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Please don't blame President Bush


Vile Stove-Toucher
Neo-Logic said:
Had there been a disaster in another country, we'd be airdropping supplies in the same day and Bush would be making a speech about how great our compassion is.
Can we say tsunami?


I'm here in Houston, TX and my wife is at the Astrodome today helping the disabled veterans.

There are people from New Orleans that believe president Bush opened the gates in the levees on purpose.

Some elderly veterans in the dome were sleeping with their heads on phonebooks, and so my wife went and got a donation of pillows and gave them to the old veterans. When she was giving them out, some punks asked her where where their pillows? She told them the pillow were for the disabled veterans. The punk crossed his arms and said, "That's not what I asked." She told him off and he went away.

Later that night when she went to check on one particularly nice old man he was gone. They said he had gone to take a shower, and when he came back, his pillow was gone. He was distraught and walked off, and no one had seen him since.

Why president Bush's name is even mentioned by these people makes me sick.


Oldest Heretic
Unes said:
now the whole world fear us and respect us.

Which world is this
Certainly not the one I know.

Certainly fear the damage you can do.
Respect... who? the Americain people? sure
The american politics? fraid not.

Amen! Truly I say to you: Gather in my name. I am with you.


World Leader Pretend
Whitsuntide said:
Why president Bush's name is even mentioned by these people makes me sick.
:sarcastic If I were you, I wouldn't listen to that kind of nonsense. Really, the media is only using race, outrage and President Bush to divide the country and create more news. The best thing to do is ignore it. :) As we should do most things that involve politics.


Well-Known Member
Katrina turned from tropical storm to full-scale hurricane, and Bush stayed on vacation with a hurricane on the way.

Katrina was upgraded to a cat4 hurricane, and Bush stayed on vacation with a disasterous hurricane on the way.

Katrina was upgraded to cat5, and Bush knowingly continued to vacation with a catastrophic hurricane on the way.

The hurricane hit, and Bush remained in Crawford.

The levees broke, and Bush remained in Crawford.

Two days after the hurricane hit, Bush was still in Crawford, TX, having a good time.

Bush behaved selfishly and irresponsibly. Humans tend to do this every once in a while. Attempting to convince yourself that an ordinary human being can't be anything other than infallible makes you guilty of idol worship, which, if memory serves, is against the most important tenants of Christian beliefs and philosophies. Bush obviously made a mistake, and I'm shocked that so many of Bush's supporters are trying to defend his behavior even now. No matter how you feel about Bush as a person or as a president, this is not a time to defend his actions.


Flappycat said:
Two days after the hurricane hit, Bush was still in Crawford, TX, having a good time.
Of course he was! If he was supposed to do anything, his good buddy god would have told him what to do. Those two are like this = )(


World Leader Pretend
jamaesi said:
Actually Brasil just sort of chuckles when the USA is brought up.
What's Brazil? Is that a country? :sarcastic I think I've heard of it. Anything important ever happen there? ;)


mael strom said:
The whole world fear USA, it is true, but the fact that the whole world hate USA is also true.

Remember Abu Ghraib...
So that's why we have people comming here from all over the world. They just can't wait to be in a country they fear and hate.:sarcastic

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
President Bush gave us the $300 tax-cut that we all enjoyed which created the boom in US economy.
REALLY!?!?! When can I start to enjoy this tax-cut? Is is really necessary to take 9 dollars out of a bi-weekly paycheck that is only 101 dollars before taxes are taken out? Or even take any money out of the paychecks of those who make less than 10 grand a year? And what about the people who lost thier homes because thier property tax was jacked up to high? Wheres thier tax break to help the economy?

Since President Bush took office he showed the world who is the boss. He demanded action everywhere, now the whole world fear us and respect us.
And many countries are P.O.ed about it.

Just nine month ago we, the people, re-elected him to the job with a mandate to proceed with his fine work.
I, for the record, DID NOT VOTE FOR BUSH!

