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Please keep your negativity out of this thread


Resident megalomaniac
"I am grateful that I can express my divinity and see and accept the divinity in all those around me."

Katie Darling happiness

Plus more out of rear of Marci?

goodmorningworld.com dreams for a better world

Happiness advice Zen - not just the first couple!

ideapod.com happiness

wisebrain.org happiness

Anything less than a contemplative perspective on life is an almost certain program for unhappiness

Thomas Keating happiness

Book that changed their life

Ascension thread?

Yogananda happiness - post this? -

"If you think that you can live happily in forgetfulness of God, you are mistaken, because you will cry out in loneliness again and again until you realize that God is all in all the only reality in the universe."

Ascension symptoms anger - been reading bits of "The Ascension Companion"

More out of my list of mental health sites?? - it is huge :)

That's enuf 4 now ...
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Resident megalomaniac
From my InBox -

Every spiritual tradition has stressed that this human life is unique and has a potential that ordinarily we don’t even begin to imagine. If we miss the opportunity this life offers us for transforming ourselves, they say, it may well be an extremely long time before we have another.

Imagine a blind turtle roaming the depths of an ocean the size of the universe. Up above floats a wooden ring, tossed to and fro on the waves. Every hundred years, the turtle comes, once, to the surface. To be born a human being is said by Buddhists to be more difficult than for that turtle to surface accidentally with its head poking through the wooden ring.

And even among those who have a human birth, it is said, those who have the great good fortune to make a connection with the teachings are rare, and those who really take them to heart and embody them in their actions even rarer—as rare, in fact, “as stars in broad daylight.”


Resident megalomaniac
Accept others for who they are as well as where they are in life. Respect them for who they are. Touch them with a kind and generous spirit. Help when you are able, without trying to change the other person. Try to brighten the day of everyone you come into contact with.

Cindy Holbrook happiness
In the legends, most eagles were good but there was an evil one. This evil one was a giant eagle. It would pick up whales to eat the good parts and leave the rest to rot.

The good eagles on the other hand were regular size, which is pretty big anyway. These eagles once saved a village from starving. They dropped all kinds of fish on the shore of a lake.

~ Athabascan Indian legend
Three people are watching a monk standing on the top of a hill. After watching him for awhile, one of the three says, "He must be a shepherd looking for a sheep". The second person says, "No, he's not looking around. He must be waiting for a friend." The third says, "He's probably a monk. I'll bet he's meditating."

They begin arguing and squabbling when finally they climb the hill to settle their dispute.

"Are you looking for a sheep?" asks the first. "No. I don't have any sheep to look for" the monk replied. "Oh, then you must be waiting for a friend." says the second. "No, I'm not waiting for anyone." replied the monk. "Well then you must be meditating." says the third. The monk replied, "Well no actually. I'm just standing here. I'm not doing anything at all."

~ Everyday Zen, CJ Beck


Resident megalomaniac
From that check-list -


Love is not something you do,
It is not how you behave.
There's nothing you can do that constitutes loving another,
No action that is of itself loving.
Love is a way of being.
And more than that.
It is simply being,
Being with another person, however they may be.
Holding no judgments, having no agendas,
No need to have them experience your love,
No desire to demonstrate love,
No intrusion upon their soul.
Nothing but a total acceptance of their being,
Born of your total acceptance of yours.

Peter Russell
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