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Please don't blame President Bush


Well-Known Member
Luke Wolf said:
What makes so Bush so fine? It certainly isn't his diplomatic skills, or any other vital presidential skills, including the most important, speaking abilities, in which Bush is very terrible at.
He wont put anybody down, yet he makes it so the American ideals hold that middle easterners are terrorist.
I know alot of people who are "born leaders." Bush is not one of them.
President Bush, your too lazy, you take too many vacations, you have intelegence but don't act on it, and you have some very terrible speaking abilities.
Ya, he even need to consult Condi on this small matter::biglaugh:
Last week, Reuters took a photograph of President Bush writing a note during the 60th General Assembly of the United Nations - and it looked like he was indicating to Condoleezza Rice that a trip to the loo was imminent.
More at:
You can not have it both way; either the tax-cut or the social services, there is no magic about that.
Yes, I am sure God would rather that we are selfish and ask for tax cuts instead of spending it on social services and helping those less fortunate. Unes, I do not know what God you pray to but the God I pray to is not that selfish. The God I pray to frowns down on those that are.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, I am sure God would rather that we are selfish and ask for tax cuts instead of spending it on social services and helping those less fortunate. Unes, I do not know what God you pray to but the God I pray to is not that selfish. The God I pray to frowns down on those that are.
I've been working the same job all year, and I've not made even 5 grand. If I combine the few months I worked thier last year, just little over 6 grand. I think earnings that low, or anything less than 10 grand a year should be exempt from taxes. Between 10 and 15 should get a big cut.15 to 20 should get a smaller tax break.
Yes, I feel the more someone makes, the more taxes they can pay. Not a hole lot more than what would be thier current taxes, but slightly more.


To Save A Lamb
... Okay so this really is a joke thread. : D

(That whole 25 hours a day thing, come on peeeople)

*continues laughing*


the Great
should he be blamed fot the biggest terrorist attack on American soil?
should he be blamed for not finding WMD in Iraq?
should he even be responsible for anything under his leadership?
Not if your a christian republican,RIGHT!!!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Luke Wolf said:
I've been working the same job all year, and I've not made even 5 grand. If I combine the few months I worked thier last year, just little over 6 grand. I think earnings that low, or anything less than 10 grand a year should be exempt from taxes. Between 10 and 15 should get a big cut.15 to 20 should get a smaller tax break.
Yes, I feel the more someone makes, the more taxes they can pay. Not a hole lot more than what would be thier current taxes, but slightly more.
That sounds rough Luke;

Here in England, we have a 'tier' system. All earnings below what is called 'a personal allowance' are tax free (for the average person that is $8823); The income is then taxed as follows:-
Starting rate – 10% $1 - $3767
Basic rate – 22% $3768- $58400
Higher rate – 40% $58401and above

Of course it is difficult to equate taxes, because we also have local Government taxes.and lots of other 'hidden ones'


World Leader Pretend
constantine said:
should he be blamed fot the biggest terrorist attack on American soil?
should he be blamed for not finding WMD in Iraq?
should he even be responsible for anything under his leadership?
Not if your a christian republican,RIGHT!!!

This kind of (all too typical) attitude is indicative of the division of American society, right down blurred, ambiguous and ignorant lines. Let's see,

Should President Bush be blamed for (fot?) the biggest terrorist attack on American soil?

No. What kind of blind rage would lead to such a bizarre conclusion? I blame the 19 terrorists and those who supported and trained them.

Should be blamed for not finding WMD's in Iraq?

Why yes, he should. As one of the major reasons for going into Iraq, he should have been certain that they were there. So, either Bush waited too long to invade giving Saddam time to get the weapons out of the country, or they were never there in the first place. Now, Bush isn't solely responsible for either option, but a significant amount of the blame should fall on his shoulders.

Should he be responsible for anything under his leadership?

Why yes, but only for that over which he is responsible. Liberals tend to look at President Bush as a god-like being with supernatural powers and I'm sorry, but he doesn't have them. He can't stop storms with a wave of his hands. He can't stir the souls of America into better business practices, nor cool the burning hearts of terrorists. He cannot cure the world of poverty, nor fix every bizarre and ridiculous area of government. He cannot over power the sun, nor temper the climate. He is not a god. What the President is responsible for is the administration of the executive branch of government and for setting forth a vision for our country (on this he has been truly negligent).

The Blame Bush First crowd, the Blame America crowd, has long been off the deep end... out on the hairy edge of ridiculousness and absurdity... yet, because of it's hysterical nature, it is the mead of media! :) So we've become used to it.

So, let us all try to be reasonable and to assign blame where it is due, with respect to one's power to have an adequate effect on whatever area a problem has occurred. And remember, Bush is not a god. He is not all powerful. He's just a rich kid from Texas that fell into the Presidency. And if you are wondering how such mediocre men become president, read the works of De Tocqueville (I hope I spelled that right).


