has a whole team of advisers to help him with his job. To even suggest that Bush is standing alone in all of his decisions, and doing all his work by himself is absurd.
Unes said:
I heard President Clinton cut the funding for the New Orleans' levees maintenance, so we should blame Clinton for the disaster. A Tele-Evanglist said that a tape-recording of Clinton in the Oval office was found.
Actually Bush is the one who cut the major funding for the levys to support the wars hes started. Do you have any evidence besides "hearing it one day a long time ago"? I put in google "Clinton cutting levy funding in New Orleans" but the results I got back were about Bush cutting the funding.

Sorry Bush is not doing a fine job at all. And the mentality of "He is our Commander in Chief so we should do as he says" is what started WW2 (yay, slightly obscure Hitler reference) And I am not saying that Bush is anything like Hitler, just saying that we should always question what our government does and decide for ourselves if it is just. THAT is the American way.


Reality Checker
Okay, it's late at night and I didn't really read your explaination.

"please don't blame president bush"

I hope you're joking. If you are, fine. If you aren't, well, i'd straight out call you crazy.


Active Member
greatcalgarian said:
Why blame Bush? The US population elected him the second term as the President. Blame yourself!
Can only blame those that voted Republican or those that could vote and didn't.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
What you say about tax cuts...I'm sure the people of New Orleans are enjoying their $300, in the midst of the carnage. It's bound to be quite comforting to them while they sit in the sewage and petrochemical soup, inhaling benzene fumes from the water and waiting for rescue. They can happily think to themselves as they dehydrate,'I'm probably gonna die here, but at least I got a tax cut.':banghead3

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Actually, the fun bit is that the people that really needed the cut didn't get it. So the people without any money not only had no money, but discovered that the social services that they needed were suddenly gone, too.

Uver, I'm very sorry, but I cannot tell if you were being sarcastic in order to make a point or not. I do apologize if I'm misunderstanding you.


Oldest Heretic
He is the boss the buck stops with him
The relief of New Orleans was at less than third word standard.
If not Bush then who? The American people? I think not!

Amen! Truly I say to you: Gather in my name. I am with you.


To Save A Lamb
... Am I the only one in stitches over the first post?

This is like The Onion, right? It's a joke?

(Please... ;-; )


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Terrywoodenpic said:
He is the boss the buck stops with him
The relief of New Orleans was at less than third word standard.
If not Bush then who? The American people? I think not!

Amen! Truly I say to you: Gather in my name. I am with you.
I think we have to agree; but i feel bad for pointing fingers at an other country's president; I am not quite sure that as 'invited foreigners' on an American Forum we have the right to criticise the president of that country - however tempting that is (especially in view of the fact that he is held in very little esteem by his own people). And I know i am guilty of having joined the 'bash Bush' brigade - but somehow, it sits uneasy.


Active Member
FeathersinHair said:
Actually, the fun bit is that the people that really needed the cut didn't get it. So the people without any money not only had no money, but discovered that the social services that they needed were suddenly gone, too.

Uver, I'm very sorry, but I cannot tell if you were being sarcastic in order to make a point or not. I do apologize if I'm misunderstanding you.
See my post on Poverty in the USA on the Politics forum. Yours and my political leaders are interested only in the interests of the Rich. The Poor get lip service and then only when it comes to touting for votes. Anyway, what they give with one hand, they take back with the other.



Reality Checker
These are the people I blame:

President Bush - He is the Commander-In-Chief. He has to power to get things going extremely fast when he wants to. He chose not to do so(sending help fast) because we all know that he has the means in order to do so.

Condilizza Rice (probably misspelled her name) - National Safety Advisor. Out shopping for shoes and watching a drama after a couple of days into the disaster. What the ... ****. This is the most careless and messed up thing someone in her position can do in a time when people are literally dying.

From the top to bottom of the chain of order, the government responded as if New Orleans was a second rate city because of it's large minority population (70% blacks and 30% hispanics and others) ... oh wait, they did.

Imagine this happening in New York coastline. Do you really think the response-time there will take as long as it did in New Orleans?

I'm totally pissed off and infurated by the whole situation because so many lives could have been saved had the government chose to respond faster. We all know they can because we are the United States of America. We're top notch in our speedy involvements with international affairs. Had there been a disaster in another country, we'd be airdropping supplies in the same day and Bush would be making a speech about how great our compassion is. I live on the coast line in the west side. I sure hope the government learns from this mistake and plans for a better and faster course of action in the future.


michel said:
I think we have to agree; but i feel bad for pointing fingers at an other country's president;
Then you're certainly not american, that's for certain. American media does little but criticize foreign leaders and populations on the off occasion they learn of foreign leaders populations.
P.S. ever heard of a cbc show called This hour has twenty-two minutes? They have a very famous bit called Talking to Americans.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Mmmm... CBC! I miss "This Hour" from when I was able to watch it while I lived in Michigan. That was before I became 'politically aware', too, so I think I would enjoy it even more now.

Neo-Logic, in Condi's defense, it was "Spamalot" that she had tickets to.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
michel said:
I think we have to agree; but i feel bad for pointing fingers at an other country's president; I am not quite sure that as 'invited foreigners' on an American Forum we have the right to criticise the president of that country - however tempting that is (especially in view of the fact that he is held in very little esteem by his own people). And I know i am guilty of having joined the 'bash Bush' brigade - but somehow, it sits uneasy.
I take no offense when hearing someone from abroad criticize the American president, the American government, or even the American people. Actually, I'm very interested in what people from abroad have to say about the US. I regard it as a fresh perspective. So, fire away!

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Sunstone said:
I take no offense when hearing someone from abroad criticize the American president, the American government, or even the American people. Actually, I'm very interested in what people from abroad have to say about the US. I regard it as a fresh perspective. So, fire away!
Well said. Just because you may be in another country doesn't make your opinion any less valid. :) It's funny, though, that many of the questions that people from other nations are asking about America are questions that Americans are asking themselves.


Vile Stove-Toucher
michel said:
I think we have to agree; but i feel bad for pointing fingers at an other country's president; I am not quite sure that as 'invited foreigners' on an American Forum we have the right to criticise the president of that country - however tempting that is (especially in view of the fact that he is held in very little esteem by his own people). And I know i am guilty of having joined the 'bash Bush' brigade - but somehow, it sits uneasy.
I'm sorry, Michel, but I can't see the logic in that statement at all. Mind you, I am one of those people who will call a spade a spade...or an incompetent twat an incompetent twat, as the case may be... If you are going to start censoring people for speaking their mind on the leader of another country, you've got a lot of threads to go back over to catch all the "oopsies". I didn't realise that free speech was a crime - and I don't recall anything in the forum rules which states "Non-Americans need not join/post if they plan on bagging our President in any way, shape or form."