Let us whole heartily support our commander in chief and encourage him in his fine work, he was borne a leader and a visionary.
I support the troops, because a president made a bad desicion and stuck his nose where it didn't belong. I was for the invasion of Afghanistan, and for the continuation of the hunt for Bin Laden. Going to Iraq was unnecessary. Sure it's bad that Sadam was ruling it and being a bad ruler, but Bush should have taken care of the current issues instead of wondering off to another one.

He single handedly killed a lot of terrorists in Iraq.
Alot of terrorist also killed themeselves, along with many others.

I do not like Bush at all. He takes far too many vacations, sticks his nose where it doesn't belong, and is a very terrible public speaker. I would have voted for Nader, but I would have wasted 30 minutes driving and about 20 or 30 minutes at the voting place, because the Republican always wins Indiana. It has been many years since a Democrat won it.


Well-Known Member
My objection to invading Iraq was based mainly on Bush's inability to get anything right. It's been out of the frying pan and into the fire for Iraq, as I have predicted since the beginning. Someone with the slightest bit of competence would have had my support.


Well-Known Member
Flappycat said:
Katrina turned from tropical storm to full-scale hurricane, and Bush stayed on vacation with a hurricane on the way.

Katrina was upgraded to a cat4 hurricane, and Bush stayed on vacation with a disasterous hurricane on the way.

Katrina was upgraded to cat5, and Bush knowingly continued to vacation with a catastrophic hurricane on the way.

The hurricane hit, and Bush remained in Crawford.

The levees broke, and Bush remained in Crawford.

Two days after the hurricane hit, Bush was still in Crawford, TX, having a good time.

Bush behaved selfishly and irresponsibly. Humans tend to do this every once in a while. Attempting to convince yourself that an ordinary human being can't be anything other than infallible makes you guilty of idol worship, which, if memory serves, is against the most important tenants of Christian beliefs and philosophies. Bush obviously made a mistake, and I'm shocked that so many of Bush's supporters are trying to defend his behavior even now. No matter how you feel about Bush as a person or as a president, this is not a time to defend his actions.
I suppose this is a replay of 9/11, where Bush calmly read a story to the pupils?


Active Member
Premium Member
Dear folks, I can not take it anymore! You have been so disrespectful for commader in chief. You probably do not deserve such fine president. President Bush could not have known the New Orleans unique problem, Dick Cheney never told him about that. And aside from blaming who was responsible for maintenance of the flood wall, NOW we are talking about the relief efforts, shame on FEMA and shame on Homeland Security agency. President Bush gave these people an important position and they failed him miserably. President Bush said their work: "It is not acceptable", and then he turned around and politely admired these people for their lousy work, he is such a kind man that he does not want to put down anybody, may Jesus bless his soul. So poor President Bush can not teach these people the basics of the leadership, either you were born with it, like President Bush, or you will never get it, it is that simple.

Let us all join together to praise President Bush for all his wisdom and his tireless hard work. My preacher told me sometimes President Bush works over 25 hours a day, when I pointed out; father there is only 24 hours in each day, he told me that is a miracle my son! When you are a foot soldier for Jesus Christ anything is possible.

May God Bless us all,

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You probably do not deserve such fine president.
What makes so Bush so fine? It certainly isn't his diplomatic skills, or any other vital presidential skills, including the most important, speaking abilities, in which Bush is very terrible at.
President Bush said their work: "It is not acceptable", and then he turned around and politely admired these people for their lousy work, he is such a kind man that he does not want to put down anybody
He wont put anybody down, yet he makes it so the American ideals hold that middle easterners are terrorist.
So poor President Bush can not teach these people the basics of the leadership, either you were born with it, like President Bush, or you will never get it, it is that simple.
I know alot of people who are "born leaders." Bush is not one of them.
Let us all join together to praise President Bush for all his wisdom and his tireless hard work.
President Bush, your too lazy, you take too many vacations, you have intelegence but don't act on it, and you have some very terrible speaking abilities.