Active Member
Premium Member
My preacher says; "Pesident Bush is such a Jesus loving Man that even in that busy schedule in the United Nation he was looking for a private place to pray!"

May God Bless us all,
Storm Moon said:
Just because he's a Jesus man doesn't mean he is immune to taking responsibility for his actions.
I agree with you totally just because he is a "Jesus Man" he is not exempt from his responsibilities as a commander and cheif of this country

-The Prophet


Active Member
Why are we blaming anyone for a natural disaster. **** happens. The levies have been there for years and years. How could this be the fault of one man or of any man. Politically I am Libertarian so I would think that this is a state or local issue. I think it is terrible to place this blame on anyone be it Bush, Clinton, or whoever. We should all strive to look after families, friends, communities, and ourselves. We are a democracy, we are not a socialist or communist state that the government should run and control everything for us. We all want freedoms but no one wants to except responsibility for self. What I think is absurd is to live next to or close to the water (ocean, gulf etc.) 10 to 15 feet below sea level. Personal responsibility, we should not look for handouts from our government only protection from violence and fraud. Weather is going to happen and there is not stopping it and no one can control it.

Storm Moon

† Spiritual Warrior †
Do you really think the French knew that their future city was 10-15 ft below sea level? Wait, maybe you shouldn't answer that.


Active Member
Premium Member
Radar said:
Why are we blaming anyone for a natural disaster. **** happens. The levies have been there for years and years. How could this be the fault of one man or of any man. Politically I am Libertarian so I would think that this is a state or local issue. I think it is terrible to place this blame on anyone be it Bush, Clinton, or whoever. We should all strive to look after families, friends, communities, and ourselves. We are a democracy, we are not a socialist or communist state that the government should run and control everything for us. We all want freedoms but no one wants to except responsibility for self. What I think is absurd is to live next to or close to the water (ocean, gulf etc.) 10 to 15 feet below sea level. Personal responsibility, we should not look for handouts from our government only protection from violence and fraud. Weather is going to happen and there is not stopping it and no one can control it.

Regarding FEMA and Homeland security agency, President Bush said: "Their work is not acceptable!"

In your post I get the feeling that you disagree with President Bush's statement, since you said: "Why are we blaming anyone for a natural disaster.". Come on, nobody should disagree with President Bush, he is the great President. We never had it so good.

May God Bless us all,


Politically Incorrect

I guess I have to sign on with the anti-bush crowd.

Even though all of the lefties fought him tooth and nail not to lower taxes, they blame him for not getting enough! I agree

Bush actually had the Hurricane created by his secret military weather control department. Probably doesn't like Cajun Food. I agree

Bush wanted to get those people so he could create wet lands for protected species just like they do up here. I agree

I like the idea of blaming Bush for everything, it feels good!

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Bennett, I'm going to have to disagree with you. I'm a 'leftie' and I think none of those things. Painting an entire group, one way or another, is a way of pre-judging people that's not only unfair to them but unfair to yourself. (Hopefully, I've made my views on this topic clear to the anti-conservatives among us, as well.)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Bush actually had the Hurricane created by his secret military weather control department. Probably doesn't like Cajun Food. I agree
Thats not fair. I love Cajun food. And Bush tries to destroy by using a weather machine to make a powerfull hurricane. Kinda funny, but it sounds like some C&C plot gone wrong.

Come on, nobody should disagree with President Bush, he is the great President. We never had it so good.
The 20's seemed to have it good. After all, it was called the "Roaring 20's." Then the time frame after the depression. Now, we got a president who is a warmonger and has a short attention span.


Active Member
Premium Member
Bennettresearch said:
Bush actually had the Hurricane created by his secret military weather control department. Probably doesn't like Cajun Food. I agree
My preacher say: "when Bush prays Jesus listens."
But Bennettresearch, I did not know President Bush could create Hurricane with secret military weather control. Where did you hear that information? That is amazing! However, if President Bush doesn't like Cajun Food; probably that is bad for too, you've got to listen to our commander in chief.

May God Bless us all,


Active Member
Premium Member
Luke Wolf said:
But how does Jesus respond?

Gee, I never thought about that!
Perhaps my preacher had heard it from President Bush himself. You know President Bush is borne again, and my preacher says President Bush talks to Jesus Christ all the time. So that must it!

May God bless us all,


Politically Incorrect
FeathersinHair said:
Bennett, I'm going to have to disagree with you. I'm a 'leftie' and I think none of those things. Painting an entire group, one way or another, is a way of pre-judging people that's not only unfair to them but unfair to yourself. (Hopefully, I've made my views on this topic clear to the anti-conservatives among us, as well.)
Hi Feathers,

Just poking fun.:jiggy: Not stereotyping anyone here, and especially not you. But you would have to admit that the complaints against Bush can be kind of like what I was joking about. Bush isn't perfect and I don't agree with everything about him, but I have to roll my eyes when things get out of control from his detractors which is from the left.